
Rock Island Today

Friday, September 20, 2024

Moline City Council approves cemetery memorial

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City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15.

--- "MOLINE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA\r\nTuesday, November 15, 2016\r\n6:30 p.m.\r\n(Immediately

following the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting)\r\nCity Hall\r\nCouncil Chambers –

2nd Floor\r\n619 16th Street\r\nMoline, IL\r\nCall to Order\r\nPledge of Allegiance\r\nInvocation

– Alderman Turner\r\nRoll Call\r\nConsent Agenda\r\nAll items under the consent

agenda will be enacted by one motion. There will\r\nbe no separate discussions of

these items unless a Council Member so\r\nrequests, in which case, the item will

be moved from the Consent Agenda and\r\nconsidered as the first item after the Omnibus

Vote.\r\nApproval of Minutes & Appointments Made\r\nCommittee of the Whole and Council

meeting minutes of November 8, 2016, October Financial Report and\r\nappointments

made during Committee of the Whole on November 15, 2016.\r\nSecond Reading Ordinances\r\n1.

Council Bill/General Ordinance 3029-2016\r\nAn Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR

VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of\r\nOrdinances, Section 20-5124, “UNAUTHORIZED


24, “PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES PARKING\r\nSPACES,” by including one on-street stall

at 1413 16th Avenue.\r\nExplanation: Traffic Committee reviewed request and recommends

approval.\r\nFiscal Impact: N/A\r\nPublic Notice/Recording: N/A\r\n2. Council Bill/Special

Ordinance 4058-2016\r\nA Special Ordinance closing certain streets more particularly

described herein to vehicular traffic and\r\nauthorizing the use of public right-of-way

in conjunction with the Reindeer Ramble 5K scheduled for\r\nSunday, December 4,

2016.\r\nExplanation: This is an annual event and has been approved by the Special

Event Committee.\r\nFiscal Impact: N/A\r\nPublic Notice/Recording: N/A\r\n3. Council

Bill/Special Ordinance 4059-2016\r\nA Special Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and

City Clerk to execute an Agreement between the City of\r\nMoline and The Compassionate

Friends Quad Cities Chapter (hereinafter “TCFQCC”), for TCFQCC’s\r\nuse of a portion

of Moline Memorial Cemetery to construct and maintain a memorial within the\r\nCemetery

as a donation to the City.\r\nExplanation: The Compassionate Friends of the Quad

Cities are donating a bronze statue, “The Angel of\r\nHope,” and memorial garden

to Moline Memorial Park, Section 10. The plans and landscape drawings were\r\npreviously

approved by Park Board. The statue is ready to be placed upon approval of the agreement.\r\nAdditional

documentation attached.\r\nCOUNCIL\r\nMEMBER PRESENT ABSENT\r\nRodriguez\r\nParker\r\nWendt\r\nZelnio\r\nTurner\r\nSchoonmaker\r\nWaldron\r\nAcri\r\nMayor

Raes\r\nFiscal Impact: N/A\r\nPublic Notice/Recording: N/A\r\nResolutions\r\n4.

Council Bill/Resolution 1156-2016\r\nA Resolution authorizing the IT Manager to

purchase Microsoft Office 2016 licensing from CDW-G.\r\nExplanation: City computers

are still largely running Microsoft Office 2007. Staff budgeted $65,000 for\r\nMicrosoft

Office 2016. CDW-G holds the Illinois State Contract for Microsoft licensing and

therefore is the\r\nsingle certified Microsoft reseller for the State. Staff recommends

purchasing a quantity of 35 Office 2016 Pro\r\nPlus licenses and a quantity of 213

Office 2016 Standard licenses for a total of $60,189.58. Additional\r\ndocumentation

is attached.\r\nFiscal Impact: $60,189.58 from 443-0425-417.06-34\r\nPublic Notice/Recording:

N/A\r\n5. Council Bill/Resolution 1157-2016\r\nA Resolution authorizing the purchase

of LED lighting from Republic Electric Company for the total\r\namount of $312,950.\r\nExplanation:

In an effort to increase efficiency and lower utility costs, Municipal Services

staff developed\r\nspecifications for the replacement of existing lighting with

more energy efficient LED options that will be\r\ninstalled by City staff. Republic

Electric Company submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid. City\r\nstaff

would like to include the disposal cost of $3,500 and optional bid of $86,651 to

include the parking\r\ngarages for the total amount of $312,950. Additional documentation

attached.\r\nFiscal Impact: Funds Available in General Fund Reserves\r\nPublic Notice/Recording:

N/A\r\nOmnibus Vote\r\nNon - Consent Agenda\r\nResolutions\r\n6. Council Bill/Resolution

1158-2016\r\nA Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to approve a Local\r\nAgency

Agreement for Federal Participation for Motor Fuel Tax\r\nSection 13-00258-00-LS,

Sidewalk and Lighting Improvements on\r\nAvenue of the Cities.\r\nExplanation: The

City of Moline will receive Illinois Transportation\r\nEnhancement Program (ITEP)

grant funds through the Illinois Department of\r\nTransportation in an amount not

to exceed $742,830 for sidewalk and\r\nlighting improvements on Avenue of the Cities

from 34th to 41st Streets. The\r\nITEP funds require a 20% local match to the grant

funds. The 2017 Capital\r\nImprovement Program includes $185,710 in Motor Fuel Tax

(MFT) funds to\r\nprovide the local match. Approving this Agreement provides\r\nacknowledgement

to IDOT that the City has sufficient funds available to fund the local match, all

participating\r\nconstruction costs above the maximum federal contribution, and

all nonparticipating\r\nconstruction costs.\r\nFiscal Impact: MFT funds budgeted

in the 2017 Capital\r\n Improvement Program for this project.\r\nPublic Notice/Recording:

N/A\r\n7. Council Bill/Resolution 1159-2016\r\nA Resolution authorizing the approval

of a Resolution for Improvement\r\nby Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code

for Motor Fuel Tax\r\n(MFT) Section 13-00258-00-LS, Sidewalk and Lighting Improvements\r\non

Avenue of the Cities.\r\nOMNIBUS VOTE\r\nCouncil\r\nMember Aye Nay\r\nTurner\r\nSchoonmaker\r\nWaldron\r\nAcri\r\nRodriguez\r\nParker\r\nWendt\r\nZelnio\r\nMayor

Raes\r\n1158-2016\r\nCouncil\r\nMember Aye Nay\r\nTurner\r\nSchoonmaker\r\nWaldron\r\nAcri\r\nRodriguez\r\nParker\r\nWendt\r\nZelnio\r\nMayor

Raes\r\n1159-2016\r\nCouncil\r\nMember Aye Nay\r\nTurner\r\nSchoonmaker\r\nWaldron\r\nAcri\r\nRodriguez\r\nParker\r\nWendt\r\nZelnio\r\nMayor

Raes\r\nExplanation: The City of Moline received a $928,538 Illinois Transportation

Enhancement Program (ITEP)\r\ngrant to streetscape Avenue of the Cities from 34th

to 41st Streets. The maximum Federal participation is\r\n$742,830 with a corresponding

$185,708 local match. A Resolution for Improvement is necessary to use Motor\r\nFuel

Tax funds to pay for the City’s 20% local match of the Illinois Transportation Enhancement

Program\r\n(ITEP) grant and to fund 100% of the cost above the grant amount. The

low bid for the improvements is\r\n$1,187,678.05 which is $259,138.05 above the

ITEP and local match amount. The City of Moline is\r\nresponsible for funding 100%

of this additional cost.\r\nFiscal Impact: $185,710 in MFT funds is budgeted in

the 2017 Capital Improvement Program\r\nfor the local match. $259,139 is available

in MFT Reserves to fund that portion\r\nabove the grant amount.\r\nPublic Notice/Recording:

N/A\r\nFirst Reading Ordinances\r\n8. Council Bill/General Ordinance 3030-2016\r\nAn

Ordinance levying and assessing taxes for the City of Moline, Illinois, for the

tax levy year 2016\r\ncollectible 2017, and enacting an ordinance relating to the

same subject matter.\r\nExplanation: Annually, the City of Moline levies a tax on

all real property within the City. It is collectible the\r\nfollowing year and utilized

as a revenue source for the budget. The recommended 2016 Tax Levy is\r\n$15,289,920.

No public hearing required as the levy is less than 105% of the previous year.\r\nFiscal

Impact: The levy must be passed and filed with the County Clerk in order to extend\r\nproperty

taxes for the municipal portion of the property tax bill and will fund a\r\nportion

of the 2017 budget.\r\nPublic Notice/Recording: Record with County Clerk.\r\n9.

Council Bill/General Ordinance 3031-2016\r\nAn Ordinance levying a special AD VALOREM

TAX within the City of Moline, Illinois, Special Service\r\nArea #5 of the City

of Moline, Illinois, for the tax levy year 2016 collectible 2017, and enacting an\r\nordinance

relating to the same subject matter.\r\nExplanation: On November 15, 2005, the City

Council adopted Ordinance No. 4068-2005 establishing a\r\nSpecial Service Area.

As provided by the Special Service Area Act, the services are to be provided through

a\r\nlevy of an annual property tax. For 2016, a levy of $145,335.00 is required

to fund the 2017 budget.\r\nFiscal Impact: Special services provided will be paid

by the property owners within the\r\nestablished Special Service Area #5.\r\nPublic

Notice/Recording: This ordinance must be filed with the County Clerk by the last

Tuesday in\r\nDecember 2016.\r\n10. Council Bill/General Ordinance 3032-2016\r\nAn

Ordinance levying a special AD VALOREM TAX within the City of Moline, Illinois,

Special Service\r\nArea #6 of the City of Moline, Illinois, for the tax levy year

2016 collectible 2017, and enacting an\r\nordinance relating to the same subject

matter.\r\nExplanation: On July 15, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance No.

4034-2008 establishing Special\r\nService Area #6. As provided by the Special Service

Area Act, the services are to be provided through a levy of\r\nan annual property

tax. For 2016, a levy of $257,225.00 is required to fund the 2017 budget.\r\nFiscal

Impact: Special services provided will be paid by the property owners within the\r\nestablished

Special Service Area #6.\r\nPublic Notice/Recording: This ordinance must be filed

with the County Clerk by the last Tuesday in\r\nDecember 2016.\r\n11. Council Bill/Special

Ordinance 4061-2016\r\nA Special Ordinance requesting the County Clerk to not extend

2016 taxes for payment of all principal\r\nand interest on City of Moline General

Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds. \r\nExplanation: Annually, the City of Moline

instructs the County Clerk not to\r\nextend property taxes for municipal bonds.

Principal and interest on all City\r\nGeneral Obligation Bonds are paid from other

revenue sources. The 2016\r\nabatement ordinance must be filed with the County Clerk

by the last day of\r\nJanuary 2017. Additional documentation attached. CONSIDERATION\r\nREQUESTED\r\nFiscal

Impact: This ordinance must be passed and filed or the\r\nCounty Clerk will extend

additional property\r\ntaxes for 2016 collectible 2017 tax bills.\r\nPublic Notice/Recording:

Finance Department will record.\r\n12. Council Bill/Special Ordinance 4062-2016\r\nA

Special Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a\r\nThird Amendment

and Extension of Development Agreement between\r\nthe City of Moline and Moline

Promenade Investors, LLC for the Quad\r\nCities Multi-Modal Station and Element

Hotel; and authorizing all\r\nappropriate City officers and staff to do all things

necessary to complete\r\neach of the City’s responsibilities pursuant to said Amendment

and the\r\nremaining provisions of the Second Amendment to and Restatement of\r\nDevelopment

Agreement.\r\nExplanation: The City entered into a Development Agreement with Moline\r\nPromenade

Investors, LLC (“Developer”) for the Quad Cities Multi-Modal\r\nStation project

in November 2013, and subsequently executed a First\r\nAmendment effective June

17, 2014, and a Second Amendment to and\r\nRestatement of Development Agreement

effective March 3, 2015 (“Restated\r\nAgreement”). Certain unforeseeable events

have occurred which have\r\ndelayed the financing and commencement of construction

by each of the\r\nparties. Section II(A) of the Restated Agreement required the

completion by\r\nthe City of a condominium regime with conveyance of certain units

to the\r\nDeveloper. The condominium regime as planned with eight units cannot be\r\ncompleted

prior to the completion of construction and framing of the walls\r\nseparating the

units, and the parties have agreed to a preliminary platting of the regime based

on the current asbuild\r\nstructure to allow for an interim conveyance of Unit 1

to Developer to facilitate Developer’s financing in\r\norder to keep the development

moving forward. The parties have agreed that the interim regime and\r\nconveyance

are a necessity until the parties can complete their development of constructing

the additional\r\nspaces and erecting the division walls, at which time each will

receive their specific units as stated in the\r\nRestated Agreement. The parties

agree to cooperate and provide each other with such access and easement\r\nrights

as may be reasonably necessary for the parties’ remediation, demolition and/or construction

obligations\r\nunder the project documents. The parties have each obtained plans

and specifications for their respective work\r\nand they desire to share that information

and assure each other of their proposed development. Except as\r\nspecifically amended

by this Amendment, all other terms, provisions and conditions contained in the Second\r\nAmendment

to and Restatement of Development Agreement are and remain in full force and effect

in\r\naccordance with their terms. Additional documentation attached. CONSIDERATION

REQUESTED.\r\nFiscal Impact: N/A\r\nPublic Notice/Recording: A Memorandum of Agreement

will be recorded by the Law Department.\r\nMiscellaneous Business (if necessary)\r\nPublic

Comment\r\nMembers of the Public are permitted to speak after coming to the podium

and stating their name.\r\nExecutive Session (if necessary)\r\nConsideration\r\n4061

& 4062\r\nCouncil\r\nMember Aye Nay\r\nTurner\r\nSchoonmaker\r\nWaldron\r\nAcri\r\nRodriguez\r\nParker\r\nWendt\r\nZelnio\r\nMayor

Raes\r\nApprove\r\n4061\r\nCouncil\r\nMember Aye Nay\r\nTurner\r\nSchoonmaker\r\nWaldron\r\nAcri\r\nRodriguez\r\nParker\r\nWendt\r\nZelnio\r\nMayor

Raes\r\nApprove\r\n4062\r\nCouncil\r\nMember Aye Nay\r\nTurner\r\nSchoonmaker\r\nWaldron\r\nAcri\r\nRodriguez\r\nParker\r\nWendt\r\nZelnio\r\nMayor

Raes\r\nCouncil Bill/General Ordinance No. 3029-2016\r\nSponsor:\r\nAN ORDINANCE\r\nAMENDING

Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of\r\nOrdinances, Section



one on-street stall at 1413 16th Avenue.\r\n_________________\r\nWHEREAS, a request

was received and reviewed by the Traffic Committee on\r\nNovember 1, 2016; and\r\nWHEREAS,

the request meets the criteria for designating such a space.\r\nNOW, THEREFORE,


1 – That Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline\r\nCode of Ordinances,



is hereby amended to include the following when\r\nappropriate signs are posted:\r\nOne

on-street stall at 1413 16th Avenue.\r\nSection 2 – That pursuant to Section 1-1107

of the Moline Code of Ordinances, any\r\nperson, firm or corporation violating any

of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be fined not\r\nmore than seven hundred

fifty dollars ($750.00) for each offense.\r\nSection 3 – That this ordinance shall

be in full force and effect from and after passage,\r\napproval, and if required

by law, publication in the manner provided for by law.\r\nCITY OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nDate\r\nPassed:\r\nApproved:\r\nAttest:\r\n

City Clerk\r\nApproved as to form:\r\n City Attorney\r\nCouncil Bill/Ordinance No.:

4058-2016\r\nSponsor:\r\nA SPECIAL ORDINANCE\r\nCLOSING certain streets more particularly

described herein to vehicular traffic; and\r\nAUTHORIZING the use of public right-of-way

in conjunction with the Reindeer Ramble 5K\r\nscheduled for Sunday, December 4,

2016.\r\n_________________\r\nBE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF

MOLINE, ILLINOIS, as follows:\r\nSection 1 – That this Council hereby authorizes

and directs the Mayor, Director of Public Works\r\nand Police Chief to erect barricades

and post temporary signs, if necessary, for the purpose of closing the\r\nfollowing

designated roadways to vehicular traffic during the specified times mentioned herein:\r\nSunday,

December 4, 2016, from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.\r\n52nd Avenue from the easternmost

side of 25th Street to the westernmost side of 7th Street;\r\n7th Street from the

northernmost side of 52nd Avenue to the southernmost side of North Shore Drive;\r\nNorth

Shore Drive from the westernmost side of 7th Street to the easternmost side of 25th

Street; and\r\n25th Street from the southernmost side of North Shore Drive to the

northernmost side of 52nd Avenue.\r\nIt shall be an offense to use said roadways

for vehicular purposes during the times herein specified.\r\nSection 2 – That this

Council declares the intent of this ordinance to be a temporary variance\r\nfrom

other ordinances that may be in conflict herewith and shall authorize the activities

described\r\nhereinabove only during such times specified for the street closings

and shall not constitute a repeal of\r\nother ordinances of the City of Moline which

are in conflict herewith.\r\nSection 3 – That this ordinance shall be in full force

and effect from and after passage, approval,\r\nand if required by law, publication

in the manner provided for by law.\r\nCITY OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nDate\r\nPassed:\r\nApproved:\r\nAttest:\r\n

City Clerk\r\nApproved as to form:\r\n City Attorney\r\nCouncil Bill/Special Ordinance

No. 4059-2016\r\nSponsor:\r\nA SPECIAL ORDINANCE\r\nAUTHORIZING the Mayor and City

Clerk to execute an Agreement between the City of\r\nMoline and The Compassionate

Friends Quad Cities Chapter (hereinafter\r\n“TCFQCC”), for TCFQCC’s use of a portion

of Moline Memorial\r\nCemetery to construct and maintain a memorial within the Cemetery

as a\r\ndonation to the City.\r\n_________________\r\nWHEREAS, TCFQCC wishes to

use a portion of Moline Memorial Cemetery to\r\nconstruct and maintain an Angel

of Hope memorial garden and install an Angel of Hope statue\r\nwithin the memorial

garden (“Memorial”) as a donation to the City ; and\r\nWHEREAS, TCFQCC shall be

responsible for the maintenance and improvement of the\r\nMemorial and for all associated

operation and maintenance costs during the term of the\r\nagreement, which term

shall commence upon execution of the agreement and terminate on\r\nDecember 31,

2019; and\r\nWHEREAS, upon completion of construction and installation of the Memorial,

the\r\nMemorial and its fixtures shall be a fixture of the Cemetery and shall remain

property of the City\r\nfollowing termination of the agreement.\r\nNOW, THEREFORE,


1 – That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute an\r\nAgreement

between the City of Moline and The Compassionate Friends Quad Cities Chapter\r\n(“TCFQCC”)

for TCFQCC’s use of a portion of Moline Memorial Cemetery to construct and\r\nmaintain

a memorial within the Cemetery as a donation to the City; provided, however, that

said\r\nAgreement is in substantially similar form and content to that attached

hereto and incorporated\r\nherein by this reference thereto as Exhibit A and has

been approved as to form by the City\r\nAttorney.\r\nSection 2 – That this ordinance

shall be in full force and effect from and after passage,\r\napproval, and if required

by law, publication in the manner provided for by law.\r\nCITY OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nDate\r\nPassed:\r\nApproved:\r\nAttest:\r\n

City Clerk\r\nApproved as to Form:\r\nBy:\r\n City Attorney \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCouncil

Bill/Resolution No. 1156-2016\r\nSponsor:\r\nA RESOLUTION\r\nAUTHORIZING the Information

Technology Manager to purchase Microsoft Office 2016\r\nlicensing from CDW-G.\r\nWHEREAS,

City computers are still largely running Microsoft Office 2007; and\r\nWHEREAS,

Staff budgeted $65,000 for Microsoft Office 2016; and\r\nWHEREAS, staff published

a Request for Proposals for this system and received five (5)\r\nresponses; and\r\nWHEREAS,

CDW-G holds the Illinois State Contract for Microsoft licensing and\r\ntherefore

is the single certified Microsoft reseller for the State; and\r\nWHEREAS, Staff

recommends purchasing a quantity of 35 Office 2016 Pro Plus licenses\r\nand a quantity

of 213 Office 2016 Standard licenses for a total of $60,189.58.\r\nNOW, THEREFORE,


the Information Technology Manager is hereby authorized to purchase Microsoft\r\nOffice

2016 licensing from CDW-G; provided, however, that said quotation is in substantially\r\nsimilar

form and content to that attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference

thereto\r\nas Exhibit A and has been approved as to form by the City Attorney.\r\nCITY

OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nNovember 15, 2016\r\nDate\r\nPassed: November 15,

2016\r\nApproved: December 6, 2016\r\nAttest:\r\n City Clerk\r\nApproved as to Form:\r\nCity

Attorney\r\nPage 1 of 1\r\nQUOTE CONFIRMATION\r\nDEAR NATE SCOTT,\r\nThank you for

considering CDW•G for your computing needs. The details of your quote are below.

Click\r\nhere to convert your quote to an order.\r\nQUOTE # QUOTE DATE QUOTE REFERENCE

CUSTOMER # GRAND TOTAL\r\nHMGV906 11/2/2016 MICROSOFT OFFICE 4075578 $60,189.58\r\nQUOTE

DETAILS\r\nITEM QTY CDW# UNIT PRICE EXT. PRICE\r\nMicrosoft Office Professional

Plus 2016 - license 35 3845745 $314.45 $11,005.75\r\nMfg. Part#: 79P-05582\r\nUNSPSC:

43231513\r\nElectronic distribution - NO MEDIA\r\nContract: Illinois Microsoft M+D

products (CMS6945110)\r\nMicrosoft Office Standard 2016 - license 213 3845732 $230.91

$49,183.83\r\nMfg. Part#: 021-10559\r\nUNSPSC: 43231513\r\nElectronic distribution

- NO MEDIA\r\nContract: Illinois Microsoft M+D products (CMS6945110)\r\nPURCHASER

BILLING INFO SUBTOTAL $60,189.58\r\nBilling Address:\r\nCITY OF MOLINE\r\nIT DEPT\r\n619

16TH ST\r\nMOLINE, IL 61265-2121\r\nPhone: (309) 797-0745\r\nPayment Terms: Net

30 Days-Govt State/Local\r\nSHIPPING $0.00\r\nGRAND TOTAL $60,189.58\r\nDELIVER

TO Please remit payments to: Shipping Address:\r\nCITY OF MOLINE\r\nIT DEPT\r\n619

16TH ST\r\nMOLINE, IL 61265-2121\r\nPhone: (309) 797-0745\r\nShipping Method: ELECTRONIC

DISTRIBUTION\r\nCDW Government\r\n75 Remittance Drive\r\nSuite 1515\r\nChicago,

IL 60675-1515\r\nNeed Assistance? CDW•G SALES CONTACT INFORMATION\r\nJohn Sachaschik

| (866) 339-5849 | johnsac@cdwg.com\r\nThis quote is subject to CDW's Terms and

Conditions of Sales and Service Projects at\r\nhttp://www.cdwg.com/content/terms-conditions/product-sales.aspx\r\nFor

more information, contact a CDW account manager\r\n© 2016 CDW•G LLC, 200 N. Milwaukee

Avenue, Vernon Hills, IL 60061 | 800.808.4239\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCouncil

Bill/Resolution No. 1157-2016\r\nSponsor: ____________________________\r\nA RESOLUTION\r\nAUTHORIZING

the Municipal Services General Manager to purchase LED lighting from\r\nRepublic

Electric Company for the total amount of $312,950.\r\n ________________\r\nWHEREAS,

Municipal Services staff developed specifications for the replacement of\r\nexisting

lighting with more energy efficient LED options that will be installed by City staff;

and\r\nWHEREAS, Republic Electric Company submitted the lowest responsive and responsible\r\nbid

for the total amount of $312,950; and\r\nWHEREAS, funding is available in the General


OF\r\nMOLINE, ILLINOIS, as follows:\r\nThat the City Council finds it in the best

interest of the City of Moline, Illinois, to\r\nauthorize the Municipal Services

General Manager to purchase LED lighting from Republic\r\nElectric Company for the

total amount of $312,950; provided, however, that said quote is in\r\nsubstantially

similar form and content to that attached hereto and incorporated herein by this\r\nreference

thereto as Exhibit A and has been approved as to form by the City Attorney.\r\nCITY

OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nNovember 15, 2016\r\nDate\r\nPassed: November 15,

2016\r\nApproved: December 6, 2016\r\nAttest:\r\n City Clerk\r\nApproved as to Form:\r\nCity

Attorney\r\n\r\nProject:\r\nDate:\r\nTime:\r\nBidder: Miller Lighting Products,

Phoenix, Arizona\r\nITEM NO. AMOUNT\r\n1 $274,521.73\r\n2 $3,500.00\r\nOption 1

Replacement bulbs and fixtures per specifications for City NOT BID\r\n3 parking

ramps\r\n$278,021.73\r\nBidder: LED Lighting Wholesale, Kalamazoo, Michigan\r\nITEM

NO. AMOUNT\r\n1 $231,981.01\r\n2 NOT BID\r\nOption 1 Replacement bulbs and fixtures

per specifications for City NOT BID\r\n3 parking ramps\r\n$231,981.01\r\nBidder:

Republic Electric Company, Davenport, Iowa\r\nITEM NO. AMOUNT\r\n1 $222,799.00\r\n2

$3,500.00\r\nOption 1 Replacement bulbs and fixtures per specifications for City

$86,651.00\r\n3 parking ramps\r\n$312,950.00\r\nBidder: LED Lighting Inc., Buffalo

Grove, Illinois Incomplete Bid - Ineligible\r\nITEM NO. AMOUNT\r\n1 INCOMPLETE\r\n2

NOT BID\r\nOption 1 Replacement bulbs and fixtures per specifications for City NOT

BID\r\n3 parking ramps\r\n$0.00\r\nfor LED Light Project to be performed in house.\r\nfor

LED Light Project to be performed in house.\r\nTOTAL\r\nDESCRIPTION\r\nDESCRIPTION\r\nDESCRIPTION\r\nTOTAL\r\nCost

to dispose\r\nProvide all necessary bulbs and fixtures per specifications\r\nfor

LED Light Project to be performed in house.\r\nProvide all necessary bulbs and fixtures

per specifications\r\nBID TABULATION\r\nCITY OF MOLINE\r\n1:00 PM\r\nOctober 31,

2016\r\nLED Lighting Project\r\nTOTAL\r\nProvide all necessary bulbs and fixtures

per specifications\r\nDESCRIPTION\r\nProvide all necessary bulbs and fixtures per

specifications\r\nfor LED Light Project to be performed in house.\r\nCost to dispose\r\nCost

to dispose\r\nCost to Dispose of bulbs and fixtures\r\nTOTAL\r\nprinted on:11/3/2016

10:25 AM Page 1 of 1 Bid Tab LED LIGHTS\r\n737 Charlotte Street\r\nDavenport, Iowa

52803\r\nTel: 563-322-6204\r\nFax: 563-322-0352\r\nToll Free 1-800-397-6204\r\nCITY

OF MOLINE Quote #:\r\nCITY OF MOLINE Date: 10/31/16\r\nPrepared by: Angie Smutzer\r\nLighting

Specialist\r\nQty Type MFG Unit Price Total\r\n66 F1 RAB EA 253.00 $ 16,698.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n54

F2 HUBBELL EA 444.00 $ 23,976.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n113 F3 HUBBELL EA 192.00 $ 21,696.00

$\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n383 F4 HUBBELL EA 76.00 $ 29,108.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n41 F5 HUBBELL

EA 81.00 $ 3,321.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n409 F6 HUBBELL EA 93.00 $ 38,037.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n27

F7 HUBBELL EA 84.00 $ 2,268.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n45 F8 MAXLITE EA 12.00 $ 540.00

$\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n5 F9 HUBBELL EA 210.00 $ 1,050.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n QUOTATION\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLCAT24


MATERIALS.\r\nDescription\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLCL8 40 HL EU\r\n\r\nCompany:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nProject

Name:\r\nLAW4 40 ML EU\r\nName:\r\n\r\nRAIL150NW\r\n\r\n\r\nLLHV 4 40 U W ST ED

U\r\n\r\n\r\nLCL4 40 ML EDU\r\nAPL 13W 6T GX23 2 40K\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLCAT22 40 ML

G EU\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nRLC6LED8 120 6LCLED9\r\n\r\n11/2/2016 Confidential

Page 1 of 5\r\n737 Charlotte Street\r\nDavenport, Iowa 52803\r\nTel: 563-322-6204\r\nFax:

563-322-0352\r\nToll Free 1-800-397-6204\r\nCITY OF MOLINE Quote #:\r\nCITY OF MOLINE

Date: 10/31/16\r\nPrepared by: Angie Smutzer\r\nLighting Specialist\r\nQty Type


OF THE NECESSARY MATERIALS.\r\nDescription\r\nCompany:\r\nProject Name:\r\nName:\r\n3

F10 HUBBELL EA 271.00 $ 813.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n4478 F11 SATCO EA 8.00 $ 35,824.00

$\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n85 F12 MAXLITE EA 16.00 $ 1,360.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n60 F13 MAXLITE

EA 12.00 $ 720.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n7 F14 MAXLITE EA 161.00 $ 1,127.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n22

F15 MAXLITE EA 98.00 $ 2,156.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n8 F16 HUBBELL EA 205.00 $ 1,640.00

$\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n20 F17 HUBBELL EA 126.00 $ 2,520.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n225 F18 SATCO

EA 3.00 $ 675.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAPL 20W 10T G24Q 40K\r\nFLL 28L\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nS9777\r\n\r\nBF30AUDT50B\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWPCL55AU50B\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nAPL13W

6T G24Q 40K\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nS9838\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLNC 9L1

4K 3 1 PC\r\n\r\nWGH 110L 4K U M PBT1\r\n\r\n\r\n11/2/2016 Confidential Page 2 of

5\r\n737 Charlotte Street\r\nDavenport, Iowa 52803\r\nTel: 563-322-6204\r\nFax:

563-322-0352\r\nToll Free 1-800-397-6204\r\nCITY OF MOLINE Quote #:\r\nCITY OF MOLINE

Date: 10/31/16\r\nPrepared by: Angie Smutzer\r\nLighting Specialist\r\nQty Type


OF THE NECESSARY MATERIALS.\r\nDescription\r\nCompany:\r\nProject Name:\r\nName:\r\n62

F19 HUBBELL EA 76.00 $ 4,712.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n10 F20 SATCO EA 7.00 $ 70.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n23

F21 SATCO EA 9.00 $ 207.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n2 F22 HUBBELL EA 77.00 $ 154.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n120

F23 ILP EA 122.00 $ 14,640.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n3 F24 RAB EA 153.00 $ 459.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n12

F25 MAXLITE EA 146.00 $ 1,752.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n21 F26 HUBBELL 168.00 $ 3,528.00

$\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n27 F27 HUBBELL EA 76.00 $ 2,052.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLAW4

40ML EDU\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nS9636\r\n\r\n\r\nLCL2 40 ML EU\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nS9622\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLCL8

40 ML EDU\r\n\r\nWTZ 30WLED UNIV 40 RAFL\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nSMSBULLET2X12NA\r\n\r\n\r\nWPL40AU50BPC12\r\n\r\n\r\nLAW4

40 ML EDU\r\n11/2/2016 Confidential Page 3 of 5\r\n737 Charlotte Street\r\nDavenport,

Iowa 52803\r\nTel: 563-322-6204\r\nFax: 563-322-0352\r\nToll Free 1-800-397-6204\r\nCITY

OF MOLINE Quote #:\r\nCITY OF MOLINE Date: 10/31/16\r\nPrepared by: Angie Smutzer\r\nLighting

Specialist\r\nQty Type MFG Unit Price Total\r\n QUOTATION\r\n102716CM\r\nTHE FOLLOWING


Name:\r\nName:\r\n2 F28 ILP EA 77.00 $ 154.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n6 F29 MAXLITE EA

57.00 $ 342.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n2 F30 HUBBELL EA 261.00 $ 522.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n28

F31 ILP EA 289.00 $ 8,092.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n3 F32 SATCO EA 6.00 $ 18.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n22

F33 HUBBELL EA 73.00 $ 1,606.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n3 F34 HUBBELL EA 106.00 $ 318.00

$\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n4 F35 HUBBELL EA 161.00 $ 644.00 $\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n EA\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nFSL

7 PC1\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLNC5L U 5K 3 PC\r\nSQ2 22WLED UNIV 40\r\n\r\n\r\nLAW2 40 ML

EDU\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWGH 225L 4K U L PBT 1\r\nJJ12A150GW0\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nS8952\r\n\r\nGH24

190WFRL\r\n\r\n\r\n11/2/2016 Confidential Page 4 of 5\r\n737 Charlotte Street\r\nDavenport,

Iowa 52803\r\nTel: 563-322-6204\r\nFax: 563-322-0352\r\nToll Free 1-800-397-6204\r\nCITY

OF MOLINE Quote #:\r\nCITY OF MOLINE Date: 10/31/16\r\nPrepared by: Angie Smutzer\r\nLighting

Specialist\r\nQty Type MFG Unit Price Total\r\n QUOTATION\r\n102716CM\r\nTHE FOLLOWING


Name:\r\nName:\r\n Total 222,799.00 $\r\n\r\n1.\r\n2.\r\n3.\r\n4.\r\n5.\r\n6.\r\n7.\r\n8.\r\n9.\r\n10.\r\nshipped

prior to the light poles.\r\nThis quotation is valid for acceptance within thirty

(30) days and for shipment within ninety (90) days from date\r\nof quote.\r\nThe

customer is responsible for the freight charges on the anchor bolts and templates,

when they are shipped\r\nAll fixtures are quoted with lamps unless noted otherwise.\r\nPricing

is based on a complete package and cannot be separated without prior approval from

Republic.\r\nPrices do not include accessories, stems, mounting hardware or bar

hangers unless specifically stated.\r\nFixture quantities are for estimate purposes

only and do not constitute a guaranteed bill of material.\r\nAll material is quoted

subject to final review and approval of the specifier and/or owner.\r\nStandard

finish and color supplied unless noted.\r\nAll items quoted are subject to manufacturer's

published terms and conditions (terms and conditions are subject to\r\nchange without

notice).\r\nAll fixtures are quoted FOB Shipping Point, Freight Prepaid & Allowed,

unless otherwise noted.\r\n11/2/2016 Confidential Page 5 of 5\r\nCouncil Bill/Resolution

No. 1158-2016\r\nSponsor:\r\nA RESOLUTION\r\nAUTHORIZING the approval of a Resolution

for a Local Agency Agreement regarding\r\nFederal Participation for Motor Fuel Tax

Section 13-00258-00-LS,\r\nSidewalk and Lighting Improvements on Avenue of the Cities.\r\n_________________\r\nWHEREAS,

the City of Moline will receive Illinois Transportation Enhancement\r\nProgram (ITEP)

grant funds through the Illinois Department of Transportation in an amount not\r\nto

exceed $742,830 for sidewalk and lighting improvements on Avenue of the Cities from

34th to\r\n41st Streets; and\r\nWHEREAS, the ITEP funds require a 20% local match

to the grant funds; and\r\nWHEREAS, the 2017 Capital Improvement Program includes

$185,710 in Motor Fuel\r\nTax (MFT) funds to provide the local match.\r\nNOW, THEREFORE,


the City Council finds it in the best interest of the City of Moline, Illinois,

to\r\nauthorize the approval of a Resolution for a Local Agency Agreement regarding

Federal\r\nParticipation for Motor Fuel Tax Section 13-00258-00-LS, Sidewalk and

Lighting Improvements\r\non Avenue of the Cities; provided, however, that said resolution

is in substantially similar form\r\nand content to that attached hereto and incorporated

herein by this reference thereto as Exhibit A\r\nand has been approved as to form

by the City Attorney.\r\nCITY OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nNovember 15, 2016\r\nDate\r\nPassed:

November 15, 2016\r\nApproved: December 6, 2016\r\nAttest:\r\n City Clerk\r\nApproved

as to Form:\r\n City Attorney\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCouncil Bill/Resolution

No. 1159-2016\r\nSponsor:\r\nA RESOLUTION\r\nAUTHORIZING the approval of a Resolution

for Improvement by Municipality Under the\r\nIllinois Highway Code for Motor Fuel

Tax (MFT) Section 13-00258-00-\r\nLS, Sidewalk and Lighting Improvements on Avenue

of the Cities.\r\n_________________\r\nWHEREAS, the City of Moline received a $928,538

Illinois Transportation Enhancement\r\nProgram (ITEP) grant to streetscape Avenue

of the Cities from 34th to 41st Streets; and\r\nWHEREAS, the maximum Federal participation

is $742,830 with a corresponding\r\n$185,708 local match; and\r\nWHEREAS, a Resolution

for Improvement is necessary to use Motor Fuel Tax funds to\r\npay for the City’s

20% local match of the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP)\r\ngrant

and to fund 100% of the cost above the grant amount.\r\nNOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED


City Council finds it in the best interest of the City of Moline, Illinois, to\r\nauthorize

the approval of a Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the Illinois\r\nHighway

Code for Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Section 13-00258-00-LS, Sidewalk and Lighting\r\nImprovements

on Avenue of the Cities; provided, however, that said resolution is in substantially\r\nsimilar

form and content to that attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference

thereto\r\nas Exhibit A and has been approved as to form by the City Attorney.\r\nCITY

OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nNovember 15, 2016\r\nDate\r\nPassed: November 15,

2016\r\nApproved: December 6, 2016\r\nAttest:\r\n City Clerk\r\nApproved as to Form:\r\n

City Attorney\r\nCouncil Bill/Resolution No. 1159-2016\r\nSponsor:\r\nA RESOLUTION\r\nAUTHORIZING

the approval of a Resolution for Improvement by Municipality Under the\r\nIllinois

Highway Code for Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Section 13-00258-00-\r\nLS, Sidewalk and Lighting

Improvements on Avenue of the Cities.\r\n_________________\r\nWHEREAS, the City

of Moline received a $928,538 Illinois Transportation Enhancement\r\nProgram (ITEP)

grant to streetscape Avenue of the Cities from 34th to 41st Streets; and\r\nWHEREAS,

the maximum Federal participation is $742,830 with a corresponding\r\n$185,708 local

match; and\r\nWHEREAS, a Resolution for Improvement is necessary to use Motor Fuel

Tax funds to\r\npay for the City’s 20% local match of the Illinois Transportation

Enhancement Program (ITEP)\r\ngrant and to fund 100% of the cost above the grant


ILLINOIS, as follows:\r\nThat the City Council finds it in the best interest of

the City of Moline, Illinois, to\r\nauthorize the approval of a Resolution for Improvement

by Municipality Under the Illinois\r\nHighway Code for Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Section

13-00258-00-LS, Sidewalk and Lighting\r\nImprovements on Avenue of the Cities; provided,

however, that said resolution is in substantially\r\nsimilar form and content to

that attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference thereto\r\nas Exhibit

A and has been approved as to form by the City Attorney.\r\nCITY OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nNovember

15, 2016\r\nDate\r\nPassed: November 15, 2016\r\nApproved: December 6, 2016\r\nAttest:\r\n

City Clerk\r\nApproved as to Form:\r\n City Attorney\r\nPrinted 11/10/2016 BLR 09111

(Rev. 11/06)\r\nResolution for Improvement by\r\nMunicipality Under the Illinois\r\nHighway

Code\r\nBE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the\r\nCouncil or President and Board

of Trustees\r\nCity of Moline Illinois\r\nCity, Town or Village\r\nthat the following

described street(s) be improved under the Illinois Highway Code:\r\nName of Thoroughfare

Route From To\r\nAvenue of the Cities 34th Street 41st Street\r\nBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,\r\n1.

That the proposed improvement shall consist of sidewalk and lighting improvements\r\nand

shall be constructed wide\r\nand be designated as Section 13-00258-00-LS\r\n2. That

there is hereby appropriated the (additional Yes No) sum of four hundred forty four

thousand\r\neight hundred forty nine Dollars ( $444,849.00 ) for the\r\nimprovement

of said section from the municipality’s allotment of Motor Fuel Tax funds.\r\n3.

That work shall be done by contract ; and,\r\nSpecify Contract or Day Labor\r\nBE

IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified

copies of this resolution to the\r\ndistrict office of the Department of Transportation.\r\nApproved

I, Tracy Koranda Clerk in and for the\r\nCity of Moline\r\nCity, Town or Village\r\nCounty

of Rock Island , hereby certify the\r\nDate\r\nforegoing to be a true, perfect and

complete copy of a resolution adopted\r\nby the Council\r\nCouncil or President

and Board of Trustees\r\nDepartment of Transportation at a meeting on\r\nDate\r\nIN

TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this\r\nday of\r\nRegional

Engineer\r\n(SEAL)\r\nClerk City, Town, or Village Clerk\r\nCouncil Bill/General

Ordinance No. 3030-2016\r\nSponsor_________________________\r\nAN ORDINANCE\r\nLEVYING

and assessing taxes for the City of Moline, Illinois, for the tax levy year\r\n2016

collectible in the year 2017, and enacting an ordinance relating to the\r\nsame

subject matter.\r\n_______________\r\nWHEREAS, the City of Moline levies an annual

tax on all real property located within\r\nthe City to be collected the following

year and utilized as a revenue source for the City’s budget;\r\nand\r\nWHEREAS,

this ordinance sets forth the City’s tax levy for 2016, collectible in 2017.\r\nNOW,


as follows:\r\nSection 1 – That the total amount of appropriations for all corporate

purposes legally\r\nmade to be collected from the tax levy of the current fiscal

year is hereby ascertained to be the\r\nsum of Fifteen Million, Two Hundred and

Eighty-Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Dollars\r\nand no cents ($15,289,920).\r\nSection

2 – That this Council hereby determines that the amount of money estimated to\r\nbe

necessary to be raised by taxation upon the taxable property within the City of

Moline,\r\nIllinois, for general corporate and special municipal purposes is $14,801,470,

and the levy for\r\ngeneral corporate fund purposes and levies for separate special

fund purposes are set forth and\r\ndesignated as follows:\r\nPolice Pension Fund

$4,029,962\r\nFire Pension Fund $4,890,673\r\nIllinois Municipal Retirement Fund

$ 480,490\r\nPark Fund $2,973,500\r\nLibrary Fund $2,915,295\r\nTotal Tax Levy $15,289,920\r\nSection

3 – That the estimated amount determined to be necessary to be levied in Section\r\n1

above is one hundred Three and 3/10 percent (103.3%) of the amount of property taxes\r\nextended

upon the tax levy of the preceding year.\r\nSection 4 – That the total amount of

Fifteen Million, Two Hundred and Eighty-Nine\r\nThousand Nine Hundred Twenty Dollars

and no cents ($15,289,920) ascertained above be and is\r\nhereby levied and assessed

on all property subject to taxation within the City of Moline, Illinois,\r\naccording

to the value of said property as assessed and equalized for State and County purposes\r\nfor

the current fiscal year.\r\nSection 5 – That this levy ordinance is adopted pursuant

to the procedures set forth in the\r\nIllinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/8-3-1 et

seq., and Chapter 2, Sec. 2-2304 of the Moline Code \r\nCouncil Bill/General Ordinance

No. 3030-2016\r\nPage 2 of 2\r\nof Ordinances; provided, however, that any tax rate

limitation of substantive limitation as to tax\r\nlevies in the Illinois Municipal

Code in conflict with this ordinance shall not be applicable to the\r\nordinance

pursuant to Section 6 of Article VII of the Constitution of the State of Illinois.\r\nSection

6 – That the City’s Finance Director is hereby directed to file with the Rock\r\nIsland

County Clerk on or before the time required by law a certified copy of this ordinance

duly\r\ncertified by the Moline City Clerk.\r\nSection 7 – That this ordinance shall

be in full force and effect from and after passage,\r\napproval, and if required

by law, publication in the manner provided for by law.\r\nCITY OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nNovember

15, 2016\r\nDate\r\nPassed: November 15, 2016\r\nApproved: December 6, 2016\r\nAttest:\r\n

City Clerk\r\nApproved as to Form:\r\nCity Attorney\r\nCouncil Bill/General Ordinance

No. 3031-2016\r\nSponsor:______________________________\r\nAN ORDINANCE\r\nLEVYING

a Special AD VALOREM TAX within the City of Moline, Illinois,\r\nSpecial Service

Area #5, of the City of Moline, Illinois.\r\n________________________\r\nWHEREAS,

on November 15, 2005, the City Council adopted Special Ordinance\r\nNo. 4068-2005

establishing Special Service Area #5 (Bass Street Landing); and\r\nWHEREAS, as provided

by the Special Service Area Act, the services for a\r\nSpecial Service Area are

to be provided through a levy of an annual property tax not to\r\nexceed the amount

necessary to produce a maximum annual tax of $250,000; and\r\nWHEREAS, for 2016,

a levy of $145,335 is required to fund the City’s fiscal year\r\n2017 budget.\r\nNOW,


as follows:\r\nSection 1 - Findings. The City Council of the City of Moline, Illinois

(the\r\n“City”), finds and declares as follows:\r\n(a) Pursuant to the provisions

of the 1970 Constitution of the State of Illinois\r\n(the “Constitution”), the City

of Moline, Illinois, is authorized to create special service\r\nareas in and for

the City.\r\n(b) Special Service Areas are established by home rule units pursuant

to\r\nSection 6(1) of Article VII of the Constitution, which provides:\r\n“The General

Assembly may not deny or limit the power of home Rule\r\nunits…(2) to levy or impose

additional taxes upon areas within their\r\nboundaries in the manner provided by

law for the provision of special\r\nservices to those areas and for the payment

of debt incurred in order to\r\nprovide those special services; and, are established

pursuant to the\r\nprovision of the Special Service Area Tax Law of the State of

Illinois, 35\r\nILCS 200/27-5 et seq., as amended (the “Law”), and pursuant to the\r\nProperty

Tax Code of the State of Illinois, 35 ILCS 200/1-1, as amended.”\r\n(c) At its regular

meeting on November 15, 2005, the City Council adopted\r\nSpecial Ordinance No.

4068-2005 establishing Special Service Area #5.\r\n(d) The Special Service Area

#5 will benefit from the municipal services to be\r\nprovided including, without

limitation: engineering, soil testing and appurtenant work,\r\nstorm water management

facilities, storm drainage systems and storm sewers, site\r\nclearing and tree removal,

public water facilities, sanitary sewer facilities, erosion control\r\nmeasures,

roads, streets, curbs, gutters, street lighting, traffic controls, parking lots,

\r\nCouncil Bill/General Ordinance No. 3031-2016\r\nPage 2 of 3\r\nsidewalks, bike

paths and related street improvements; and, equipment and materials\r\nnecessary

for the maintenance thereof, landscaping, tree installation, vegetation\r\nmaintenance

and control, costs for land and easement acquisitions relating to any of the\r\nforegoing

improvements, required tap-on and related fees for water or sanitary sewer\r\nservices

and other eligible costs, snow removal, cul-de-sac creation and maintenance,\r\npublic

right-of-way creation and maintenance, public property maintenance to a higher\r\nstandard

than throughout the City generally, provision of amenities, (collectively, the\r\n“Services).\r\n(e)

As provided in the Special Service Area Act, the Services are to be\r\nprovided

through the levy of a direct annual ad valorem tax (the “Taxes”) upon all\r\ntaxable

property within the territory, the maximum of such taxes to be extended in any\r\nyear

for special services within the proposed special service area shall not exceed the\r\namount

necessary to produce a maximum annual tax levy of $250,000.\r\n(f) The establishment

of the Special Service Area #5 in the City for the\r\npurpose of providing the Services

within the Territory, and the levy of the Taxes for the\r\npurposes described in

subsection (d) was considered at a public hearing held on\r\nDecember 6, 2005, by

the City Council of the City.\r\n(g) Notice of the hearing was given by publication

on November 20, 2005, not\r\nless than 15 days prior to the public hearing in the

Dispatch, a newspaper qualified to\r\ncarry legal notices, published in the City

of Moline, Illinois, and having a general\r\ncirculation within the City.\r\n(h)

Mailed notice of the hearing was given by depositing the notice in the\r\nUnited

States first class mail, postage prepaid, not less than 10 days prior to the time

set\r\nfor the hearing addressed to the person or persons in whose name the general

taxes for the\r\nlast preceding year were paid on each lot, block, tract or parcel

of land lying within the\r\nTerritory; and, in those cases where taxes for the last

preceding year were not paid, the\r\nnotice was sent to the person or persons last

listed on the tax rolls prior to that year as the\r\nowner or owners of the property.\r\n(i)

The hearing notice complied with all of the applicable requirements of the\r\nSpecial

Service Area Act.\r\n(j) No petition objecting to the establishment of the Special

Service Area #5\r\nor the levying of the Taxes, signed by at least 51% of the electors

residing within the\r\nTerritory and by at least 51% of the owners of record of

the land included within the\r\nboundaries of the Territory, was filed with the

City Clerk during the Petition Period.\r\n(k) The City has satisfied all of the

requirements of the Special Service Area\r\nAct that are conditions to the establishment

of the Special Service Area #5 and the levy of\r\nthe Taxes.\r\nCouncil Bill/General

Ordinance No. 3031-2016\r\nPage 3 of 3\r\nSection 2 - Levy of Tax. For the purpose

of providing the Services within the\r\nSpecial Service Area #5 during the fiscal

year of the City ending on December 31, 2017,\r\npursuant to the Special Service

Area Act, there is levied a special ad valorem tax (the\r\n“Tax”) against all of

the taxable property in the Special Service Area #5 subject to\r\ntaxation for the

fiscal year ending on December 31, 2016, necessary to produce the sum\r\nof $145,335.

The Tax shall be in addition to all other taxes provided by law and shall be\r\nextended

in the manner provided by the Property Tax Code, 35 ILCS 200/1-1 et seq.\r\nSection

3 - Filing for Record with County Clerk; Deadline for Filing. As\r\nrequired by

Section 27-75 of the Special Service Area Act, the Finance Director is\r\ndirected

to file for record a certified copy of this Ordinance with the County Clerk of the\r\nCounty

of Rock Island, Illinois, promptly following its adoption and approval and in any\r\ncase

not later than the last Tuesday of December, 2016.\r\nSection 4 - Ratification of

Proceedings. The City Council ratifies, confirms\r\nand approves (i) the public

notice of the public hearings that were given by publication\r\nand by mail as described

in Section 1 of this Ordinance, and (ii) all proceedings in\r\nconnection with the

establishment of Special Service Area #5 and the levy of the Taxes.\r\nSection 5

- Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this\r\nOrdinance

is held invalid, the invalidity of such section, paragraph, clause or provision\r\nwill

not affect any of the other provisions of this Ordinance.\r\nSection 6 - Supercede

and Effective Date. All ordinances, resolutions and\r\norders, or parts of ordinances,

resolutions and orders, in conflict with this Ordinance are\r\nrepealed and this

Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption\r\nand approval

as provided for by law.\r\nCITY OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nNovember 15, 2016\r\nDate\r\nPassed:

November 15, 2016\r\nApproved: December 6, 2016\r\nAttest: City Clerk\r\nApproved

as to Form:\r\n\r\nCity Attorney\r\nCouncil Bill/General Ordinance No. 3032-2016\r\nSponsor:______________________________\r\nAN

ORDINANCE\r\nLEVYING A Special AD VALOREM TAX within the City of Moline, Illinois,\r\nSpecial

Service Area #6, of the City of Moline, Illinois.\r\n________________________\r\nWHEREAS,

on July 15, 2008, the City Council adopted Special Ordinance No.\r\n4034-2008 establishing

Special Service Area #6; and\r\nWHEREAS, as provided by the Special Service Area

Act, the services for a\r\nSpecial Service Area are to be provided through a levy

of an annual property tax; and\r\nWHEREAS, for 2016, a levy of $257,225 is required

to fund the City’s fiscal year\r\n2017 budget.\r\nNOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED


- Findings. The City Council of the City of Moline, Illinois (the\r\n“City”), finds

and declares as follows:\r\n(a) Pursuant to the provisions of the 1970 Constitution

of the State of Illinois\r\n(the “Constitution”), the City of Moline, Illinois,

is authorized to create special service\r\nareas in and for the City.\r\n(b) Special

Service Areas are established by home rule units pursuant to\r\nSection 6(1) of

Article VII of the Constitution, which provides:\r\n“The General Assembly may not

deny or limit the power of home Rule\r\nunits…(2) to levy or impose additional taxes

upon areas within their\r\nboundaries in the manner provided by law for the provision

of special\r\nservices to those areas and for the payment of debt incurred in order

to\r\nprovide those special services; and, are established pursuant to the\r\nprovision

of the Special Service Area Tax Law of the State of Illinois, 35\r\nILCS 200/27-5

et seq., as amended (the “Law”), and pursuant to the\r\nProperty Tax Code of the

State of Illinois, 35 ILCS 200/1-1, as amended.”\r\n(c) At its regular meeting on

July 15, 2008, the City Council adopted Special\r\nOrdinance No. 4034-2008 establishing

a Special Service Area #6.\r\n(d) The Special Service Area #6 will benefit from

the municipal services to be\r\nprovided including, without limitation: engineering,

soil testing and appurtenant work,\r\nstorm water management facilities, storm drainage

systems and storm sewers, site\r\nclearing and tree removal, public water facilities,

sanitary sewer facilities, erosion control\r\nmeasures, roads, streets, curbs, gutters,

street lighting, traffic controls, parking lots, \r\nCouncil Bill/General Ordinance

No. 3032-2016\r\nPage 2 of 3\r\nsidewalks, bike paths and related street improvements;

and, equipment and materials\r\nnecessary for the maintenance thereof, landscaping,

tree installation, vegetation\r\nmaintenance and control, costs for land and easement

acquisitions relating to any of the\r\nforegoing improvements, required tap-on and

related fees for water or sanitary sewer\r\nservices and other eligible costs, snow

removal, cul-de-sac creation and maintenance,\r\npublic right-of-way creation and

maintenance, public property maintenance to a higher\r\nstandard than throughout

the City generally, provision of amenities, (collectively, the\r\n“Services).\r\n(e)

As provided in the Special Service Area Act, the Services are to be\r\nprovided

through the levy of a direct annual ad valorem tax (the “Taxes”) upon all\r\ntaxable

property within the territory.\r\n(f) The establishment of the Special Service Area

#6 in the City for the\r\npurpose of providing the Services within the Territory,

and the levy of the Taxes for the\r\npurposes described in subsection (d) was considered

at a public hearing held on April 15,\r\n2008, by the City Council of the City.\r\n(g)

Notice of the hearing was given by publication on March 30, 2008, not\r\nless than

15 days prior to the public hearing in the Dispatch, a newspaper qualified to\r\ncarry

legal notices, published in the City of Moline, Illinois, and having a general\r\ncirculation

within the City.\r\n(h) Mailed notice of the hearing was given by depositing the

notice in the\r\nUnited States first class mail, postage prepaid, not less than

10 days prior to the time set\r\nfor the hearing addressed to the person or persons

in whose name the general taxes for the\r\nlast preceding year were paid on each

lot, block, tract or parcel of land lying within the\r\nTerritory; and, in those

cases where taxes for the last preceding year were not paid, the\r\nnotice was sent

to the person or persons last listed on the tax rolls prior to that year as the\r\nowner

or owners of the property.\r\n(i) The hearing notice complied with all of the applicable

requirements of the\r\nSpecial Service Area Act.\r\n(j) No petition objecting to

the establishment of the Special Service Area #6\r\nor the levying of the Taxes,

signed by at least 51% of the electors residing within the\r\nTerritory and by at

least 51% of the owners of record of the land included within the\r\nboundaries

of the Territory, was filed with the City Clerk during the Petition Period.\r\n(k)

The City has satisfied all of the requirements of the Special Service Area\r\nAct

that are conditions to the establishment of the Special Service Area #6 and the

levy of\r\nthe Taxes.\r\nSection 2 - Levy of Tax. For the purpose of providing the

Services within\r\nSpecial Service Area #6 during the fiscal year of the City ending

on December 31, 2017,\r\npursuant to the Special Service Area Act, there is levied

a special ad valorem tax (the\r\n“Tax”) against all of the taxable property in Special

Service Area #6 subject to taxation \r\nCouncil Bill/General Ordinance No. 3032-2016\r\nPage

3 of 3\r\nfor the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2016, necessary to produce

the sum of\r\n$257,225. The Tax shall be in addition to all other taxes provided

by law and shall be\r\nextended in the manner provided by the Property Tax Code,

35 ILCS 200/1-1 et seq.\r\nSection 3 - Filing for Record with County Clerk; Deadline

for Filing. As\r\nrequired by Section 27-75 of the Special Service Area Act, the

Finance Director is\r\ndirected to file for record a certified copy of this Ordinance

with the County Clerk of the\r\nCounty of Rock Island, Illinois, promptly following

its adoption and approval and in any\r\ncase not later than the last Tuesday of

December, 2016.\r\nSection 4 - Ratification of Proceedings. The City Council ratifies,

confirms\r\nand approves (i) the public notice of the public hearing that was given

by publication and\r\nby mail as described in Section 1 of this Ordinance, and (ii)

all proceedings in connection\r\nwith the establishment of Special Service Area

#6 and the levy of the Taxes.\r\nSection 5 - Severability. If any section, paragraph,

clause or provision of this\r\nOrdinance is held invalid, the invalidity of such

section, paragraph, clause or provision\r\nwill not affect any of the other provisions

of this Ordinance.\r\nSection 6 - Supercede and Effective Date. All ordinances,

resolutions and\r\norders, or parts of ordinances, resolutions and orders, in conflict

with this Ordinance are\r\nrepealed and this Ordinance shall be in full force and

effect from and after its adoption\r\nand approval as provided for by law.\r\nCITY

OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nNovember 15, 2016\r\nDate\r\nPassed: November 15,

2016\r\nApproved: December 6, 2016\r\nAttest: City Clerk\r\nApproved as to Form:\r\n\r\nCity

Attorney\r\nCouncil Bill/General Ordinance No. 4061-2016\r\nSponsor______________________________\r\nA

SPECIAL ORDINANCE\r\nREQUESTING The County Clerk not to extend 2015 taxes for payment

of principal and interest\r\nfor the General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds,

Series 2010A, Refunding;\r\nGeneral Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2011A,

TIF Project; General\r\nObligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2011B, Refunding;

General\r\nObligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012A, Refunding; General\r\nObligation

Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012B, Moline Place Phase II;\r\nGeneral Obligation

Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012C, Refunding; General\r\nObligation Corporate

Purpose Bonds, Series 2012E, Refunding; General\r\nObligation Corporate Purpose

Bonds, Series 2012F, Refunding; General\r\nObligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series

2012G, Refunding; General\r\nObligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012H, Refunding;

and General\r\nObligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012I, Refunding; and

General\r\nObligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2016, Refunding.\r\n_______________\r\nWHEREAS,

the City Council of the City of Moline, Illinois, passed Ordinances authorizing\r\nGeneral

Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2010A, Refunding; General Obligation

Corporate\r\nPurpose Bonds, Series 2011A, TIF Project; General Obligation Corporate

Purpose Bonds, Series 2011B,\r\nRefunding; General Obligation Corporate Purpose

Bonds, Series 2012A, Refunding; General Obligation\r\nCorporate Purpose Bonds, Series

2012B, Moline Place Phase II; General Obligation Corporate Purpose\r\nBonds, Series

2012C, Refunding; General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012E,\r\nRefunding;

General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012F, Refunding; General Obligation\r\nCorporate

Purpose Bonds, Series 2012G, Refunding; General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds,\r\nSeries

2012H, Refunding; and General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012I,

Refunding;\r\nand General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2016, Refunding;

and\r\nWHEREAS, the City expects to receive sufficient revenue from other sources

to pay such\r\nprincipal and interest for the General Obligation Corporate Purpose

Bonds, Series 2010A, Refunding;\r\nGeneral Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series

2011A, TIF Project; General Obligation Corporate\r\nPurpose Bonds, Series 2011B,

Refunding; General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012A,\r\nRefunding;

General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012B, Moline Place Phase II;

General\r\nObligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012C, Refunding; General

Obligation Corporate Purpose\r\nBonds, Series 2012E, Refunding; General Obligation

Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2012F,\r\nRefunding; General Obligation Corporate

Purpose Bonds, Series 2012G, Refunding; General Obligation\r\nCorporate Purpose

Bonds, Series 2012H, Refunding; and General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds,\r\nSeries

2012I, Refunding; ; and General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2016,


MOLINE,\r\nILLINOIS, as follows:\r\nSection 1 – That the City Clerk be, and is hereby

authorized to request the County Clerk of Rock\r\nIsland County, Illinois, not to

extend the taxes for 2016 for such principal and interest authorized in and\r\nby

such ordinances hereinabove specified.\r\nCouncil Bill/General Ordinance No. 4061-2016\r\nPage

2 of 2\r\nSection 2 – That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from

and after passage, approval,\r\nand if required by law, publication in the manner

provided for by law.\r\nCITY OF MOLINE, ILLINOIS\r\nMayor\r\nNovember 15, 2016\r\nDate\r\nPassed:

November 15, 2016\r\nApproved: December 6, 2016\r\nAttest:\r\n City Clerk\r\nApproved

as to Form:\r\nCity Attorney\r\nCity of Moline Outstanding General Obligation Bonds

as of 12/31/16\r\nBond Issue Original Outstanding Funding Purpose\r\n2010A $ 4,000,000

$ 2,355,000 Water Refinance 2001A\r\n2011A $ 7,605,000 $ 6,795,000 TIF7 Case Creek

Trail\r\n2011B $ 9,215,000 $ 8,035,000 Sales Tax Partial Refinance 2002A\r\n2012A

$ 3,010,000 $ 2,610,000 TIF2 Refinance 2003/Reimb TIF2\r\n2012B $ 1,400,000 $ 1,270,000

TIF6 Moline Place Phase 2\r\n2012C $ 7,350,000 $ 3,960,000 TIF1 Refinance 2003B\r\n2012E

$ 5,930,000 $ 2,860,000 TIF1 Refinance 2002B,02C,03A\r\n2012F $ 5,180,000 $ 4,115,000

CIP/Water/Storm Refinance 2003\r\n2012G $ 3,120,000 $ 1,780,000 TIF1 Refinance 2004C\r\n2012H

$ 7,450,000 $ 5,880,000 Sales Tax Refinance Remaining 2004A\r\n2012I $ 3,440,000

$ 2,440,000 TIF1 Refinance 2004B\r\n2016 $ 9,225,000 $ 9,225,000 Sales Tax Refinance

2007A\r\nTotal $70,145,000 $51,325,000\r\nCouncil Bill/Special Ordinance No. 4062-2016\r\nSponsor:

______________________\r\nA SPECIAL ORDINANCE\r\nAUTHORIZING the Mayor and City

Clerk to execute a Third Amendment and Extension of\r\nDevelopment Agreement between

the City of Moline and Moline\r\nPromenade Investors, LLC for the Quad Cities Multi-Modal

Station and\r\nElement Hotel; and\r\nAUTHORIZING all appropriate City officers and

staff to do all things necessary to\r\ncomplete each of the City’s responsibilities

pursuant to said Amendment\r\nand the remaining provisions of the Second Amendment

to and\r\nRestatement of Development Agreement.\r\n______________________\r\nWHEREAS,

the City entered into a Development Agreement with Moline Promenade\r\nInvestors,

LLC (“Developer”) for the Quad Cities Multi-Modal Station project (“Project”) in\r\nNovember

2013, and subsequently executed a First Amendment effective June 17, 2014, and a\r\nSecond

Amendment to and Restatement of Development Agreement effective March 3, 2015\r\n(“Restated

Agreement”); and\r\nWHEREAS, certain unforeseeable events have occurred which have

delayed the\r\nfinancing and commencement of construction by each of the parties;

and\r\nWHEREAS, Section II(A) of the Restated Agreement required the completion

by the\r\nCity of a condominium regime with conveyance of certain units to the Developer;

and\r\nWHEREAS, the condominium regime as planned with eight units cannot be completed\r\nprior

to the completion of construction and framing of the walls separating the units,

and the\r\nparties have agreed to a preliminary platting of the regime based on

the current as-build structure\r\nto allow for an interim conveyance of Unit 1 to

Developer to facilitate Developer’s financing in\r\norder to keep the develo



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