Hampton School District 29
Recent News About Hampton School District 29
Quad Cities' top 5 grade school math scores: Where does your school district rank?
Grade school districts in Port Byron, Orion and Hampton ranked among Quad Cities' highest for math aptitude, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Quad Cities' top 5 grade school ELA scores: Where does your school district rank?
Grade school districts in Hampton, Woodhull and Port Byron ranked among Quad Cities' highest for reading aptitude, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.
Analysis: Hampton administrators rank 16th in state for average pay
Administrators in Hampton School District 29 earn an average of $151,865 per year, ranking 16th out of 864 districts in the state.
Report: Hampton spent $9,893 per student in 2017-18
Spending per pupil at Hampton School District 29 is up 24.3 percent from five years ago, according to a Rock Island Today analysis of district finances.
How much do Quad Cities school districts spend per student?
Alwood Community Unit School District 225, Carbon Cliff-Barstow School District 36 and Moline Coal Valley Community Unit School District 40 spend the most per student in the Quad Cities, according to the latest Illinois Schools Report Card.
School discipline: Which Quad Cities districts reported the most violence-related suspensions?
Moline Coal Valley Community Unit School District 40, Galva Community Unit School District 224 and Silvis School District 34 reported the highest rate of students suspended for reasons related to violence during the 2016-17 school year in Quad Cities
How much revenue has Hampton SD 29 received from state taxpayers?
The subsidy Hampton School District 29 received through state taxes decreased 30.1 percent from fiscal year 2008 to 2017, adjusted for inflation, according to a Rock Island Today analysis of public schools data.
Hampton SD 29 placed on financial "recognition" list by state board of education
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has placed Hampton School District 29 on its financial "recognition" list.
How much revenue has Hampton SD 29 received from local taxpayers?
The revenue Hampton School District 29 received through local taxes increased 29 percent from fiscal year 2008 to 2017, adjusted for inflation, according to a Rock Island Today analysis of public schools data.
Hampton School District 29 students suspended 3 times in a single school year
Hampton School District 29 reported three suspensions for 2016-17, according to the latest student discipline report by the Illinois State Board of Education.
How has spending changed at Hampton SD 29?
Hampton School District 29 increased per-student spending 41 percent from fiscal year 2008 to 2017, adjusted for inflation, according to a Rock Island Today analysis of public schools data.
How many administrators do school districts have in Quad Cities?
Alwood Community Unit School District 225, Galva Community Unit School District 224 and Carbon Cliff-Barstow School District 36 reported the smallest student-to-administrator ratios in Quad Cities, according to the latest Illinois Schools Report Card.
How much do school administrators earn in Quad Cities?
Public school administrators in Hampton School District 29, Silvis School District 34 and Moline Coal Valley Community Unit School District 40 earn the highest average salary in Quad Cities, according to the latest Illinois schools report card.
Report: Hampton spent $9,519 per student in 2016-17
Spending per pupil at Hampton School District 29 is up 14 percent from five years ago, according to a Rock Island Today analysis of district finances.
Report: Which school districts pay the highest administrator salaries?
Public school administrators in Hampton School District 29 are among those earning the highest average salary in the state, according to the latest Illinois schools report card.
Analysis: Hampton administrators rank 6th in state for average pay
Administrators in Hampton School District 29 earn an average of $171,110 per year, ranking 6th out of 858 districts in the state.
Records show how much Quad Cities school districts have paid for spiking teacher pensions ahead of retirement
Out of school districts in Quad Cities, Moline USD 40 paid the most in penalties since 2005 for spiking employee salaries to boost outgoing teachers' retirement benefits, according to data obtained from the Teachers Retirement System of Illinois.
These Illinois school districts paid the least in penalties for staff raises
School districts in East Moline, Kewanee and Hampton were among those in Illinois that paid the least in penalties since 2005 for spiking employee salaries to boost outgoing teachers' retirement benefits, according to data obtained from the Teachers Retirement System of Illinois.
Ranking school finances: Which districts are the healthiest in Quad Cities?
Galva Community Unit School District 224, Mercer County School District 404 and Moline Coal Valley Community Unit School District 40 received the best financial ratings by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) for their 2017 finances.
Quad Cities' top 10 grade school math scores: Where does your school district rank?
Grade school districts in Port Byron, Orion and Hampton ranked among Quad Cities' highest for math aptitude, according to the Illinois State Board of Education.