City of Moline Foreign Fire Tax Board will meet on October 10.
Here is the agenda as provided by the board:
1. Meeting Call to Order
2. Member Roll Call
3. Approval of Minutes
A. Minutes of the August 8, 2017 Meeting
4. Reports
A. Treasurers Report
5. Old Business
6. New Business
A. 2018 Meeting Schedule
7. Requests
A. Request to approve the purchase of a Bun Coffee Maker for the classroom up to $370.00
B. Request to approve the purchase of a custom table and twelve chairs not to exceed $5,700.00 to replace the
aging table and chairs at Central Station.
Station 2
A. Request to approve the purchase of three Lazy Boy recliners from Slumberland Furniture in the amount of
$500.00 each for a total of $1500.00 to replace the existing recliners.
B. Request to approve the purchase of a 4ft step ladder up to $365.00.
C. Request to approve the purchase of a 10 piece set of pots and pans up to $449.99 to replace the worn out set.
D. Request to approve the purchase of a knife set up to $299.99 to replace the current set which are dull.
E. Request to approve the purchase of a TV for the day room up to $899.99 to replace the current TV with a
blurry screen.
F. Request to approve the purchase of a toaster in the amount of $34.94 from Wal-Mart to replace the broken
Station 3
A. Request to approve the purchase of an air compressor up to $280.00 to replace the current compressor.
B. Request to approve the purchase of two snow throwers up to $899.00 each to replace the two that failed.
C. Request to approve the purchase of a TRX workout rope up to $139.95.
D. Request to approve the purchase of a Battle Rope Poly Dacron up to $159.99.
E. Request to approve the purchase of a Multi Hex Dead Lift Bar and Original Club Steps in the amount of
F. Request to approve the purchase of two fans for the gym in the basement and the apparatus floor up to
$259.87 each.
G. Request to approve the purchase of a Bluetooth stereo for the apparatus bay up to $119.00.
A. Request to approve an additional $660.00 for reimbursement for the Moline Retirement dues. The correct
amount should be $770.00 for 77 retirees. The previous approved amount was $110.00 for 11 retirees.
8. Other
9. Adjournment