City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met September 5.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Roll Call
Mayor Freeman called the meeting to order and directed City Clerk Arletta Holmes to call the roll.
The following Aldermen were present: Alissa Sallows, Gary Almblade, Nancy Mulcahey, Ed
DeJaynes, Robert Cheffer, Jose Roberto Rico, and Mayor Freeman. Absent: Gary Miller.
Additions/Corrections to Agenda
Banking Services - (Ms. Petersen, Director of Finance)
The City was notified by our current bank that there were going to be changes in our banking
relationship which included increases in fees charged to the city for banking services. Since the
City has not issued an RFP in quite a few years, a Request for Proposals was sent out to area banks
and credit unions. Three entities responded to the RFP and all met the proposal requirements. Listed
below is the approximate net income proposed that the City would earn for each entity taking into
account the interest income received less any fees charged for services:
Blackhawk Bank & Trust - $84,750
Quad City Bank & Trust - $81,600
IHMVCU - $75,000
Award City banking services to Blackhawk Bank & Trust
A motion was made by Alderman Cheffer, seconded by Alderman Mulcahey, to concur with the
recommendation as presented, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document,
and forward to the Council for consideration.
Alderman Almblade – our current bank is Triumph, and they did not send a quote? Ms. Petersen
replied no and stated that she sent them an RFP, but they did not response. Alderman Almblade
noted that Blackhawk Bank & Trust is the highest of the three RFP’s and why are you selecting
BlackHawk Bank & Trust? Ms. Petersen replied that it is the highest net income that the city would
Alderman DeJaynes – Which bank has the best interest rate? Ms. Petersen stated that one bank
had a better interest rate, but they had higher fees. The other bank is at a lower interest rates, but
the fees where lower, that is why you must balance out the interest fees and the net income.
Alderman Cheffer made the following comments:
“The management of this Bank has been here a long time; these people are not new to the City of
East Moline. Alderman Cheffer stated that he moved here in 1973, and he believes Mr. Lamb and
Jill was at the Colona Avenue Bank, on Avenue of the Cities. They are both long time employees”.
Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, Cheffer, Rico, Sallows, and Almblade.
Opposed: DeJaynes. Motion carried 5-1.
Officer Replacement (2 Positions) (Chief Reynold, EMPD)
Officer Reichert resigned on July 25, 2017 and Lt. Steven Palcat has submitted his retirement letter
effective January 10, 2018 leaving two vacancies in the police department. The police department
has secured two positions in police academies in January 2018. The savings of a new hire, with
promotions figured in, will be around $20,000 in FY 2018.
This is a budgeted item This is not a CIP Project
Line Item# 007-4200-110.1 Title: Salaries (Police)
Funding Sources: Departments:
General Police Protection
Approve the hiring of two officers in January, 2018.
A motion was made by Alderman DeJaynes, seconded by Alderman Sallows, to concur with the
recommendation as presented, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document
and forward to Council for consideration.
Alderman Almblade – will there be any overlap between the new ones and before they retire?
Chief Reynolds replied no there will not be. They could not get any spots in the academy,
otherwise they would have replaced the officer who left in July, 2017, but there is a waiting list of
100 people. They have 2 spots in the January, 2018, so there is no overlap.
Alderman Rico – how is that going to affect positioning of staffing and over-time? Chief
Reynolds replied that overtime should be fine, until they are trained.
Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Cheffer, Rico, Sallow and
Almblade. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Alderman Almblade, seconded by Alderman DeJaynes, to adjourn the
Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Mulcahey,
DeJaynes, Cheffer, Rico, Sallows, and Almblade. Motion carried. 7:20p.m.