
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Annawan Community Unit School District 226 Board met September 20.

Meeting 06

Annawan Community Unit School District 226 Board met September 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of Annawan Unit District No. 226 was held in the Language Arts Room of the Annawan High School September 20, 2017 at 6:00 pm. President John Rosenberry called the meeting to order. On roll call those present were Brian Childs, Cathy Foes, Nancy Goodman, Jerad Heitzler, John Rosenberry, Dwaine Shaw Jr and Ted VanHyfte. Others present were; Interim Superintendent, Kyle Ganson, Lana Wolf, Chris Kidd, Tammy Celus, Matt Nordstrom, Dawn Heitzler, Tammy Celus.Matt Huber, AD and Mary Jagers, Linda Jagers, First Midstate Representative.

Consent Agenda - Moved by Shaw and seconded by Foes to approve Consent Agenda without approval of the Risk Management Plan & Tort Levy Summary for FY2018. Voting Yes were Childs, Foes, Goodman, Heitlzer, Rosenverry, Shaw and VanHyfte.

•Regular Board Meeting Minutes August 16.2017

•August, 2017 Treasurer's Report

•August, 2017 Investment Report, Activity Fund & Imprest Fund Reports

•August & September 2017 Bills and Payroll Resolution

Interim Superintendent Communications- Mr Kyle Ganson-

•School Board Convention in November. If any members are interested they will need to register.

•State of Illinois funding- some fund released, but no calculations for the upcoming School formula. The budget will be based on the past revenues.

•Freedom of Information Act request.

•Donation to the High School Boys and Girls Basketball activity funds

•Conference Phone will cost approximately $600-$700.00 from Henry County Telephone

Wayne Brau-Elementary Principal Report:

•Grade School Activities

•Parent Teacher Conferences scheduled for October 4" & 5th

•Required fire drills

High Report/Lana Wolf Report:

•Students of the Month

•ACT Test Scores

•Homecoming activities

•Parent Teacher Conferences

Athletic Diirector –Matt Huber Report:

•Reviewed fall sports participation and records

•Discussed uniforms and updated track banners

•Facility Schedule for September

First Midstate Representative- William Glass- Presented to the board the procedure and time line for possibly re-issuing of working cash bonds. He noted the district could possibly issue 1.5-1.7 million in working cash bonds and the tax rate would remain the Same. The board will make a recommendation at the upcoming meetings.

Board Committee Reports:

•Special Education- Nancy Goodman reported they had approved their budget

•Building Committee-Ted Van Hyfte reported they met on August 25" and toured the grounds and building. They have a list of repairs and will review and prioritize the 10 year Life Safety work.

•Transportation Committee- Nancy Goodman reported they had met on August ვ0th. Toured the new busses and reviewed the bus routes and drivers. Noted that we still need bus drivers, discussed safety issues on some bus routes and need for additional vehicles for transporting students to Excel/Geneseo or incurring the mileage fee on the new leased bus. Option will be presented to the board.

•Finance Committee- Meeting was held on August 25". Reviewed the Preliminary Audit Report, the updated tentative FY2018 budget revenues and expenditures.

New Business:

Reouest For Proposal Forschool District Legal Services- 4 Law firms submitted proposals. Board members were given the information for review and will bring recommendations to the October board meeting.

Approval Of Fy2018 Budget-Moved by Shaw and seconded by Childs to approve the budget with a deficit of $395,263.00. Voting Yes were Childs, Foes, Goodman, Heitzler, Rosenberry, Shaw and VanHyfte. 7-Yes-0-No. Motion carried.

Discussion Of Options For District And Community Goal Setting Meeting-To begin planning about the future needs of the District with possible goal setting meetings and activities to be conducted by the IASB or other State Education Consultants.

Approve Early Graduation Request- Matthew Housenga-Moved by Childs and seconded by Heitzler to approve request provided all requirements of Annawan High School are met for graduation in December 2017. Call vote. Motion carried.

Board Recognition Of Animee Club-Moved by Shaw and seconded by Foes to approve as per Mr. Rosales request. Call vote. Motion carried.

Closed Session- 8:00 pm Moved by Childs and seconded by VanHyfte to go into closed session for discussion of personnel and students disciplinary cases. Call vote.

Regular Meeting Re-Convened- 8:55pm- Moved by Heitzler and Seconded by Goodman. Call vote.

Approval Of Student Disciplinary Report- Moved by VanHyfte and Seconded by Foes to approve the report. Call vote. Motion carried.

Adjournment- 9:00 pm Moved by Heitzler and seconded by Childs to adjourn. Call vote. Motion carried.
