Kewanee Public Library District Board met Feb. 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Members Present: Barb Koller, Vice President; Becky Ault, Treasurer; Norma Good, Secretary; Vanessa Fite, and Ruth Kapacinskas. Absent: Sue Busenbark and John Sayers. Also present: Barbara Love, Director; Sarah Arnold, Head of Circulation Services; Amy Gould, Head of Technical Processing; Doug Kindle, Technology Associate.
Koller,Vice President, called the meeting to order at 4:00. No public comments.
Secretary minutes for January 8, 2018, were reviewed. Kapacinskas made a motion to approve the minutes and Fite seconded the motion. Resolved, That The Minutes For January 8, 2018, Kewanee Public Library Board Of Trustees Meeting Be Accepted. Motion passed.
The budget was discussed. A motion was made by Fite and seconded by Good to approve the payment of payroll in the amount of $40,031.21, and bills in the amount of $26,269.12. Resolved, That The Payment Of The Payroll And Bills Be Accepted As Presented. Motion passed.
Director Love presented the Department Reports. Patron activities highlighted. A new initiative called Live Healthy 2018 for staff was explained. Maintenance issues and procedures highlighted. Information Services has a new database called A to Z World Food which sounds good. Chris Vallillo presents Abraham Lincoln in Song February 19. March 26 sees Mr. Steve, Facilitator of Fun, entertaining children. He is sponsored by the Doris Oliver Memorial program. Technical processing has gone to self-locking DVD cases, which will save shelf space.
New Business: Discussion on Trustee Facts File Chapter 6: Intellectual Freedom.
Announcements: Received a thank you for memorial plants for Mary June Kochell, Heather Darding’s grandmother, and for Christy Enemark’s aunt.
Adjournment at 4:25.