
Rock Island Today

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Moline Committee of the Whole met March 13

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City of Moline Committee of the Whole met March 13. 

Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:


City Building Maintenance Plan Update by J.D. Schulte, Director of Public Works. Director Schulte shared

details of additional projects since his update last July. He shared updates concerning the windows in City

Hall, LED lighting, radon mitigation, and a pedestrian door in the barrier wall from 16th Street into the Police


Questions on the Agenda

There were no questions.

Agenda Items

1. A General Ordinance amending Chapter 35 “ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT” of the Moline

Code of Ordinances, Table 35-3408 “Principal Commercial Land Uses,” “Land Use Regulations. Shawn

Christ, Land Development Manager, explained that the Plan Commission reviewed the zoning code as part of

the City Council’s request and found what they believe to be an error in the land use table. The amendment

will remove Sales and Service, In-Vehicle land uses as a special use in the O-1 District and add it as a special

use in the B-1 District. A motion was made by Alderman Parker to approve. Seconded by Alderman Turner.

Motion passed unanimously.

2. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement for Professional Services

with Missman Inc., an affiliate of IMEG Corporation, for design services related to Project #1298,

Airport Pump Station Replacement at 75th Avenue. Scott Hinton, City Engineer, stated that the 2018

Infrastructure Improvement Program includes funds to design and replace the sanitary sewer pump station on

75th Avenue on the south side of the airport. Missman Inc., an affiliate of IMEG Corporation, designed the

existing pump station and proposes to provide design services at standard hourly rates for the not-to-exceed

price of $25,000. Staff has reviewed the proposal and finds it to be reasonable given the scope of the work

required. A motion was made by Alderman Parker to approve. Seconded by Alderman Berg. Motion passed


3. A Special Ordinance authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Development Agreement by

and between the Village of Milan, Rock Island County, Illinois, and QCOMM911 and the Member

Municipalities; and authorizing City staff to do all things necessary to effectuate the terms of the

Development Agreement. This item was pulled from the agenda pending review of new budgetary figures.

4. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Agreement for Residential SingleStream

Curbside Recyclable Waste Services with Midland Davis Corporation for the amount of

$6,232,152 and authorizing the Municipal Services General Manager to purchase recycling carts by the

method that is most advantageous to the City. Doug Maxeiner, City Administrator, shared that the current

Agreement for Curbside Recyclable Waste Services with Midland Davis Corporation will expire March 31,

2018. The terms of said Agreement shall be for 10 years beginning April 1, 2018, and ending March 31,

2028. The Agreement adds glass and aseptic packaging to the City’s current single-stream recycling program

and provides every residential property with one (1) ninety-five (95) gallon collection cart. Bids were opened

and publicly read on January 10, 2018, with the following results: Midland Davis Corporation, $7,369,752

and Republic Services, $7,520,488. Midland Davis Corporation submitted the lowest responsive and

responsible bid.

City Administrator Maxeiner provided a history of this item which first appeared on the February 27th

Committee-of-the-Whole agenda, when a motion was made to set aside the in-house option and consider the

Midland Davis contract. There was also a request for a projection of recycling rates and combined rates of

recycling and refuse services, and the 2018 impact on overall monthly cost per household. On March 6th, there

was a motion to approve the contract, failing by a vote of 2 to 5, and there was comment made that the

contract in its present form was not acceptable. The projections were not discussed at that meeting, but are

being presented this evening. City Administrator Maxeiner requested reconsideration of the Midland Davis

bid. The 2018 projected cost to residents shows a 32% increase from recyclables, however this falls to a net

increase of 6.6% when combined with refuse. Said decrease is due to a projected 400 tons of refuse to be

diverted from the landfill to recycling. The recycling rate for the past 10 years has been fixed at $2.56 per

household per month. Refuse has been fixed for the past 4 years, and it is the opinion of staff that it will

remain flat for the majority of that 10-year period. Alderman Schoonmaker questioned the decision to add

glass when it is projected to decrease overall annual recycling revenue by $.60 per household per month. City

Administrator Maxeiner responded that the community has been asking for larger recycling carts to include

aseptic and glass, because it is better for the environment. J.D. Schulte, Director of Public Works, stated that

the addition of aseptic and glass to the recycling stream will enable the eventual replacement of current refuse

carts with smaller ones. Marty Davis, Midland Davis Corporation, explained that glass has always been a net

negative in the recycling mix. Alderman Parker asked Midland Davis to attempt cleaner pick-up of

recyclables. Marty Davis, Midland Davis, assured that they would and that larger recycling carts will help.

Further, there would not be an additional charge to pick-up more than one cart per household. Alderman

Rodriguez shared concern that the resulting rate increase per household from the new contract would be too

great, and that the language of the contract was contradictory. City Attorney Maureen Riggs proposed that the

words “or all” be removed from page 13, section 5, paragraph 7, of the contract to clarify prohibition of

subcontracting more that 25% of services. A motion was made by Alderman Potter to approve. Seconded by

Berg. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Aldermen Parker, Wendt, Potter, Turner, and

Berg; nays: Aldermen Rodriguez, Waldron, and Schoonmaker.

5. A Resolution authorizing approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of East Moline

and the City of Silvis for the existing Moline and East Moline public safety communications center (the

"Center") to provide temporary dispatch services for the City of Silvis. Doug Maxeiner, City

Administrator, explained that due to upcoming dispatcher vacancies, the City of Silvis may need outside

dispatch services until QComm911 is operational. This agreement would permit the Center to provide

dispatching services to Silvis on a monthly basis as needed by shift. A fee schedule has been established

based on estimated call volume by shift and would be charged to Silvis on a monthly basis for dispatch

services provided. A motion was made by Alderman Wendt to approve. Seconded by Alderman Parker.

Motion passed unanimously.


Mercado Electrical needs were presented by Scott Hinton, City Engineer, and Lori Wilson, Parks

Recreation Director. City Engineer Hinton explained that existing street lights have 120v receptacles, built in

with the intent to power Christmas lights. These receptacles cannot accommodate cookers, etc., for Mercado

merchants. Pricing from a contractor provided the option to direct wire or install photo cell receptacles. A

higher power draw would require installation of a new 200 amp service, and 4 pedestals with two 240v

receptacles each. The overall cost for 120v and 240v is $34,691. Both are needed. City Administrator Hinton

and Parks Recreation Director Wilson explained that the need is not yet clear. Director Wilson stated that

$15,000 was carried over from last year’s budget, and the majority of this year’s $50,000 budget is available.

City Administrator Maxeiner indicated that assurance of Mercado’s plans to stay in this location is necessary

to make a decision. The possibility of a future farmer’s market would also impact the decision. Alderman

Parker shared that the potential for more downtown locations wanting electrical sources exists. Council made

a recommendation that the item be sent back to staff and the special events committee for investigation and


Public Comment

Arnie McCullum, WPC Operations Technician, stated that as a tax payer, he feels that City staff could do a

better, cleaner job providing curbside recycling service, with less turn-over, and at a lower cost than does

Midland Davis. In Mr. McCullum’s opinion, Council has not taken the better service provider into

consideration in making the curbside recycling decision.

The meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.
