
Rock Island Today

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Rock Island City Council met March 26.


Rock Island City Council met March 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

1.Call to Order

Mayor Thoms called the meeting to order at 6:46 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Roll Call

Mayor Thoms asked the City Clerk to call the roll.

Present: Mayor Mike Thoms, Alderman James Spurgetis, Alderman Stephen L. Tollenaer, Alderman Dylan Parker, Alderman Joshua Schipp, Alderman Dave Geenen, and Alderman Ivory D. Clark

Absent: Alderman Virgil J. Mayberry

Staff: City Manager Randy Tweet, Hector Lareau for City Attorney Dave Morrison, City Clerk Judith Gilbert, and other City staff

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Thoms led in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Moment of Silence

Mayor Thoms asked for a moment of silence.

5. Minutes of the March 12, 2018 meeting.


Alderman Spurgetis moved to approve the Minutes as printed; Alderman Clark seconded.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 voice vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

6. Minutes of the Executive Session of March 12, 2018.


Alderman Parker moved to approve the Executive Session minutes; Alderman Clark seconded.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 voice vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

7. Update Rock Island by Mayor Thoms

Golf Courses Opening Soon - Highland Springs and Saukie Golf Courses will be open for the season on Wednesday, March 28 at 8:00 a.m. Dust off your clubs and come enjoy the following great specials good for opening week: Saukie Golf Course opening week special is $21.00 for an 18-hole round of golf and a cart. Highland Springs opening week special is $27.00 for an 18 hole round of golf and a cart.

Free Leaf Bag Collection - The City of Rock Island is providing free leaf collection for its residential refuse customers starting Monday, April 2 through Friday, April 20, 2018. Customers must place the leaves in the approved paper yard waste bags and be placed at the normal refuse collection locations and days. Free leaf bags may be picked up starting today at various locations throughout the City. Please visit WWW.RIGOV.ORG for more information.

Murder in the Mist, A Hauberg Mystery – A murder mystery scavenger hunt will take place on Saturday, April 7, 2018 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the historic Hauberg Estate. Bring your friends and work together to search for clues and help solve the mystery. Hors d’oeuvres and cash bar will be available. Tickets are $35.00 a piece and the proceeds will help with restoration efforts on the estate. Please call (563) 265-2753 or email director@haubergcenter.org for more information or to purchase tickets.

8. Proclamation declaring March 26, 2018 as Alleman High School Boys Basketball Day.

Mayor Thoms read the proclamation. City Clerk Judith Gilbert read a message of congratulations from Alderman Mayberry who was unable to be present at the meeting. Proclamations were presented to Coach Kyle Murray and to the members of the Alleman High School Boys Basketball team. Coach Murray said said he was proud to be their coach and proud of the quality of the young men on the team; they are tremendous representatives of Rock Island. Pictures were taken with Mayor Thoms.

9. Proclamation declaring April 5, 2018 as Junior Achievement Day.

Mayor Thoms read the proclamation. Mayor Thoms said he sits on the Junior Achievement board. Dougal Nelson accepted on behalf of Junior Achievement. Mr. Nelson said it's cool to see a city and community come together to help their kids. Mr. Nelson said that because of the community support, 3,277 students have learned about financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship in 154 classrooms in Rock Island. Mr. Nelson thanked the City, Mayor Thoms, and Alderman Dave Geenen who teaches Junior Achievement classes.

10. Mayor Thoms will close the regular meeting and open a Public Hearing for comments on the City of Rock Island's Citizen Participation Plan.

Mayor Thoms closed the regular meeting at 6:58 p.m. and opened a Public Hearing on the City of Rock Island's Citizen Participation Plan.

Mayor Thoms asked if there was anyone present who wished to speak, for or against. Mayor Thoms asked again if there was anyone present who wished to speak, for or against. No one came forward to speak.

Mayor Thoms closed the Public Hearing at 6:59 p.m., reconvened the regular meeting, and entertained a motion.


Alderman Geenen moved to adopt the Citizen Participation Plan as recommended; Alderman Spurgetis seconded.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

11. Claims

a. Report from the Human Resources Department regarding payment in the amount of $4,697.09 to Jillian Belman of Davenport, IA for a General Liability claim.

b. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment in the amount of $3,300.00 to Bob Westpfahl for the 2018 annual land set aside.


Alderman Schipp moved to accept the reports and authorize payments as recommended for Claims items a and b; Alderman Parker seconded.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

c. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #2 and final in the amount of $13,215.92 to Tri-City Blacktop Inc. of Bettendorf, IA for the 2017 Asphalt Street Milling and Patching Program for services provided from October 4, 2017 through December 11, 2017.

d. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #3 and final in the amount of $79,749.74 to Langman Construction Inc. of Rock Island, IL for the 9th Street Resurfacing: 31st Avenue to 45th Avenue Project for services provided from August 14, 2017 through October 20, 2017.

e. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #5 in the amount of $197,795.75 to Centennial Contractors of the Quad Cities Inc. of Moline, IL for the 2017 Sidewalk and Pavement Patching Program for services provided from September 29, 2017 through December 21, 2017.

f. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #7 in the amount of $634,558.50 to General Constructors Inc. of Bettendorf, IA for the 007 Outfall Relocation Project for services provided from February 1, 2018 through February 28, 2018.

g. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #1 in the amount of $145,964.69 to Michels Pipe Service of Brownsville, WI for the 2017 Joint Sewer Lining Program for services provided from January 8, 2018 through March 2, 2018.


Alderman Schipp moved to accept the reports and authorize payments as recommended for Claims items c through g; Alderman Clark seconded.

Alderman Parker recused himself from the vote due to the nature of his employment.


Motion passed on a 5-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

12. Claims for the weeks of March 9 through March 15 in the amount of $830,796.87 and March 16 through March 22 in the amount of $336,860.88; and payroll for the weeks of February 26 through March 11 in the amount of $1,479,620.78.


Alderman Clark moved to allow the claims and payroll; Alderman Spurgetis seconded.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

13. ACH Payments for the month of February in the amount of $1,199,304.62.


Alderman Spurgetis moved to approve the ACH payments; Alderman Clark seconded.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

14. Purchase Card Claims for the period from January 27, 2018 through February 26, 2018 in the amount of $48,428.41.


Alderman Parker moved to approve the purchase card claims; Alderman Schipp seconded.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

15. Report from the Fire and Library Departments regarding bids for the Masonry Restoration Project for the Southwest Library and Fire Station #2, recommending the bid be awarded to Northwest Restoration Co. of Alexis, IL in the amount of $31,920.00.


Alderman Schipp moved to award the bid as recommended and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract documents; Alderman Spurgetis seconded.

Alderman Spurgetis asked about the alternate bid. Fire Chief Jeff Yerkey responded the alternate bid was for the replacement of a steel entry door on the south side of the fire station. That portion of the project was bid as an alternate in case there were insufficient funds for the project. Alderman Spurgetis asked for clarification if that was in addition to the base bid; Chief Yerkey replied yes.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

16. Report from the Public Works Department regarding the 2018 Weed Spraying Program, recommending extension of the 2017 Weed Spraying Program maintenance contract with Kymbyl Komplete Kare Inc. of Rock Island, IL in order to perform the required maintenance through 2018.


Alderman Schipp moved to approve the contract extension as recommended; Alderman Spurgetis seconded.

Alderman Spurgetis asked what is included in the contract; he is concerned about the vacant lot at Watchtower Plaza and the weeds that were there last summer. Public Works Director Larry Cook responded that the contract is based on work that the City designates for the contractor to do; Mr. Cook said Watchtower Plaza is done in-house. Alderman Spurgetis said that would be his preference if it is the best way to get it done; he does not want weeds at that site. Mr. Cook said he will look into it.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

17. Report from the Community and Economic Development Department regarding a Special Ordinance authorizing the purchase of four (4) parcels of real estate from King Solomon Lodge #20 of State of Illinois PHA for the sum not to exceed $15,000.00.


Alderman Clark moved to approve the property purchase as recommended; authorize the City Manager to sign the purchase agreement, subject to minor modifications approved by the City Attorney; and consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinance; Alderman Tollenaer seconded.

Alderman Parker questioned the strategic benefits of the City owning 3/4 of the block; he wanted to know if the City will be issuing an RFP for development or contacting developers. Community and Economic Development Director Chandler Poole said the City is not sitting on property anymore; they will be actively marketing the site. He said they have a couple of developers in mind for housing at that location.

Alderman Parker said he has reservations about the demolition of the King Solomon Lodge, being sensitive to the African-American history of the structure. He wanted to know if it was absolutely necessary to demolish the structure to secure a development deal. Mr. Poole responded that the roof is failing, there is water damage, and black mold in the interior. There is no reason not to demolish it. Alderman Geenen said there are ways to honor it even if it must be demolished; for example, naming the housing development King Solomon Neighborhood. Mr. Poole said the structure is a liability, but it is an excellent idea to use naming rights. Alderman Geenen asked about demolition costs; Mr. Poole replied it could be as high as $15,000 which would include filling the basement to make the site buildable.

Alderman Clark said he appreciates all of the work that Mr. Poole has done on this project since Mr. Poole came to the City.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

18. Report from the Community and Economic Development Department regarding two Ordinances for setting Public Hearings for Monday, June 11, 2018 at 6:45 p.m. in Council Chambers and convening Joint Review Board meetings on Thursday, May 3, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. at Rock Island City Hall for review of the proposed redevelopment plans and projects of the Century Woods Redevelopment Project Area and the Heather Ridge Redevelopment Project Area and the adoption of tax increment allocation financing.


Alderman Clark moved to approve the establishment of the public hearings as recommended; and consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinances; Alderman Schipp seconded.

Alderman Parker asked about the appropriateness of TIF for these projects; he wanted to know if a legal determination had been made and what the timeline is. Mr. Poole responded that the projects are TIF eligible according to a study done by Kane McKenna. There are a number of criteria that must be met to be TIF eligible. Mr. Poole explained the ordinances set the dates for the public hearings on the TIFs and the projects. Alderman Geenen said he hasn't seen the attorney's opinion yet. Mr. Poole said he can provide the Kane McKenna study to Council.

Mr. Poole reported the City recently held meetings with the residents of Century Woods and Heather Ridge. At the meetings, Kane McKenna explained the TIF process and why the projects are eligible. The architect from Millennia was also at the meetings and explained what renovations will be done to the facilities. Alderman Geenen asked if anyone from the school board was present at the meetings. Mr. Poole replied no as the meetings were just for the residents. Mr. Poole explained the school board will be invited to the Joint Review Board meetings that are scheduled. Discussion continued. Mr. Poole said all of the facts will be presented at the public meetings. Alderman Parker said he wants the City to be mindful of the other taxing bodies and how TIF projects affect them.


Motion passed on a 5-1-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: Tollenaer. Absent: Mayberry.

19. Report from the General Administration regarding an Ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article 1, Section 2-12 of the Code of Ordinances relating to the availability of City records under the State Freedom of Information Act.


Alderman Spurgetis moved to consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinance; Alderman Schipp seconded.

Aldermen Spurgetis and Parker asked for an explanation of the amendment. City Manager Randy Tweet reviewed the current process of handling incoming FOIA requests, of which 70% or more are police records requests. He said the amendment will allow for an improved workflow and process for the Police Department to handle their own requests and for the City Clerk to handle all of the other FOIA requests. Alderman Spurgetis asked for clarity where and how FOIA requests can be made. Mr. Tweet said they are encouraging people to complete the online form for FOIA requests. Requestors will have a choice on the website for police records and all other records. There will be forms available at the City Clerk's office, at the Police Department, and online. Mr. Tweet said the City Clerk is working with the Police Department to make the transition regarding FOIA requests.

Alderman Parker said he would like to modify the ordinance so that ordinances cannot be passed with only a single reading. He would like it on the agenda at the next meeting. Alderman Tollenaer said he supports that request. Mr. Tweet explained that for the more routine ordinances, they are usually passed with only one vote; however, with the budget ordinance, there are two votes. Alderman Spurgetis said aldermen do have the option to only "move to consider." Alderman Clark agreed that they already have the ability to have two votes on any ordinance; a change is not needed. Alderman Tollenaer asked for the administration to have a recommendation and give both sides of the issue. Alderman Tollenaer explained that a super majority is required to consider, suspend the rules, and pass the ordinance. Alderman Clark repeated that he does not think a change is necessary. Mayor Thoms said some issues require an expedited process. Alderman Parker said he wants to discuss the matter further.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

20. Report from the Public Works Department regarding a Resolution appropriating $1,387,200.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for street maintenance in 2018.


Alderman Spurgetis moved to adopt the resolution as recommended; Alderman Clark seconded.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 roll call vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

21. Report from the Traffic Engineering Committee regarding a request for removal of a handicapped parking space at 545 24th Avenue.


Alderman Tollenaer moved to approve the request as recommended and refer to the City Attorney for an ordinance; Alderman Schipp seconded.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 voice vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

22. Report from the Mayor recommending an appointment to the Advanced Technology and Sustainability Task Force.


Alderman Tollenaer moved to approve the appointment as recommended; Alderman Parker seconded.

Mayor Thoms said the appointment is Eric Westphall from MidAmerican Energy. Alderman Schipp asked if there is an alderman representative on the task force; Mayor Thoms replied no.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 voice vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

23. Report from the City Clerk regarding a request from Radicle Effect Brewerks for an outdoor event with the consumption of alcohol outdoors on Wednesday, June 6, 2018 from 4:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. at 1340 31st Street.


Alderman Schipp moved to approve the event and the request as recommended, subject to complying with all liquor license regulations and subject to being closed down early if complaints are received; Alderman Parker seconded.

Alderman Schipp thanked Radicle Effects Brewerks owner Rich Nunez for attending the Council meeting. Alderman Schipp was also happy to see that Radicle Effects Brewerks has a commercial now.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 voice vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

24. Other Business

Alderman Tollenaer extended condolences to the family and employees of John Hass who passed away on Sunday. Alderman Tollenaer has known him for four decades and Mr. Hass was a great family man. Mayor Thoms said Mr. Hass served on the Police and Fire Commission for almost 40 years. Mayor Thoms also extended sympathies to the family. Mayor Thoms announced retired Fire Chief Gary Mell had passed away; his visitation is tomorrow with the funeral on Wednesday. Mayor Thoms said the City appreciates Chief Mell's years of service and extended condolences to his family and friends.

Alderman Schipp said he met with the Quad Cities Chamber this afternoon; there is a lot of goodwill from the chamber towards the City. Alderman Schipp said the chamber is ambitious to make deals for the City and will be educating the City on what they can do in the future. With regard to building and buying homes in Rock Island, Alderman Schipp said all he is asking for is an even playing field without the excuses and stereotypes about Rock Island. He said the current City administration is willing to help get projects done and deals made in Rock Island.

Alderman Spurgetis announced the Rock Island Police Benevolent Association is holding a taco dinner on Saturday, April 7 from 5-7 p.m. at the Plumbers and Pipefitters Hall; there will also be a dance from 7-11 p.m.

Mayor Thoms said he had prepared a proclamation today at the request of Rabbi Cadaner, Director of the Chabod Lubavitch of the Quad Cities, proclaiming March 27, 2018 as Education and Sharing Day, Rock Island. The proclamation serves to commemorate the Rebeh, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, who dedicated his life to the betterment of mankind and advocated for a better education for all Americans.

No one signed up to address Council to speak on a topic.

25. Motion to Adjourn


Alderman Schipp moved to adjourn; Alderman Clark seconded.


Motion passed on a 6-0-1 voice vote. Aye: Spurgetis, Tollenaer, Parker, Schipp, Geenen, and Clark. Nay: None. Absent: Mayberry.

The meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.
