Village of Orion Village Board met July 15.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. Call to order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll call
IV. Approval of the minutes of the meeting held July 1, 2019
V. Approval of the bills of the month: General Fund-$36,918.15, Debt Retirement- $39,774.30, Recycle-$2,642.28, Water O&M-$1,834.54, Water Depr.-$426.50, Sewer O&M-$11,120.74, Sewer Surplus-$70.00, MFT-$6,813.06, Band Shell Pres.- $725.00
VI. Advise and consent to President Cooper’s appointment of Mike Dunlap to the trustee vacancy created by Roger Peterson – Deputy Clerk Lundburg administers oath of office
I. Discussion from floor
II. Committees:
a. Finance
1. Adopt Ordinance #2019-5, Appropriation for FY2019
2. Set Finance Committee meeting
b. Sewer
c. Water
d. Recreation
1. Possible action on IDNR Grant
e. Streets
1. Approve adding $10,000 to sidewalk maintenance budget
f. Police
g. Bldgs. & Grounds
III. President’s Agenda
IV. Adjourn