City of New Boston City Council met July 24.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The City of New Boston met in regular session July 24, 2019. Mayor DeFrieze opened the meeting at 7:00 pm. Alderman present were Giles, Schreurs, Marston, Ramer, and Fourdyce. Alderman absent was Miller. Police Chief Mike also attended the meeting. Minutes were taken by Lacey Schreurs.
Cara Svoboda was present for Public Forum.
Cara asked for clarification on the noise ordinance.
Schreurs made the motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Giles, all aye votes, motion carried.
Marston made the motion to pay the bills, seconded by Fourdyce. Roll call votes as follows: Giles-aye, Schreurs-aye, Marston-aye, Ramer-aye, and Fourdyce-aye. Motion carried.
Mike reported that they have been painting hydrants and will flush hydrants Friday7/26 and Monday7/29.
Fourdyce made the motion to acquire the Blick and Blick property, seconded by Schreurs. Roll call votes as follows: Giles-aye, Schreurs-aye, Marston-aye, Ramer-aye, and Fourdyce-aye. Motion carried.
Ramer said they need to have a tree trimmed at the Veteran’s Memorial.
Giles reported that they road construction will begin on August 1st.
Ramer made the motion to go into Executive Session seconded by Giles, all aye votes, motion carried.
Ramer made the motion to come out of Executive Session, seconded by Marston, all aye votes, motion carried.
Marston made the motion to discontinue services with the W.I.R.C, seconded by Schreurs. Roll call votes as follows: Giles-aye, Schreurs-aye, Marston-aye, Ramer-aye, and Fourdyce-aye. Motion carried.
Fourdyce made the motion to purchase a new air conditioner for the Fitness Center, seconded by Schreurs. Roll call votes as follows: Giles-aye, Schreurs-aye, Marston-aye, Ramer-aye, and Fourdyce-aye. Motion carried.
Marston made the motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ramer, all aye votes, motion carried.