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Friday, March 14, 2025

City of Colona City Council met April 8

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Welcome to the City of Colona Sign | City of Colona

City of Colona City Council met April 8.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER: 6:15 p.m.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Ropp, Attorney Wright, Alderman Stablein, Swemline Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl were present. Alderman Dooley and Goodrum were absent. Staff present: Ryan Erichsen (Public Works Director). Jen Legare (Finance Director) Kristina Medrano (Admin/Deputy Clerk)


PUBLIC COMMENTS: Stu Parker-Mr. Parker asked if the plan was to eliminate all burning in The City. Would there be any exceptions? Mayor advised this was just on the agenda for discussion and no voting would be done on this matter yet. Mr. Parker also had a question on New Business item # 5 regarding the Mayor being duly authorized to enter into contracts. Stu would like to suggest for anything the Mayor approves to come through Council for approval as well. Mayor Ropp offered the language is exactly how it is written on the Joint Participation Agreement from Bi-State regional Commission and it is what we use to purchase rock salt.

PRESENTATION: Mayor advised presentation was canceled today. John Timmer

called in to say the audit is only 75% complete at this time, and he will try to be in for the next Council meeting to present the audit.


1. Plans for WWTP access received from IMEG sent to Moline for review-ready to put out to bid

2. Continue Spring clean-up @ CSFP, water on, stump grinding, cabins, and clubhouse Spring Clean

3. Started Street sweeping

4. Some temporary roof repairs Cabins

5. Temps jobs posted-apps coming in-review in progress

6. Approx. 70 seasonal spots rented and paid-Getting ready to let campers in

7. New sewer meter is in -along with additional electric upgrades needed and remote read -sump pump in pit

8. Had Mid America power loss event-Got it repaired-Lift Station

9. Clean debris-Checking storm drains

10. Installation of new SS bathroom fixtures at Timbrook Field

11. Fence repair at Timbrook Field scheduled

12. Rock hauled in for parking in Tim Brook Field & Ty Massey Park

13. 2 men from PW now in CDL Training

14. 2 men from PW now in Pottie Training

15. Looking into pool heater installation

16. National safe digging awareness month -Call 811

17. WWTP running well- Experiencing increase flows due to rain

18. Survey crew IMEG working on lot survey set pins. Map prep for property transfer and Spring Construction start

19. New flags and ropes at several City Locations-Broken pole @ CSFP-Old flags properly disposed of

20. Smart Wave installing equipment -City Hall and PD- Tower April 15th

21. Ryan & Tony working on water operations/procedures -Getting ready for flushing-

22. PW and Teamster negotiations complete. Teamsters ratified contract

23. Received water meters for new development commercial

24. Shell station moving along well

25. Wellness Center moving along well

26. BJ’s will be scheduling Grand Opening soon

27. CSFP ground crew scheduled to return April 15th

28. Meet with Loren from IMEG -setting up PACER Program-review of Street evaluation for 2024 paving program

29. Don working on TIF V-adding additional parcels to TIF area and getting info to IMEG and TESKA for legal description

30. Ryan been working on a lot SOP’s-Operational Tracking-Spreadsheets and updating our SCADA systems water/sewer distribution and fire hydrant inventory and evaluation.


• Public Works Committee: Minutes attached.


1. Approve payment of bills/Claims by Vendor report for the period March 26- April 8, 2024

2. Approve payroll for the period March 26-April 10,2024

3. Approve Treasurer’s Report for March 2024

4. Approve minutes from March 25,2024 City Council Meeting

• Alderman Swemline made a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items 1-4. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Dooley and Goodrum Absent. Motion passed with 6 Ayes/2 absent.


1. Clerk position still vacant. Mayor would like for Council to discuss at this time. Alderman Stablein would like to move the issue of raising the Clerk’s salary to $12,000.00 per year effective May 1 2025, as well as the issue of moving forward with a referendum changing the Clerk’s position from elected to that of appointed over to the Finance Committee for further research and discussion.

• Alderman Stablein made a motion to move approving raising Clerk’s salary to $12,000.00 per year effective May 1,2025, and Changing the Clerk’s position from elected to appointment as per statutes over to Finance Committee for further review. Alderman Lack seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Goodrum and Dooley were absent. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 2 absent.

2. Adoption of water and sewer metering policy that as per current ordinance both water and sewer charges are determined through the water and meter readings and there shall be no adjustment made by water billing clerks or water department personnel for excessive water use or by the corporate authorities except upon repeal of this policy

• Alderman Stablein made a motion to move the issue of the adoption of a water and sewer metering policy that as per current ordinance both water and sewer charges are determined through the water and meter readings and there shall be no adjustment made by water billing clerks or water department personnel for excessive water use or by the corporate authorities except upon repeal of this policy over to the Finance/Admin Committee for further discussion and review. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Dooley and Goodrum absent. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 2 absent.

3. Discuss City wide spring cleanup- New Flyer distributed by Public Works Director Erichsen to Council Members.

4. Continue discussion of lateral transfer Ordinance Amendment ORD # 5-1-12

• Chief Swemline informed Council members that with this Ordinance Amendment he is trying to incentivize Officers to transfer over to our Department. Changing this will make Colona more competitive with other Departments in our area. It will also save The City some money on training expenses. Alderman Stablein asked if this is for both full and part time officers. Chief offered this would just apply to full time officers. After discussing it was decided to bring this up for a vote at the next City Council meeting.


1. Discuss and approve moving forward with amendment of burn ORD # 5-2-4-5 eliminating all burning in City

• Alderman Jones stated a resident had asked him to bring this issue before Council and thought that The City could possibly eliminate one of the three days of burning. After further discussion Alderman Swemline made a motion to not move forward with an amendment of burn ORD # 5-2-4-5 eliminating all burning in The City. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Dooley and Goodrum absent. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 2 absent.

2. Discussion and approval of vacating right of way between south canal Bank and property owned by Jeff Reddick/Sluggers to allow more business parking -See Map and Parcel info- 501 1st Street

• Mayor Ropp informed Council that the owner of Sluggers had requested to use the area between South canal bank and the building to be used as more parking. Alderman Lack made a motion to vacate the right of way but for the City to retain easement rights. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Dooley and Goodrum absent. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 2 absent.

3. Hear and discuss request of Janelle Santilli of 711 4th Street for a relief of sewer change for an excessive water usage event in March of approximately 128,000 gallons between March 5th and 11th.

• After discussing it was decided to hold the penalties and apply an average use bill for the resident until The City can further investigate. Alderman Lack made a motion to table this issue and hold off on penalties until The City can look into this matter further. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Dooley and Goodrum absent. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 2 absent.

4. Public Works Director offered the cabins at CSFP are in very bad shape. The roofs are completely rotted out and there is a lot of work that needs to be done. He offered a 5-year plan might be best to get the work done without spending out too much at one time. After discussing it was decided to put the cabins/roofs on the agenda for the next City Council meeting for a vote.

5. Approve that Mayor Don Ropp is duly authorized to enter into contracts, to include Joint participation agreements, on behalf of The City of with The State of Illinois and any of its agencies or departments and further is authorized to execute any documents which in his judgement be desirable or necessary to affect the purpose of this vote.

• Alderman Painter made a motion to approve New Business item # 5. Alderman Swemline seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Dooley and Goodrum absent. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 2 absent.

MOTION TO GO TO CLOSED SESSION: By Alderman Lack seconded by Alderman Stablein. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Dooley and Goodrum absent. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 2 absent.


(2) Collective negotiating matter between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees.

Section 2-C-5 The purpose or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired.

Section 2-C-3 The selection of a person to fill a public office, as defined in this Act, including a vacancy in a public office, when the public body is given power to appoint under law or ordinance, or the discipline, performance or removal of the occupant of a public office when the public body is given power to remove the occupant under law or ordinance.

MOTION TO GO BACK TO OPEN SESSION: By Alderman Stablein. Seconded by alderman Lack.

NEW BUSINESS: Continued after Closed Session

6. Approve successor bargaining agreement between The City of Colona Public Works Department and Teamsters Local Union No. 371, effective May 1, 2024 through April 30, 2027 and authorize Mayor to execute contract. Also approve amending the 2024-2025 Budget applicable line items to reflect the approved contract.

• Alderman Stablein made a motion to approve New Business item # 6. Alderman Painter seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Dooley and Goodrum absent. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 2 absent.

7. Approve Ordinance 0-24-02 adopting The Annual Budget for 2024-2025

• Alderman Lack made a motion to approve Ordinance 0-24-02 The Annual Budget for 2024-2025. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Dooley and Goodrum absent. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 2 absent.

ADJOURN: Alderman Swemline made a motion to adjourn. Alderman Stablein Seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Dooley and Goodrum absent. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 2 absent. 8:31 PM




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