
Rock Island Today

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Lewistown City Council will meet June 11

Webp 8

Welcome to Lewistown sign | City of Lewistown / Facebook

Welcome to Lewistown sign | City of Lewistown / Facebook

City of Lewistown City Council will meet June 11.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

1.Call to Order

2.   Pledge of Allegiance

3.   Invocation

4.   Roll Call:  Alderperson Clark, Long, Ward, Miller, Levingston, Spotloe and Mayor Lafary

5.   Declaration of Quorum

6.   Approve Minutes of May 28th, 2024 City Council Meeting & Closed Session

       Clerk’s Report:  Cindy Goddard City Clerk

7.  Treasurer’s Report:  Debbie Brown City Treasurer 

8.   Attorney’s Report:  Attorney Nathan Collins

9.   Engineer’s Report – Keith Plavec

10.  Public Comments and Petitions

11. Committee and Citizens Groups Reports:

1.    Finance/Insurance/Zoning – Alderwoman Clark Chairperson

2.    Sewer – Alderman Spotloe Chairman

3.    Streets & Allies – Alderman Levingston Chairman

4.    Police/ESDA – Alderman Ward Chairman

5.    Water – Alderman Miller Chairman

6.    Utilities/Publications – Alderman Long Chairman

7.    Public Buildings & Grounds – Alderman Long Chairman

8.    Tourism – Alderman Miller Chairman

9.    Tax Increment Financing – Alderman Spotloe Chairman

10.    Citizens Committee – Amanda Sutphen

11.    Christmas Committee- Kenny Haacke

12.    Economic Development Committee- 

12.  Public Works Report: Evinn Palmer Director

13. Unfinished Business: 

A. Discuss/Act Upon Amendments to Ordinance Section 111.36(A) for Liquor License

13.    New Business: 

A.    Discuss/Act Upon Donation to Park-District from Police Benevolent Fund

B.    Discuss/Act Upon repairs for Police 2019 Dodge Ram ($2,400)

C.    Discuss/Act Upon Invoice for Upfitting new Durango

15.  Presentation of Bills

        Approve Bills Properly Endorsed

16.  Closed session if needed

17.   Adjournment
