
Rock Island Today

Thursday, March 13, 2025

City of Colona City Council met May 13

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Welcome to the City of Colona Sign | City of Colona

City of Colona City Council met May 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


ROLL CALL: Mayor Ropp, Attorney Wright, Alderman Stablein, Swemline Lack, Jones, Painter, and Shady-Dahl were present. Alderman Dooley was absent. Staff present: Chief Swemline, Jen Legare (Finance Director), Kristina Medrano (Admin/Deputy Clerk)


1. Brett Swanson-Owner of Swanny's came before Council to get permission to shut down the alley on June 22nd for an outside event. Brett informed Council event would be finished by 10PM.

2. Melanie Hergert- A resident of Colona came before Council to discuss her concerns about the Chestnut Dr. project cancelation. Melanie Hergert stated there was a lot of work put into this project and a lot of communication with residents. She stated if she remembers correctly it was approved by City Council, the DOT, and the State. She also stated there must be bids somewhere since the project is being canceled due to lack of funding and she can FOIA request those if needed. She is also concerned about the property The Mayor's family owns that is adjacent to Chestnut Dr., and she hopes this isn't a conflict of interest. She stated if this road is finished those people can get out of their addition easier, and we can get thirty more houses possibly with children that would hopefully come into Colona Schools.

3. Michael Shamsie- Stated he came before Council to talk about the Greenwood RBI funding for the extension of the Roadway. He stated the RBI Funding project started before Mayor Ropp came to office back in April of 2021. Mr. Shamsie stated we went through all the environmental review with DOT and finally got through that in August of 2021. There was a Resolution passed in February of 2023. He stated he relied on the Resolution based on the commitment of State funds, and spent $50,000.00 revising the plans. He stated we got DOT approval back in April of 2023, and IDOT has approved that project for funding. He stated The City has already spent money out of these funds, by contracting out with IMEG and spent upwards of $40,000.00 for the construction and permitting side of it through DOT. He stated he bought 89 lots not The Right of Way. He stated he got a bid today from Five Cities Construction in the $240,000.00 range. He also stated if there is a shortfall he would be more than happy to pay the shortfall and is willing to put that in writing. Mr. Shamsie stated whatever the shortfall is he will write a check and pay The City directly. Mr. Shamsie also stated this would be great for our schools. Thirty houses could generate a lot of property taxes to the school district, and be beneficial to The City. Mr. Shamsie stated he relied on the good faith Resolution of The Council and if The City does pull the project, then he has a case of detrimental reliance and he will seek refund of his cost to date for The City's failure to live up to the Resolution.

Chief Swemline:

1. Chief Swemline had some letters to pass out to his third shift guys, but they weren't able to attend the Council Meeting. These letters are just to acknowledge that the Officers are no longer on probation. Chief will give them to those third shifters separately.

2. Chief had some letters of accommodation for Sargant Wiley and Sargant Powless. Chief asked both Sargent Wiley and Powless if they would be willing to attend a class for leadership development, and they both said yes. The class was a three-week class and both were able accumulate college credit for participating in the course. Chief also stated as part of a requirement for the course they were asked to write a research paper with the topic being, The Future of The Colona Police Department. Chief stated he has a copy of both papers if anyone would like to read them. Chief read from the letter of accommodation and thanked both Sargeant Powless and Wiley for all their hard work and dedication to The Colona Police Department.


1. WIPFLI, our new auditors have been interviewing different employees of The City and gave access to the online hub to The Mayor and Finance Director Legare.

2. Mayor met with Loren from IMEG in regards to the 2024 season paving schedule.

3. The Colona Canal Cleanup took place on Saturday May 11th. It was very successful. Big thanks to Laura Lamantia who put a lot of work into organizing this event.

4. Mayor received correspondence from CVP attorney in regards to sewer backup. Trial date set for June 21st at 9AM.

5. Mayor, Alderman Swemline, Chief Swemline, and Chief Swan attended National Day of Prayer on Thursday May 2nd at Veterans Memorial Park. Service went well and weather cooperated.

6. Mayor received a letter from the Capital Development Board. We are required to make reports in regards to building code and what we require.

7. Mayor signed DNR canal lease and made the payment of $300.00 was made for the year.

8. Mayor stated a letter was drafted to Jeremy Toney in regards to him not paying his water bill for the last six months. Had a conversation with the Attorney and we will be moving forward with the lien process.

9. Port-o-potties for the Memorial Day Parade have been ordered and will be delivered on Friday May 17th.

10. Mayor received a letter from attorney Thurman in regards to an upcoming case. He is asking The City reimburse the towing fees. 

11. Mayor had some questions regarding Marks Small Engine. Mayor has checked into it and the business is following the zoning.

12. Public Works Director Erichsen re-piped water to the pavilion at CSFP.

13. Mayor contacted IDOT and got the Resolution and insurance sent in order to get the permit for The Memorial Day Parade. He did get confirmation from IDOT this information was received.

14. Public Works been busy with mowing. Guys doing great job keeping up with it especially with all the rain we have been getting. 

15. Public Works been working at lift stations. Poured concrete pads for generators. Will be installing generators as soon as weather permits. 

16. Several Public Works Projects on The Agenda this evening. Lots of upcoming projects.

17. WIFI service from Smart Wave Technologies is almost operational. Finishing up on the West side of The City.

18. Occupancy permit has been issued for Shell- the gas station side only.

19. Midwest therapy up and running.

20. 300 radio read water meters scheduled to arrive in June. Only another 200-300 left and we will have all radio read meters.

21. CSFP open and running.

22. Mayor spoke with Alderman Dooley. He will be out 6-8 weeks. He is working on building his strength so he can have a procedure done. 23. Mayor looking into recent changes in the law regarding background checks. We need to make some changes to ensure we follow changes in the law.

24. It has been brought to the attention of The Mayor and Public Works Director Erichsen some issues with Mid-American energy transformers out in Stonebridge subdivision.

25. Mayor working on intergovernmental agreement with East Moline for building inspector and code enforcement.

26. Mayor and Public Works Director working with Burrage Roofing to get some of the roofs on various City buildings looked at.



o Alderman Stablein stated everything that was discussed in Finance/Admin Committee meeting in on the Agenda for tonight and she will jump in the discussion when it is appropriate. She also offered that Finance/Admin Committee is still doing research as far as the restructuring of the office is concerned.


1. Approve bills/Claims by Vendor for the period April 23-May 13,2024

2. Approve payroll for the period April 26-May 10, 2024

3. Approve Treasurer's Report for April 2024

4. Approve minutes from April 22nd City Council Meeting

5. Approve changing Council Meeting date of May 27, 2024 to May 30, 2024. Thursday 6PM due to the 27th being Memorial Day Holiday

o Alderman Shady-Dahl made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items 1-5. Alderman Stablein seconded, discussion offered hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed 6 Ayes and 1 absent.


1. Greenwood III Chestnut Dr.-Forest Dr Project-Cancellation of project due to lack of funding, engineering, legal issues, and no Developer commitment

o Mayor Ropp stated The City had an estimate that was over.

Mayor brought to City Council several months ago, and nothing has been done. We are running out of time on the rebuild Illinois Funds. The Resolution that was done wasn't completed or submitted properly. There was no IDOT approval. The original drawings that were submitted by Mr. Shamsie were not in compliance and so they had to be resubmitted. Legal issues include a subdivision ordinance The City has in place that requires the developer to pay for the roads in the subdivision then dedicate them to The City. Mr. Shamsie has come before Council previously stated he does not want to do business in Colona, or the state of Illinois. Alderman Painter offered Mr. Shamsie did not want to do business with Mayor Ropp. Mayor Ropp offered he wasn't in office yet and stated Alderman Painter was out of order. Alderman Painter stated you have one year then you are done, and we are all going to make sure of that. Mayor Ropp stated Alderman Painter is out of order. 2. Discussion on reallocation of Rebuild Illinois Funds to viable project beneficial to The City of Colona or lose funding

o Mayor Ropp stated The Council needs to come up with another plan to use the funds so The City does not lose the funding. Mayor asked if any of The Council members had ideas.


1. Approve request from Brett Swanson to close alley between Maple Street and Warren St. June 22, 2024 for outside event and music. 8AM till 10PM QC Karaoke Competition (Swanny's)

o Alderman Painter made a motion to approve New Business item # 1. Alderman Stablein seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

2. Approve resolution R-24-05. A Resolution of The City Council of The City of Colona, Henry County, Illinois, declaring surplus property.

o Alderman Painter made a motion to approve New Business item # 2. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

3. Approve appointment Christina Ford to the unexpired term of City Clerk.

o Alderman Jones made a motion to table New Business item # 3 until next City Council Meeting. Alderman Lack seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

4. Approve Short Form Services Agreement for routine bridge inspections (1) Briar Bluff Road 037-3046 (2) E. 450th Street 037-6100 -Fixed fee of $2,000.00

o Alderman Shady-Dahl made a motion to table New Business Item # 4 until next City Council Meeting after more information is gathered on when the last bridge inspection was completed. Alderman Lack seconded. Discussion offered hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

5. Waive bidding requirements for storm sewer and street repairs-Birchwood not to exceed the statutory limit and authorize Mayor to execute contract for repairs.

o Alderman Painter made a motion to go through the bidding process. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll Call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Swemline and Jones voted no. Alderman Stablein, Lack, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 4 Ayes and 2 Nays.

6. Waive bidding requirement for water main repair-1005 8th St. in roadway, not to exceed the statutory limit and authorize Mayor to execute contract for repairs.

7. Waive bidding requirement for installation of donated swim pool heater at CSFP by licensed plumber and authorize Mayor to execute contract for the work. Not to exceed statutory limit.

8. Waive bidding requirement-Rebuild/repair steps and handicap ramp and railing at City Hall per ADA regulations not to exceed statutory limit. Authorize Mayor to execute contract for work.

9. Waive bidding requirements to explore and excavate freeze line, and install new curb stop to BJ's Liquor just North of fence at Colona School parking lot. Authorize Mayor to execute contract for repair work.

o Alderman Shady-Dahl made a motion to go through the bidding process on New Business items 6-9. Alderman Painter seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Jones voted no. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Painter, and Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 5 ayes and 1 nay.

10. Discussion and possible approval of Claim Communication Agreement and proposal/agreement with Burrage Roofing Construction and Restoration for assistance in filing insurance claim for recent storm damage to all roofs of City buildings. Authorize Mayor to execute agreements-No cost to City.

o Alderman Stablein made a motion to table New Business item # 10 until Attorney Wright has a chance to look over contracts. Alderman Jones seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

11. Approve purchase of 140 folding chairs, Heavy duty (500lb. capacity) commercial grade. Estimated price of $4500.00-Public Works Committee recommends.

o Alderman Painter made a motion to approve New Business item # 11. Alderman Swemline seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

12. Approve establishing bulk water purchasing rate of $12.00/1000gallons and a $40.00 Admin fee for meter set up, reading, and billing-Public Works Committee recommends.

o Alderman Swemline made a motion to approve New Business item # 12. Alderman Painter seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent.

13. Approve Bi-State Service Draft Agreement for services for preparing and updating The City of Colona's Comprehensive Plan and authorize The Mayor to execute the agreement -Cost of $14,864.00 with a discount of $1,000.00 in membership dues for cost of $13,864.00-Public Works Committee recommends.

o Alderman Painter made a motion to approve New Business item #13. Alderman Jones seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent

14. a. Approve updating City Fuel Storage and Distribution System at Public Works Facility-New leased 1,000-gallon double lined tank and new pump with equipment maintenance by tank/fuel supplier must purchase minimum of 8,000 gallons per year. Authorize Mayor to execute lease agreement.

b. Approve purchase and installation of Fuel Management System to track fuel use between departments. Authorize Mayor to execute necessary contracts for work required to purchase, install, provide electric and concrete pad -Will use old pump and 500-gallon tank for diesel possibly-

o Alderman Shady-Dahl made a motion to approve New Business items 14a and 14b. Alderman Painter seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent

15. Approve Mayor moving forward to negotiate Agreement with The City of East Moline to provide The City of Colona with building code inspection services and bring that Agreement to Council for approval.

o Alderman Painter made a motion to approve New Business item #15. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent

16. Approve repurpose of tennis court at Ty Massey Park to tennis court and pickle ball courts combined. Scope of work to include crack sealing, surface coating, painting of surface and lines, material costs. Most labor and equipment will be done by Public Works Forces. Estimated cost not to exceed $12,000.00

o Alderman Lack made a motion to table New Business # 16 until we hear back from Senator Halpin on the $300,000.00. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent

17. Mayor announce new committee assignments for 2024-2025 Fiscal Year and approval.

o Alderman Painter made a motion to keep the committee assignments as is. Alderman Lack seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Lack, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Alderman Jones and Swemline voted no. Motion passed with 4 ayes, 2 Nays, and 1 absent

18. Approve increasing Demolition permit fees from $20.00 to $50.00 per permit -Public Works Committee recommends.

o Alderman Lack made a motion to approve New Business item #18. Alderman Painter seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent

19. Approve moving forward with changing City Clerk position from elected to appointed and for Mayor and City Attorney to research requirements and procedure to make change happen.

o Alderman Lack made a motion to approve New Business # 19. Alderman Stablein Seconded. Discussion offered - clarification provided that this motion was simply to move forward with further researching the process and viability of changing the City Clerk position to an appointed position. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent

Motion to go to Closed Session:

o Alderman Lack made a motion to go to Closed Session. Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent

Motion to go back to Open Session:

o Alderman Shady-Dahl made a motion to go back to Open Session. Alderman Swemline seconded. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent


o Motion to Adjourn by Alderman Painter. Seconded by Alderman Swemline. Discussion offered, hearing none. Roll call: Alderman Dooley was absent. Alderman Stablein, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Painter, Shady-Dahl voted yes. Motion passed with 6 ayes and 1 absent




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