
Rock Island Today

Saturday, September 28, 2024

City of Geneseo City Council met May 14

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Mayor Sean A. Johnson | City of Geneseo

Mayor Sean A. Johnson | City of Geneseo

City of Geneseo City Council met May 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The Regular Council of the City of Geneseo was called to order on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 6:00 PM, in the Council Chambers, with the following members present:

COUNCIL PRESENT: Council Bob James, Council Brett Barnhart, Council Craig Arnold, Mayor Sean Johnson, Council Martin Rothschild, Council Paula Simosky, Alderman Kent Swanson, Council Keith Kennett, and Alderman James Roodhouse


STAFF PRESENT: Director of Finance Jamie Matthews, City Administrator Brandon Maeglin, Director of IT Garrett Griswold, Attorney Derke Price, Chief of Police Casey Disterhoft, Director of Public Works Chad VandeWoestyne, Building Inspector Rick Mills, Director of Electrical Operations Eric Rowold, and City Clerk Paige Seibel



Led by Pastor Steve Palm

2 Pledge of Allegiance

3 Roll Call

Meeting began at 6:00 pm

4 SWEARING-IN: Re-Elected Mayor & council Members

4.1. Oath of Office: Johnson, Roodhouse, Kennett, Barnhart, & Arnold

5 Chamber of Commerce Report

Chamber Director Sullivan gave his report

Upcoming Chamber Events:

05/27 - Memorial Day Isle of the Flags (volunteers needed)

06/01 - The Last Lighting

06/06 - Mural #4 Projection Party at Mel Foster Co.

06/14-06/16 - Music Festival - Father's Day Weekend

06/20-06/22 Sunshine Steals & Deals: A Ladie's Getaway Weekend

06/28 Chamber Golf Outing (registration currently open)

Upcoming Ribbon Cuttings:

05/18: My Moon Creations at Vintique Market

06/01: Main Street Antiques 10:00 am

Tier One Gymnastics and Activity Center 12:00 pm

Shadow Lake Event Center at 2:00 pm

6 City Engineering Report

City Engineer Loren Rains gave the monthly Engineers report.

Mayor Johnson initiated a discussion between Engineer Rains, City Staff, and Council about the North State Street project. He expressed his concerns about the time of year in which the project will start, and it not being finished until Spring of 2025 ensuring the residents of the area will not have an issue with a half-done project during the winter months. Rains expressed that there are things that can be written in the bid such as weekly/bi-weekly meetings with the contractors and City Officials, setting different stages in the project to be done by winter, etc.

6.1. Geneseo Monthly Engineers Report 05.14.2024

7 Public Comment - Agenda Items

City Ordinance allows members of the Public to speak and give input up to 3 minutes during Public Comment, there can be no debate or action by the City Council at this time.

Austin Decker voiced his and neighbors' concerns about the 2nd street extension off South Spring Street. The City has agreed to the roadway extension for the Park District to put a swing gate on the south side of the field to allow for cars to have two exits from the field. Decker advised that the neighbors are petitioning to have that not happen due to safety reasons.

City Administrator Maeglin advised the city and park district will be meeting with the neighbors along tomorrow at 2 pm - anyone is welcomed to attend.

A Q&A took place.

8 Mayor's Comments


9 City Council Comments


10 City Administrator's Comments

- Memorial Day Program - 05/27

- The Last Lighting - 06/01

- Mural #4 Projection Event - 06/06

- E-Waste 2024 - Set for 09/28

City Administration Maeglin spoke to council about the upcoming events:

VFW ceremony will take place at 05/27 at 10:00 am and would encourage the council to come for the event and stand on the stage during the ceremony.

The Last Lighting Ceremony will take place on 06/01 from 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

E-Waste 2024 Event will take place on 09/28 in partnership with PC's for People at the Geneseo Street Dept. Building adding that the FFA will be volunteering.

11 Finance Director Comments

11.1. Treasurer's Report and Capital Asset Reports as Submitted.

Finance Director Matthews gave the Treasurer's and Capital Asset Reports.

Director of Electrical Operations Rowold gave the Summary Project report for Electric

Public Works Director VanDeWoestyne gave the Summary Project report for Public Works.

A Q&A took place between Council and City Staff.

Craig Arnold moved, seconded by Keith Kennett, Motion to approve the Treasurer's Report and Capital Asset Reports as submitted.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Craig Arnold

SECONDER: Keith Kennett

AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, Keith Kennett, and James Roodhouse

12 Consent Agenda

12.1. Approval of Previous Minutes

Regular Council - 09 Apr 2024 - Minutes

Committee of the Whole - 23 Apr 2024 - Minutes

Special Council - 23 Apr 2024 - Minutes

12.2. Senator Stoller Lease Agreement Renewal

12.3. O-24-02: Right-Of-Way Opening Permit Amendments

12.4. Omnibus method

Craig Arnold moved, seconded by Kent Swanson, Motion to approve using the omnibus method and to approve items 12.1 - 12.4

RESULT: Carried 

MOVER: Craig Arnold 

SECONDER: Kent Swanson 

AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, Keith Kennett, and James Roodhouse

13 Unfinished Business

Items that were requested to be removed from consent agenda.

No items were requested to be removed from consent agenda

14 Administration

14.1. R-24-10: Appointment of City Administrator, Chief of Police, City Treasurer & City Clerk

No conversation was had.

Craig Arnold moved, seconded by Keith Kennett, Motion to approve R-24-10

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Craig Arnold

SECONDER: Keith Kennett

AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, Keith Kennett, and James Roodhouse

14.2. Approval of a Facade Improvement Grant for 104 S State Street

City Administrator Maeglin spoke to council about the Facade application submitted by Jerrod Minnaert.

No conversation was had.

Craig Arnold moved, seconded by Bob James, Motion to approve the Facade Grant Application for 104 S State St, in an amount up to $4,045.00.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Craig Arnold


AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, Keith Kennett, and James Roodhouse

15 Payment of City and Utility Bills

15.1. Approval of City bills

A Q&A took place between Alderwomen Simosky and City Staff.

Craig Arnold moved, seconded by Brett Barnhart, Motion to approve the City

Bills as presented.

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Craig Arnold

SECONDER: Brett Barnhart

AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, Keith Kennett, and James Roodhouse

16 Public Comment - All Other Items

City Ordinance allows members of the Public to speak and give input up to 3 minutes during Public Comment, there can be no debate or action by the City Council at this time.


17 Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 6:56 pm

17.1. Move to close the meeting

Craig Arnold moved, seconded by Martin Rothschild, Motion to Adjourn

RESULT: Carried

MOVER: Craig Arnold

SECONDER: Martin Rothschild

AYES: Bob James, Brett Barnhart, Craig Arnold, Martin Rothschild, Paula Simosky, Kent Swanson, Keith Kennett, and James Roodhouse
