
Rock Island Today

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met June 4

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Moline City Council is Moline’s Legislative body and is comprised of the Mayor, one member from each of the seven wards within the City, and one that represents the City at-large. | City of Moline

Moline City Council is Moline’s Legislative body and is comprised of the Mayor, one member from each of the seven wards within the City, and one that represents the City at-large. | City of Moline

City of Moline Committee of the Whole/Council met June 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Committee-of-the-Whole Call to Order

PRESENT: Mayor Sangeetha Rayapati (Chair)

Alderperson Alvaro Macias (Ward 2)

Alderperson Abdur Razzaque (Ward 3)

Alderperson Matt Timion (Ward 4)

Alderperson Jessica Finch (Ward 5)

Alderperson Daniel McNeil (Ward 6)

Alderperson Anna Castro (Ward 7)

Alderperson James Patrick Schmidt (Alderperson At-Large)

ABSENT: Alderperson Debbie Murphy (Ward 1)

Bob Vitas, City Administrator

STAFF: Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator

Stephanie Murphy, City Clerk

Lori Ulloa, Assistant Director of Finance ~electronically

David Dryer, Director of Engineering ~electronically

Eric Griffth, Director of Parks & Recreation ~electronically

Chris Mathias, Director of Community & Economic Development ~electronically

Tony Loete, Director of Utilities

Denver Schmitt, Director of Public Works

Leah Madsen, Director of Human Resources

Darren Gault, Chief of Police

Steve Regenwether, Fire Chief

David Rowatt, Information Technology Manager

K.J. Whitley, Community Development Manager ~electronically

Dawn Temple, Management Analyst & Grant Coordinator

OTHERS: David Silverman, Corporation Counsel

Joshua Shimkus, Dispatch/Argus

Craig DeVrieze, Illowa Construction Labor & Management Council

Mayor Rayapati called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken with Mayor Rayapati, Alderpersons Macias, Razzaque, Timion, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt present. Absent: Alderperson Murphy

Board Appointments

Mayor’s appointment of Silas Inskeep to the Special Service Area #5 Board to fill the unexpired term of Mitch Geurink expiring January 1, 2025.

Mayor’s appointment of John Huber to the Special Service Area #5 Board for a 2-year term expiring January 1, 2026.

Mayor's appointment of Annette LeZotte to the Historic Preservation Commission for a full 3-year term expiring April 30, 2027.

Mayor Rayapati reminded everyone that board appointments for SSA #5 are brought forward by Kirk Marske, Moline Centre Manager.

Public Comment

Pete McDermott voiced his concerns regarding the persistent noise problem at O’Keefe’s Sports Pub and Grub, located at 1331 5th Avenue. McDermott asked for consideration for changes in that area to address the noise problem.

Janice Ward shared that she believes her son, Jared Gonzalez, a former City employee, was wrongfully terminated.

Kenlee McConaghy shared that she believes her brother, Jared Gonzalez, a former City employee, was wrongfully terminated.

Questions on the Agenda


Agenda Items

7.1 A Resolution authorizing a grant to Renew Moline for the amount of $2,000 from the Special Events Fund to assist in the re-activation of the Historic Block Courtyard space for two “Chillin’ in the Courtyard” events scheduled to take place at the Historic Block Courtyard on Saturday August 10, 2024, and September 14, 2024. Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator, reported that Renew Moline is working to reactive the Historic Block Courtyard space. The funds are being requested to cover things such as dumpsters, entertainment, portable restrooms, and other incidentals. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Macias. Motion passed unanimously.

7.2 A Resolution approving a special event that is sponsored by Tudi’s Tribe for the Gabe’s Gift Memorial 5K & 1-Mile Fun Run event scheduled for Saturday, September 7, 2024; closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic; and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event. Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator, reported that the Gabe’s Gift Memorial 5K & 1-Mile Fun Run is an event that has been vetted by the Special Events committee in previous years. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Motion passed unanimously.

7.3 A Resolution approving a special event that is sponsored by the Butterworth Center & Deere Wiman House for the Porch Party event scheduled for Sunday, September 15, 2024; closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic; and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event. Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator, reported the Porch Party has been vetted by the Special Events Committee and approval is recommended. A motion was made by Alderperson Macias to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Finch. Motion passed unanimously.

7.4 A Resolution approving a special event that is sponsored by Quad Cities Running Club in conjunction with the TBK Quad Cities Marathon for event setup and 1-mile race post party scheduled for Friday, September 20, 2024 through Saturday, September 21, 2024; closing certain streets more particularly described herein to vehicular traffic; and authorizing the use of public right-of-way in conjunction with said event. Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator, shared that because of a conflict for the designated set up time period, the marathon is relocating some of their post-race events to Bass Street Landing, Stoney Creek, and some of the right of ways in that area. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Macias. Motion passed unanimously.

7.5 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Miller Trucking and Excavating Company, for Project #1453, 2024 Trenchless Water Main Project, for the amount of $473,627.80. Tony Loete, Director of Utilities, reported that this item is a water main replacement project which is in the 3400-3500 Block of 50th Street. There is a particularly troublesome section of the City’s water main that has given City crews some troubles over the years. While the project is over budget, the City does want to proceed with this project due to the troublesome nature of this water main. The finances have been scrutinized to ensure that although reserves are being used, the finances will remain within the reserves threshold. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Schmidt. Discussion held. Motion passed unanimously.

7.6 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with McCarthy Improvement Company, for Project #1451, 48th Street Reconstruction, for the amount of $1,066,539.20. David Dryer, Director of Engineering, reported that this project is the 48th Street reconstruction in Ward 6 of approximately 1,180 feet of street including new concrete pavement and new underground utilities. The condition of the utilities is largely driving the project. McCarthy came in below bid at $1,066,539.20. The project is under budget by $328,461. It is a new street on a steep hill and it will be a good project to take care of some of the utilities. It is recommended to proceed with the project as designed. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Razzaque. Discussion held. Motion passed unanimously.

7.7 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a School Liaison Officers Agreement between the City of Moline and the Board of Education of Moline – Coal Valley School District No. 40 setting forth the terms for assignment of four police liaison officers to Moline schools for the 2024-2025 school year. Darren Gault, Chief of Police, reported that this is an annual agreement. The cost sharing agreement is updated annually based on the actual dollars of the officers who are assigned there. The City of Moline Police Department continues to have a great relationship with the Moline-Coal Valley School District and wants that relationship to continue. A motion was made by Alderperson Finch to approve. Seconded by Alderperson Castro. Motion passed unanimously.


8.1 June 2024 Status & Information Report. Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator, acknowledged Human Resources for rolling out Moline U, an enhanced employee orientation process. Dykhuizen reported the opening of the Riverside Riverslide pool is a great highlight for the community. Mayor Rayapati shared that she is happy with the new Moline U program. Mayor spoke with a newer employee who was very thankful for that program. She also shared that she enjoyed seeing the confirmation of the City’s lowest levy rate in 30 years. Mayor has followed up on a couple permits related to local liquor licensees and the rental licensing program. She is in the process of getting some information from staff back on those items and will share the details when they become available. Last, Mayor discussed that in the near future there will be an update on the Level Up program.

8.2 Defense Community Infrastructure Program Grant Submittal. Dawn Temple, Management Analyst & Grant Coordinator, presented a brief overview of the 16th Street Viaduct Deck Replacement project. The grant opportunity offers significant mutual benefits to the City of Moline and Rock Island Arsenal by restoring defense-related critical infrastructure. The notice of funding was issued on March 28, 2024 and proposals are due June 17, 2024. The highest scoring applications will be invited to submit the final application by August 8, 2024. The grants must be awarded, counter signed, and obligated no later than September 30, 2024 and construction must begin within one year.

This project, formerly known as the City of Moline Critical Bridge Connectivity Project for Rock Island Arsenal, has been a collaborative endeavor. The request for funds is approximately $11.5 million. Due to its rural status of under 100,000 residents, no match will be required except for soft costs which include design and engineering. These costs were previously approved by Council and are included in the FY24 budget. If received, this would be the largest grant in the City’s history and represents a significant investment into downtown Moline.

In conclusion, the DCIP grant offers a unique opportunity to enhance the City of Moline’s infrastructure through the re-decking of the 16th Street overpass. Discussion held. Barry Dykhuizen, Assistant City Administrator, thanked David Dryer, Director of Engineering, and Dawn Temple, Management Analyst & Grant Coordinator, for all of their work on the grant project.

Adjournment of the Committee-of-the-Whole and Council Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance


There was no Invocation.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken with Mayor Rayapati, Alderpersons Macias, Razzaque, Timion, Finch, McNeil, Castro, and Schmidt present. Absent: Alderperson Murphy.

Consent Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Committee-of-the-Whole, Council and Executive Session meeting minutes of May 21, 2024, and appointments made at Committee-of-the-Whole on June 4, 2024.

Second Reading Ordinances

14.1 An Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Appendix 10 thereof, “PARKING PROHIBITED AT ANY TIME,” by adding Ninth Street, on the east side, from Railroad Avenue south for a distance of 110 feet.

14.2 An Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Appendix 10 thereof, “PARKING PROHIBITED AT ANY TIME,” by adding Thirteenth Street, on the east side, at the 11th Avenue intersection for a distance of 78.5 feet. 14.3 An Ordinance amending Chapter 20, “MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Appendix 5 thereof, “ALL-WAY STOP INTERSECTIONS,” by adding Eighth Avenue and Thirty-sixth Street.

14.4 An Ordinance amending Chapter 25, “PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 25-2100, “OFFICIAL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; ADOPTED; TERRITORIAL APPLICATION,” by enacting thereto an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan, Appendix Q, entitled “Avenue of the Cities Corridor Plan, Future Land Use Map,” incorporated therein as a portion of Zone 4 [page 11] (southwest corner of Avenue of the Cities and 44th Street).

14.5 An Ordinance amending Chapter 35, “ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, by enacting an amendment to the Zoning Map, incorporated therein as Section 35-3103, “MAP OF STANDARD ZONING DISTRICTS” (2307 44th Street).


15.1 1078-2024 A Resolution amending the annual meetings schedule for 2024 to reflect the new meeting time of the Keep Moline Beautiful Commission, to be held at 4:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month, effective June 2024, and authorizing City staff to do all things necessary to notify the media of the amended 2024 annual meetings schedule.

15.2 1079-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a Licensing Agreement with Trixie Rox Designs LLC to install, use and maintain pan faces in existing wall sign for advertising/identification purposes only above the entrance of 3156 Avenue of the Cities Moline, Illinois, that will overhang public right-of-way.

15.3 1080-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Parking Lease Agreement with Monarch Investment and Management Group to lease thirty-six (36) parking spaces at the rate of $35/space located in Lot “R” to provide parking for the LeClaire Apartments, located at 421 19th Street Moline, Illinois and approving the waiver of the parking lease fees from April 2020 through March 2023.

Omnibus Vote

Alderperson Timion, seconded by Alderperson Castro, moved to approve and adopt, by omnibus vote, these items. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, Macias, Razzaque, and Timion; nays: none.

Non-Consent Agenda


17.1 1081-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with Miller Trucking and Excavating Company, for Project #1453, 2024 Trenchless Water Main Project, for the amount of $473,627.80.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Schmidt, moved to approve Council Bill 1081- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, Macias, Razzaque, and Timion; nays: none.

17.2 1082-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute and attest to a contract with McCarthy Improvement Company, for Project #1451, 48th Street Reconstruction, for the amount of $1,066,539.20.

Approved. Alderperson Finch, seconded by Alderperson Razzaque, moved to approve Council Bill 1082- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, Macias, Razzaque, and Timion; nays: none.

17.3 1083-2024 A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Joint Funding Agreement for Federally Funded Construction for Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Section Number 14-00267-00-BT, Mississippi River Trail, for the amount of $373,440.00 and approving a Resolution for Improvement Under the Illinois Highway Code for Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Section Number 14-00267-00-BT, Mississippi River Trail, appropriating funds for the City’s local match for construction of a shared use path, for the amount of $373,440.00.

Approved. Alderperson Timion, seconded by Alderperson Finch, moved to approve Council Bill 1083- 2024. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, Macias, Razzaque, and Timion; nays: none.

Non-Consent Agenda

First Reading Ordinances

18.1 An Ordinance amending Chapter 34, “WATER AND SEWERS,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Section 34-2102, “SERVICE CONNECTIONS” and Section 34-2114, “MAINTENANCE OF SERVICE PIPES,” to address service line replacement responsibility pursuant to compliance with the Illinois Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act.

Advanced. Alderperson Schmidt, seconded by Alderperson Castro, moved to advance Item #18.1 to second reading. Discussion held. Motion carried on roll call with the following vote: ayes: Alderpersons Finch, McNeil, Castro, Schmidt, Macias, Razzaque, and Timion; nays: none.

Miscellaneous Business

Mayor Rayapati thanked everyone who was able to join in on the events this past week. Mayor updated everyone on the Bi-State Commission and subsidiary committees discuss. One thing the City has been working on is purchasing more biodegradable materials. The City does bulk purchasing with Bi-State Commission. The City of Moline was one of the only cities to take their survey and share its interests related to the purchasing of biodegradable products. At the Bi-State Commission meeting, Mayor was told they will share what Moline is interested in purchasing with the other entities to see if any of them are interested in joining in on that effort.

Alderperson Macias stated it is summertime and a lot of great events are happening. Macias is happy to see the downtown activated and all of the great activities. He has had positive comments on the mini pitch at Stephens Park.

Alderperson Timion indicated there was wonderful Ward 4 meeting. Timion thanked City staff who came out, noting that it was very informative. There are a lot of projects going on in Ward 4. Timion also shared that he also went to Humility Homes’ half-day Immersion Experience program. This event shared an inside perspective on the challenges faced by the homeless community in the Quad Cities. Timion highly suggests this program to anyone who wishes to get a small glimpse of being unhoused and the struggle it takes to get out of that hole. Timion thanked Humility Homes for offering the program.

Tony Loete, Director of Utilities, reported that the Environmental Protection Agency presented their draft intended whereby they communicate how they are going to use the drinking water state revolving loan funds. Moline has made that list. They set aside just under $2.3 million in principal loans for us.

Public Comment

There was no additional public comment.

Adjournment of City Council

Upon motion of Alderperson Castro, seconded by Alderperson Finch, the Council meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m.

The next regularly scheduled City Council meeting is on June 11, 2024. View recorded meetings at http://www.moline.il.us/remotecouncil




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