Garfield Elementary School
Garfield Elementary School
The City of Moline Committee of the Whole has authorized Mayor Scott Raes to provide a letter of support for a proposed development project that would turn Garfield Elementary School into 57 senior housing units.
The project would be managed by Gorman & Company, who is currently seeking funding for the project through the Illinois Housing Development Agency.
The committee also approved a five-year lease agreement with Verizon that will allow the telecommunications company to erect equipment on the water tower at 1531 17th Ave. The city expects to make $14,000 in the first year of the deal, plus three percent each of the following years. Verizon will have the ability to renew the lease for two more five-year cycles structured in the same way.
The committee also endorsed a $27,506 change order for the North Slope Wastewater Plant Improvements Project and a $103,000 contract with Shive-Hattery Inc. that will pay for design services for sidewalk repairs and utility adjustments related to the new multi-modal transit station.