The village of Coal Valley Board of Trustees met Nov. 16 to review a no parking issue.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:
1. Call to order
The regular meeting of the village board was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Emil Maslanka.
2. Roll call
Present: Dick Stone, Dale Keppy, Mike Bartels, Dave Timmons, Bruce Crowe, Kathy Cornish.
Establishment of a quorum.
3. Pledge of allegiance
Staff present at the meeting: Annette Ernst-Village administrator, Penny Woods - Assistant Village administrator & Director of finance, Deanna Hulliger-Village Clerk and Jack Chick - Police chief
4. Reading and approval of minutes
A motion was made by Mike Bartels to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting held November 2, 2016, Dick stone offered a second to the motion, all ayes, motion carries.
A motion was made by Kathy Cornish to approve the minutes of the special board meeting held November 9, 2016. Bruce Crowe offered a second to the motion. All ayes, motion carried.
5. Public presentation/ recognition and/ or public comments
CV resident Kevin Stickell asked if the board has gone any further with the welcome to Coal Valley signs The Mayor replied to Mr. Stickell that the board has not taken any further action.
Village residents Mr. and Mrs. DeGrauwe asked how the no parking issue turned out Mayor Maslanka responded that from the surveys the Village received it was determined that the majority of the resident wanted things left as is so everything is staying the same. The DeGrauwe's then asked about no parking, not posted issues? The Mayor stated that when we get to the ordinance revisions for parking/ no parking the board will clarify and correct the ordinance at that time.
6. Reports from the president and other officers (on matters not otherwise appearing on the agenda)
A. President - Mayor Maslanka informed everyone that the municipal Caucus will be held Monday, December 5, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. The seats that are up for nomination are: Trustees Dick Stone, Dale Keppy, Kathy Cornish and his Mayor/ President seat.
Mayor Maslanka reported on the water project. The village heard back from the state and the village is working on some questions the state wants answered. We will submit the paperwork back to the state and wait to hear back from them again. Forestview and Crestview additions are still considering their options. There was ameeting yesterday with the village and Timber Ridge to discuss a preliminary proposal for the village to take over their water service. A lot of review and negotiations still need to take place so again this is just preliminary planning. The residents in that area would either annex into the village or pay three times the rate for water. There are 36 homes in that addition.
B. Trustees - Dale Keppy brought up a discussion on a bill being paid out tonight to Watson excavating. Could our public works department do more with our backhoe to cut the costs of outside help? The village building inspector, Tony Fairchild, is in the audience tonight and he explained that the village does their own work with the equipment we have and everyone is trained on the backhoe. Unfortunately there are projects that need additional equipment that we do not have and when that happens we hire outside vendors for this work. The board discussed the cost of always Hiring out for work or obtaining the equipment, having our employees trained and keeping the costs for most work "in house".
The village will look into this further.
C. Staff - Ms. Ernst reported on the public works activities. Besides the normal weekly routines the department is performing ditch work and getting ready for the November 18th environmental protection agency sanitary inspection.
Also Ms. Ernst explained that she and Tony Fairchild attended Munices earlier today and the ruling issued was a fine in the amount of $50,000.00 that Mr. Struck owes the village. This notice will be prepared and mailed out certified tomorrow.
Ms. Ernst noted that the West 6th Street Culvert issue is resolved.
Next Ms. Ernst informed the board that the 2nd annual holiday contest has been set up. Information will be posted in various locations. Also, the administrative staff would like to put a holiday display with a tree out in front of the municipal center and also decorate the trees down at post office park as a community event. If okay the gals will advertise for tree, lights and ornament donations. No objections, Ms. Ernst will have the staff proceed with this project.
Ordinance revisions were brought up by Ms. Ernst. Title I and Title II had a few more changes this afternoon. The ethic committee duties had been removed and they were put back in so the language would be in there if needed. Also the gift ban act was listed as article 5 and 10 and now reads as section 2 or 3. All of the changes were sent in an email earlier today. We will review title III and title IV this evening. Discussion was held.
Chief Chick reported that the community relations meeting held last Thursday went well. There have been supportive comments on Village website and Facebook. The police department plans to conduct another meeting in the Spring around March 2017.
The chief let the board know that more damage was found in the unmarked squad (Unit #2). Brackets, mounts and radiator repairs are needed and cost to be around $5,500.00 at the training session last week Chief Chick was informed of training mandates that will take effective January 1st. Most of the new training can be performed by the Mobil Team training and we currently pay a yearly membership fee to Mobil team so the additional training will not cost the Village Police department any additional money.
7. Unfinished business
A. 2nd reading amending building regulations/ electrical code ordinance
A motion was made by Dave Timmons to approve the ordinance amending Title IV building regulations to adopt the 2014 National Electrical Code. Mike Bartels gave a second to the motion. Roll call: Ayes- Stone, Keppy, Bartels,Timmons, Crowe, Cornish. Ayes 6, motion carried.
8. New business
A. 2015-2016 audit presentation
Bill Gabelmann of Gabelmann & Associates introduced himself and proceeded to discuss the 70 page financial report for year ended April 30, 2016. Mr. Gabelmann thanked management for the very good questions after the 1st draft of this report was developed. The document was reviewed highlighting the important areas. Mr. Gabelmann and the Village board discussed some areas within the Financial report. Bill introduced Tom Dryg who has been the field representative for 6 years and has helped put this financial report together. Mr. Dryg thanked Penny Woods and Annette Ernst for their assistance on this project. All documents requested by Gabelmann were submitted by the village in very food and thorough order and that was very helpfil. Bill Gabelmann wrapped up the presentation by informing the village board that he wil be glad to take any questions that might arise once the board has had time to review the financial report. Mayor Maslanka thanked Bill and Tom for tonight's report and asked the Trustee's how they wish to proceed. The Trustee's will review the financial report and it will be placed on the agenda for approval at the next board meeting.
B. 2017 General & W/C Insurance policy renewal
Penny Woods stated that she placed a premium summary in the board packet and if anyone wants to view the entire document they may do so. On the renewals the Argonaut Co. comes in at a much better cost than our current underwriters, Lloyds London. The expiring cost is $64,251 and stating with Lloyds would cost $67,924 for renewal; whereas, Argonaut Co. would cost $59,550 a significant savings. The trustees asked about Argonaut Co. and their reputation. Both Ms. Woods and Ms. Ernst stated Ryan Doyle of Arthur J. Gallagher provided the proposal and they would not choose a company for bids that was not reputable. Discussion was held.
A motion was made by Dick Stone to approve the 2017 General & W/C Insurance Policy Renewal with Argonaut Great Central insurance company. Mike Bartels gave a second to the motion. Roll call - Ayes: Stone, Keppy, Bartels, Timmons, Crowe, Cornish. Ayes 6, motion carried.
C. 1st Reading Title 1 Village Government organization and operations through title II village depositories and compensation ordinance
Trustees reviewed and discussed the revisions
Kathy Cornish made a motion to waive the 2nd reading and approve title 1 Village government organization and operations through title II Village depositories and compensation ordinance. A second to the motion was given by Mike Bartels. Further discussion took place and it was decided that too many revised copies of the ordinances have been distributed and Ms. Ernst will make sure that everyone has the final draft to review.
Kathy Cornish withdrew the motion.
D. Review/ discussion of revised title III business regulations through title IV building regulations ordinance
Title III needs to be reviewed. There are no changes to title IV. The trustees reviewed the ordinances. On the building regulations Tony Fairchild and Ryan Hamerlinck should review for their expertise. Review and comments on structure and contents of ordinances is requested. Board and employees will review and the 1st Reading of these two sections will be placed on the board agenda December 7, 2016.
E. Payment of Bills.
The Trustee's reviewed the bills for approval. Chief Chick was asked about the citation tickets ordered from Pettibone. The chief responded the police department needed to order Cannabis/ Marijuana citations for notice to appear to be in compliance with regulations. The police department also had to order the yearly Rock Islan County and Henry County traffic citations. Additional discussion was held.
A motion was made by Mike Bartels to pay the bills presented for payment. A second to the motion was given by Bruce Crowe. Roll Call - Ayes: Stone, Keppy, Bartels, Timmons, Crowe, Cornish. Ayes 6, motion carried.
9. Adjournment
A motion was made by Kathy Cornish to adjourn tonight's board meeting. A second was given by Mike Bartels. Ayes 6, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:17 P.M.