
Rock Island Today

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Village of Milan Council met November 6.

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Village of Milan Council met November 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Roll Call:

Roll call vote showed present, Trustees Bruce Stickell, Jim Flannery, Jay Zimmerman, Harry Stuart, Jody Taylor and Jerry Wilson. No one was absent.

Pledge Of Allegiance:

Attorney Scott led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Consideration Of The Minutes Of October 16, 2017:

All Board members received a copy of the October 16, 2017 Village Board Meeting minutes. There being no additions or corrections, Trustee Wilson moved to approve them as presented and Trustee Flannery seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration Of The Administrator’s Report:

Administrator Seiver stated due to State budget cuts to local governments, the village is experiencing financial hardships as is most other local governments. Village contributions to Police Pension, liability insurance and other operating costs are underfunded due to the loss of Local Government Distributed Funds. The Finance Committee and Village Staff have worked to reduce the budget in an effort to conserve funds. Recommendations to consolidate accounts and consider a property tax increase will be discussed tonight and at a special meeting to be held Monday November 13th at 4:00 p.m.

Mayor Dawson stated the action of the Council is the only way to replace the revenue of the State cuts. The village has kept the property tax down for years and regrets the State has pushed us to an increase. Even with the increase Milan’s tax rate will still be significantly lower than other municipalities in the area.

There being no further discussion on the Administrator’s report, Trustee Taylor moved to accept the report as presented. Trustee Zimmerman seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration Of The Inspectors’ Reports:

Mayor Dawson stated Inspector Steve Moller is still off work due to his accident at home. He is doing much better and has been conferring with Inspector Dennis on permits and inspections. He will submit a report when he returns to work.

Consideration Of The Department Heads Reports:

Mayor Dawson stated all Department Heads have turned in a monthly report. Superintendent Pannell was absent.

Chief Johnson stated they held a Drug Collection last Saturday in which 190 pounds of unwanted prescription drugs were collected. This was up from the usual 140 pounds collected last year. The collections are made twice annually.

Mayor Dawson asked Chief Johnson how things went on Halloween. Chief Johnson said there were no incidents and he observed that most houses turn off their lights early due to a lesser number of trick or treaters.

Mayor Dawson stated he had been thinking about reducing the hours from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The trunk or treat program at Camden sponsored by the Milan businesses was quite successful with over 600 participants this year. Some churches also hold these types of programs and it has probably reduced the door to door trick or treaters to some degree. Chief Johnson and Board Members agreed the hours should be reduced.

Trustee Stuart stated the Camden Centre had a good month with $24,000 revenue.

Water/Sewer Superintendent Farrell stated the water lines from the Hot Water Boiler were leaking. They are located under the concrete floor of the bathroom. The 4” cast iron sewer drain was discovered to be in extremely bad shape also. Temporary repairs were made until quotes for replacement or repair can be collected. These pipes have been in place since the sewer plant was built in 1967.

There being no further discussion regarding the reports, Trustee Zimmerman moved to accept the reports as presented. Trustee Taylor seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration Of The Semi-Monthly And Miscellaneous Bills:

Trustee Taylor stated Hayley Stephens is doing a good job in her new position as accounts payable clerk. She has submitted one check run this time for approval in the amount of $145,748.96.

Trustee Taylor stated the larger bills make up almost $110,000 of the bills. Larger bills were refilling the Gas Tanks, liability insurance, Mid-American energy, emulsion, trees for the erosion project, used dump truck, tires, audit, new lights for the rental building at 435 1st Street East. Finance Director Hunt stated the village will get a rebate from these lights.

There being no discussion on the bills, Trustee Taylor moved to pay them in the amount of $145,748.96. Trustee Zimmerman seconded the motion. Roll call vote showed Trustees Flannery, Zimmerman, Stuart, Taylor, Wilson Stickell and Flannery voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

The bills will be paid from the following accounts.

General Fund 47,171.16

Garbage Fund 6,888.38

Motor Fuel Tax Fund 10,612.79

Camden Center Fund 3,745.98

Special Tax Fund I 18,738.65

Special Tax Fund II 1,235.27

Special Tax Fund III 463.57

Police Pension Fund 943.53

Camden Center Deposit 2,000.00

Insurance Reserve Fund 15,543.15

Water/Sewer 38,406.48

Total $145,748.96

Consideration Of Appointment Of Roger Reed To The Police Pension Board:

Mayor Dawson introduced Mr. Roger Reed from Blackhawk State Bank & Trust. Mr. Reed has an extensive background in finance. Mayor Dawson would like to appoint Mr. Reed to the Milan Police Pension Board. He would be taking the place of retiring board member John Peters.

Trustee Zimmerman moved to approve the Mayor’s appointment and Trustee Wilson seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration Of Uncollectable Accounts:

Mayor Dawson read a list of delinquent accounts which has been determined by Finance Director Hunt to be uncollectable by the village. The total amount is $49,597.61 consisting of $831.85 water/sewer bills and $48,756.76 Economic Development Loans.

Mr. Hunt stated several attempts to collect the water bill accounts have been made, but location of the renter or owner have been futile. The two Economic Development Loans are uncollectable due to the businesses closing.

Mayor Dawson stated it is unfortunate that the Economic Development Loans are uncollectable. The money that opened the Economic Development Loan Fund was a State Grant in the amount of $150,000. Milan was one of the most successful municipalities in utilizing the program to fund new and expanding businesses in Milan. The money was loaned out and collected back with interest to many successful clients over the years.

Administrator Seiver stated by taking these accounts off the books it increases the village’s bond rating.

Trustee Zimmerman moved to write off the uncollectable accounts in the total amount of $49,597.61. Trustee Taylor seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration Of Reclassification Of Economic Development Loan Fund:

Administrator Seiver stated the Economic Development Loan Fund began in the mid 1980’s. It was part of a State economic development program to start up new businesses and enhance existing businesses. As Mayor Dawson previously stated it was very successful for Milan. Recently there have been no request for loans and the cash is sitting idle at this time.

The State of Illinois released full control of the EDL Fund to the village to be used in any capacity they choose.

Finance Director Mark Hunt’s recommendation is to reclassify the Economic Development Loan Fund to the General Fund.

Administrator Seiver stated the village participates in the Bi-State Revolving Loan Program so if any business owner askes for a low interest rate loan from the village we could direct them to use the Bi-State program. Bi-State would use their staff to facilitate the loan, saving Milan staff time.

Administrator Seiver recommends the board reclassify the Economic Development Fund to the General Fund to make the best use of the cash.

Trustee Taylor moved to reclassify the Economic Development Loan Fund to the General Fund. Trustee Zimmerman seconded the motion. Roll call vote showed Trustees Zimmerman, Stuart, Taylor, Wilson, Stickell and Flannery voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Consideration To Purchase 2006 International Dump Truck From Mill Creek Mining (Brandt):

Superintendent Farrell stated most of the STP dump trucks are in bad shape and money was allocated in the budget to replace them. This truck was checked out by the village mechanic and he found it to be in good shape. Mr. Farrell stated Brandt was asking $29,000 for the truck but offered it to us for $13,000.

Trustee Wilson moved to purchase the dump truck from Mill Creek Mining in the amount of $13,000. Trustee Stickell seconded the motion. Roll call vote showed Trustees Stuart, Taylor, Wilson, Stickell, Flannery and Zimmerman voted "Aye“. Motion carried.

Resolution 17-6 In Support Of Illinois Bicentennial Celebrations:

Mayor Dawson read Resolution 17-6 in support of the 200 anniversary of Illinois. The resolution states that the Village of Milan endorses the efforts of the Illinois Bicentennial Commission in promoting, planning and executing historic educational, celebratory and cultural initiatives to recognize and celebrate the bicentennial of the State of Illinois.

Trustee Flannery moved to pass Resolution 17-6 and Trustee Zimmerman seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Trustee Zimmerman stated he received a call from a resident regarding the portable sign on 4th Street West.

Mayor Dawson asked Chief Johnson to check on the legality of the sign.

Citizens Opportunity To Address The Village Board:

Mrs. Shirley Johnson, 412 East 5th Street stated a complaint about the way the street in front of her house has been tarred and rocked. She stated they waste money by putting so much rock on the road that it even makes you slide when you are trying to stop. She would like to see a speed sign on E. 5th Street as there are a lot of speeders down that road.

Ms. Betty Boltz stated there were over 600 trick or treaters at Camden Park to participate in the Chamber’s Trunk or Treat event on Halloween.


There being no further business to come before the Board, Mayor Dawson asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Zimmerman so moved and Trustee Wilson seconded the motion. All Trustees voted “Aye”. Motion carried. The Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.




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