City of Geneseo Plan Commission will meet July 2.
Here is the agenda provided by the Commission:
Call to order/roll call/Quorum check
Pledge of allegiance
Public Comment – Audience requests are limited to 3 minutes per subject. If additional time would be needed, please contact City Hall to be placed on the Agenda prior to the meeting.
Consent Agenda
1.) Approval of agenda
2.) Approval of Minutes from 6/4/18
Motion to approve agenda and minutes from 6/4/18 meeting.
Motion to Open Public Hearing
a. Case #18-005 Text amendment to Zoning Ordinance Chapter 4 referring to Structures Prohibited in the Utility Easements.
b. Case 18-006 Text Amendment referring to the fee’s associated with a Public Hearing request for Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals to be increased from $150.00 to $200.00.
c. Case 18-007 a request to create a section in the Zoning Code for Regulations Governing the Placement of Telecommunications Antennas in the Right of Way as regulated by Senate Bill 1451 (Public Act 100 – 0595), the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act.
Motion to Close Public Hearing
Return to Open Meeting
New Business Item
I. Consideration to recommend to Council Case #18-005, 18-006 and 18-007 Requested text changes as follows:
• 18-005 Chapter 4 referring to Structures Prohibited in the Utility Easements.
• 18-006 referring to the fee’s associated with a Public Hearing request for Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals to be increased from $150 to $200.
• 18-007 request to create a section in the Zoning Code for Regulations Governing the Placement of Telecommunications Antennas in the Right of Way as regulated by Senate Bill 1451 (Public Act 100-0595), the Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act.
Old Business Items
I. Board education and discussion
II. General Comments
III. Adjournment