City of Geneseo Plan Commission met August 28.
Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:
Call to order /roll call/Quorum check
Meeting called to order by Chairman Chris Barnhart at 6:00 p.m. Members answering roll call: Kennett and Smith and Meyer. Garlick was absent. Also, in attendance was Recorder Phlypo, Building Inspector Mills, City Administrator Kotter and City Attorney Price.
Garlick arrived at 5:05 pm.
Discussion was held on duties and responsibilities of the Plan Commission. City Attorney Price thanked the board members for their service. He explained that the State rewards productive use of land and views every parcel as unique. If you remember that each parcel is unique then the notion of setting precedent loses steam. Zoning classes limit uses and take away from uniqueness. Zoning is comprised of map and a text. The State by default assigns the lowest density residential class if nothing is assigned. The duty of the Plan Commission is to hold a public hearing if required for a particular case and allow everyone the ability to speak. Even with the best intentions and due diligence the City Council can reject or approve what is recommended to them by the Plan Commission. The duties of the Plan Commission are to find out the facts, review the map and recommend to the Council. Geneseo’s code extends to 1.5 miles outside of the City limits.
Motion by Smith, second by Kennett to adjourn the meeting at 5:55 p.m.
5 Ayes. 0 Nays.
Motion Carried