City of Rock Island Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center Board of Directors met January 8.
Here is the minutes as provided by the board:
Members Present: Tia Edwards, Dennis Pauley, Kayla Babers, Ted Pappas, Kenny Massey, Aimee Bland, David Levin
Members Absent: Ivory D. Clark, Heidi Huiskamp-Collins, Stephanie Masson, Michael Glanz
Staff Present: Gerald Jones, Carlos Jimenez, Rebecca Arnold, Bonnie Howard, Thurgood Brooks, Natalie Rush, Faith Hardacre, Latoya Trice
Guests Present: Mayor Mike Thoms, City Manager Randy Tweet, James Kerr
I. Meeting called to order at 5:05 pm by Tia Edwards.
II. No request to speak for public comment.
III. Minutes of October board meeting motioned and second for approval. Approved unanimously.
IV. Jerry presented on the past, present and future of the King Center including origin, services and the new mission.
V. Mr. Kerr recognized with a gift for his service on the board. Mr. Levin recognized for leadership of board with a plaque.
VI. Tia led review of board responsibilities followed by all members signing the board agreement.
VII. Meeting adjourned at 5:27
VIII. Reception