Sen. Neil Anderson | Facebook
Sen. Neil Anderson | Facebook
Administrative Professionals Day was last week and state Sen. Neil Anderson (R-Rock Island) joined his Senate GOP colleagues in thanking his support staff.
Anderson appeared in an April 21 video shared by the Illinois Senate Republican Caucus to acknowledge his district and Capitol staff.
"I am here today to say thank you to my district legislative assistant and my Springfield legislative assistant," Anderson said. "Jacob Zkumen and Ken Moffit in my district, thank you guys for what you do. And here in Springfield, Shelia Sims. You all make my job a lot easier. Thank you so much for what you do."
The U.S. has been celebrating Administrative Professional's Day in some shape or form since World War II.
The first National Secretaries Day was organized in 1952. Over the years, the name changed to Professional Secretaries Day. In 2000, the International Association of Administrative Professionals announced that name would be changed to Administrative Professionals Day.