
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Colona City Council met July 24

City of Colona City Council met July 24.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:



Mayor Ropp, Atty. Wright, Aldermen Dooley, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Goodrum, Shady-Dahl, Clerk Jones, Chief Swemline, PWD Stephens, and Treasurer Legare, Staff



Melanie Hergert, The behavior at last meeting from an employee of the city. Didn't think it was proper behavior to yell and point finger in her face. Wanted to know what happened to the Self Evaluation that was passed to do? Mayor reported that he had talked to Brad Cole and he said it wasn't necessary at this time. He also said he would fight for her right to say her opinion and she had to remember that the other person also has the right to express her opinion. This happened after the meeting was over, we were not aware of it until later. The employee was not at work when this happened. MAYOR'S REPORT:


1. Approve payments of bills for period June 10th 2023 to July 24th, 2023

2. Approve Payroll for the period of July 11th July 25h 2023

3. Approve Treasure's Vender Report

4. Approve Treasure's monthly Report

5. Approve minutes of July 10th, 2023 Council Meeting

Motion made by Alderman Goodrum to approve Items 1 - 5 of the Consent Agenda, Seconded by Alderman Dooley


Aldermen Dooley, Shady-Dahl, Goodrum, Jones, Lack, Swemline, voted yes - Aldermen Stablein, and Painter were absent 6 yes 2 absent Motion Passed


Starting to Cross training in the office 1 day a week (Tues.) if it works out. Everyone needs to work as a team to cut down some time in getting things done. The CPR class was very good. It is at the Fire Station on Rt. 84, twice a month, I asked to be informed of the next class. I encourage everyone that has the time and wants to do, do so. Class costs $0.00 unless you want a certificate.



!. Reminder that Thursday, 27th, between 6:00-7:00 p.m., Firemen will be out at CSFP to check First Aid Boxes to check if they need up dated. No cost they will tour the Park for checking the best place for items.

2. Approve possible Grant for Defibrillator for the park, Kate Meeker would help with writing the Grant.

Motion was made by Alderman Lack to approve the possible Grant, seconded by Shady-Dahl.

Roll Call:

Aldermen Goodrum, Jones, Lack, Swemline, Dooley, Shady-Dahl voted yes, Aldermen Stablein and Painter were absent. 6 yes 2 absent Motion Passed.

3. Approve Jan Miller to waving fee for the City Wide Yard Sales, Sept 8th and 9th from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A fee of $5:00 to put on map and Advertisement. Motion made Alderman Shady-Dahl to approve waiving the fee, Alderman Lack seconded.

Roll Call:

Aldermen Shady-Dahl, Goodrum, Jones, Lack, Swemline, Dooley, voted yes. Aldermen Stablein, and Painter were absent. 6 yes 2 absent Motion Passed

4. Approve the purchase of a Message Center Sign with Posts for Colona Scott Family Park for a cost of $880 plus shipping. Funds from Events and Marketing 140- 440-4345.

Motion made by Alderman Jones to approve purchase of Message Center for CSFP, Alderman Swemline seconded

Roll Call:

Aldermen Jones, Lack, Swemline, Dooley, Shady-Dahl, Goodrum voted yes, Stablein and Painter were absent. 6 yes, 2 absent Motion Passed

5. Approve Treasure Jen Legare, as plan sponsor for Mission Square 457 Voluntary employee benefit plan.

Motion made by Alderman Shady-Dahl to approve Treasurer to be plan Sponsor, Seconded by Alderman Lack

Roll Call:

Aldermen Dooley, Shady-Dahl, Goodrum, Jones, Lack, Swemline, voted yes, Aldermen Stablein and Painter absent, 6 yes, 2 absent Motion Passed.

6. Approve Treasure Jen Legare, as plan sponsor for Mission Square 457

voluntary employee benefit plan, to change the current plan, in regards to in- service withdrawals. Under the current plan, in-service withdraw is available if the employee was employed prior to 1987, otherwise in-service withdrawal is not available. Change the current plan to allow in-service withdrawals to participating employees regardless of employment year.

Motion was made by Alderman Lack to approve treasure to change the Plan with Mission Square 457, Alderman Shady-Dahl seconded

Roll Call:

Aldermen Dooley, Swemline, Lack, Jones, Goodrum, Shady-Dahl voted yes, Aldermen Stablein, and Painter were absent. 6 yes 2 absent. Motion Passed.


Motion was made by Alderman Swemline to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Goodrum

Roll Call:

Aldermen Shady-Dahl, Goodrum, Jones. Lack, Swemline, Dooley voted yes, Aldermen Stablein and Painter were absent. 6 yes 2 absent Motion Passed
