
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 23, 2025

East Moline Park Board gathers to consider new business

Members of the East Moline Park Board met Tuesday, May 17.

The East Moline Park Board includes nine members who serve two-year, staggered terms. The board oversee all matters related to the creation, preparation and management of both public parks and recreation programs in the community.

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the East Moline Park Board:

East Moline Park Board Minutes

May 17, 2016

Stombaugh called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm in the East Moline City Hall Annex.

Present: Ald. Almblade, Z Bergland, C. Braggs, E. Gay, B. Stombaugh,

Absent: W. Verschoore, B. Anderson, R. Cervantes, W. Verschoore, Ald. Westbrook (Alternate)

Guests: None

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from March and April were reviewed. Motion to accept by Braggs, 2nd by Almblade and approved by all.

Treasurer’s Report: None provided.

Reports from Partnering Organizations:

1) No Items presented

Old Business

1) Stombaugh reported that Theresa Todd, a guest at last meeting who’s child is a baseball player of a local 9-10 year old travel team, has tried several times again to contact Maintenance Dept of EM to prep a field so they can practice. She is upset with lack of response, bathrooms not open, and nothing being done. Stombaugh does not know how to respond to such problems. Most members feel there is no control over situations like this. Brian advises this is not the first time people have complained about Park services. E.Gay suggested that Maintenance should not string along a person. If they can’t do it, say so. There was a lengthy discussion on problem. It was decided that Stombaugh and Almblade to meet with Mayor for further discussion.

New Business

1) Appointment of board member to represent East Moline on the Millennium park joint fund raising committee with Moline

No volunteers, tabled until next meeting.

2) Discussion of adult softball league continuation

Nothing being done to find replacement for manager of Adult softball league program. Motion to  pursue hiring a part time person and manage Adult softball league program/tournments made by E.Gay, seconded by C.Braggs, motion approved.

3) Other

Motion to adjourn meeting by E.Gay and seconded by C.Braggs. All approved. Time 7:10pm

Next Scheduled Meeting: Tuesday, June 21 @ 6:30 p.m. @ City Hall Annex