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East Moline Committee of the Whole reviews financials, agenda at meeting

Webp budget 09

The City of East Moline Committee of the Whole met at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 5.

Regular meetings of the Committee of the Whole are held in the City Council room every first and third Monday of the month, immediately following the City Council meeting. 

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the City of East Moline Committee of the Whole:

City of East Moline Committee of the Whole 

City Council Chambers

915 16th Ave.

East Moline, IL 61244

DATE: TUESDAY, July 5th , 2016

TIME: Immediately Following the Regular Council Meeting

1 34th Avenue Drainage Improvements Kammler

2 7th Street Wall Re-Facing – Final Design Kammler

3 Bid Approval – 356-15th Avenue Bradley


Title 34th Avenue Drainage Improvements

Date: July 5, 2016

Agenda item #1 presented by Kammler - Director of Engineering

Description 34th Avenue experiences significant flash-flooding near the intersection of 3rd Street C during heavy rainfall events. Water depth can exceed several feet and is a significant hazard to both Vehicles and pedestrians alike. As such, the Engineering Department has designed a storm Water Overflow system that consists of a quadruple inlet and 36" drainage relief pipe that Will extend between the north side of the roadway and the ravine to the north.

Final plans and specifications for this Work have been completed and are available for examination at the Engineering & Maintenance Building. Pending COW approval, a bid letting Will be conducted and the results brought back to Council for final consideration of 3Ward of construction contract.


Is this a budgeted item? Yes X No Line Item # 320-4500-452.0 Title. Construction

Amount Budgeted: $80,000 Actual Cost: T.B.D.

Under (Over}.

Funding Sources:



Is this item in the CIP7 Yes ? No CIP Project Number,


Title 7th Street Wall Re-Facing - Final Design

Date: July 5, 2016

#2 Kammler - Director of Engineering

Agenda Item Presented By:

Description In May of this year, the Committee-of-the-Whole directed the Engineering Department to coordinate With McClure Engineering on the final design and bid letting to provide an aesthetic facing to the 7th Street Retaining Wall. McClure Engineering has been Working to finalize the specification for paint or other materials to re-face the exposed, rusted sheet piling, and during this Work some additional information has come forth that merits CCW discussion again. During development of final design specs, hard numbers Were obtained for paint and panels, and a life-cycle Cost analysis Was performed Which Was previously not discussed:

Both options would require initial Wall cleaning, clearing & grading of upper drainage SWale, and pile cap repairs at an Estimated one-time cost of $38,000. The paint Option WDuld require sandblasting and re-painting EVEry 10 years +/- (2026=$3Dk, 2036=$108k, 2D46=$145k, 2056=$135k), the concrete panel option Would last 50 years.


Is this a budgeted item? Yes | No ? Line Item # Title. Insurance Reserve

Amount Budgeted:

Actual Cost: T.B.D.

Under (Over}.

Funding Sources:

Insurance Reserve


Is this item in the CIP7 Yes No ? CIP Project Number,

Any previous Council actions.

Recommendation. Council's prerogative.

From a life-cycle cost perspective, the Concrete panel option is much cheaper and Will require less maintenance. Paint WOLld allow Whatever Color is desired.

July 18, 2016

Additional Comments: n/a