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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hinsdale trustees meet to approve employment revisions

Webp meeting 04

The Village of Hinsdale board of trustees met Tuesday, June 7.

Board meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at Memorial Hall of the Memorial Building, 19 E. Chicago Ave., Hinsdale, Illinois. Special meetings occur as needed.

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Village of Hinsdale board of trustees:




June 7, 2016

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees was called to order by President Tom Cauley on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.

Present: President Tom Cauley, Trustees Neale Byrnes, Luke Stifflear, Gerald J. Hughes, Laura LaPlaca and Bob Saigh

Absent: Trustee Christopher Elder

Also Present: Assistant Village Manager/Director of Public Safety Brad Bloom, Police Chief

Kevin Simpson, Fire Chief Rick Ronovsky, Director of Public Services George Peluso, Director of Community Development/Building Commissioner Robb McGinnis, Recreation Supervisor Heather Bereckis, Village Planner Chan Yu, Village Engineer Dan Deeter, Management Analyst Suzanne Ostrovsky and Village Clerk Christine Bruton


President Cauley led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.


There being no changes to the draft minutes, Trustee LaPlaca moved approval of the minutes of the meeting of May 17, 2016, as presented. Trustee Hughes seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Byrnes Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Saigh

NAYS: None

ABSTAIN: Trustee

ABSENT: Trustee Elder

Motion carried.

Trustee Hughes moved approval of the minutes of the closed session meeting of May 3, 2016, as presented. Trustee LaPlaca seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Saigh

NAYS: None


ABSENT: Trustee Elder

Motion carried.




No report.


President Cauley introduced the item and briefly outlined the terms of the agreement with the Village Manager. Trustee Saigh moved Approval of Revisions to Employment Agreement between the Village Manager and the Village Of Hinsdale. Trustee LaPlaca seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Saigh

NAYS: None


ABSENT: Trustee Elder

Motion carried.


President Cauley outlined Ms. Cathleen Stoelting’s qualifications for appointment to the Economic Development Commission for a three-year term through April 30, 2019 and noted the reappointment of Finance Commissioner Ron D’Arco for a three-year term through April 30, 2019. Trustee Hughes moved to approve the appointments as recommended by the Village President. Trustee Saigh seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Saigh

NAYS: None


ABSENT: Trustee Elder

Motion carried.

President Cauley commented that there are vacancies on other commissions and boards, and  the Village would welcome volunteers and ‘other eyes’ to look at the business of the Village. He invited interested residents to contact Village Clerk Bruton for more information.


President Cauley announced the public hearing for the Appropriation Ordinance and explained  approval of the ordinance is required by law by the end of next month. The legal spending authority for the Village is derived from the budget, and includes a contingent amount for unforeseen circumstances or emergencies. Most departments include a 5% contingency, capital programs include a 10% contingency. He noted the library appropriations are included per State statutes. President Cauley asked for public comments. There being none, Trustee Byrnes moved to adjourn the public hearing for the appropriation ordinance. Trustee Saigh seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Saigh

NAYS: None


ABSENT: Trustee Elder

Motion carried.

The public hearing is declared adjourned.


Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)

a) Approve the Annual Appropriation Ordinance for the Fiscal Year May 1, 2016 to April 30, 2017 

President Cauley stated this is the ordinance for which the public hearing was just conducted. 

The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at its next meeting.

b) Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of Personal Property Owned by the Village of Hinsdale – Information Technology Equipment

President Cauley introduced the item stating it is routine disposal of equipment.

The Board agreed to move this item to the Consent Agenda of its next meeting.

Environment & Public Services (Chair LaPlaca)

c) Award Bid #1607 for Central Business District Hardscape Improvements to GroundsKeeper Landscape Care, LLC in an amount not to exceed $64,950

President Cauley introduced the item, and noted the three areas this will address, and that the green component in the projects has increased the cost. Staff has checked references and has received positive reports for the work of this company. Trustee LaPlaca pointed out that if this was deferred for a year, the price would increase; she believes it is better to take care of it now. Trustee Hughes asked about using vintage bricks as opposed to Unilock pavers, as they are remarkably more attractive. It was noted that the Unilock pavers provide a tighter product in pedestrian areas; however, Director of Public Services George Peluso will provide the price difference for the use of vintage bricks.

The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at its next meeting.


Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)

a) Trustee Byrnes moved Approval and payment of the accounts payable for the period of May 18, 2016 through June 7, 2016 in the aggregate amount of $1,679,249.99 as set forth on the list provided by the Village Treasurer, of which a permanent copy is on file with the Village Clerk. Trustee Hughes seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Saigh

NAYS: None


ABSENT: Trustee Elder

Motion carried.

The following items were approved by omnibus vote.

Environment & Public Services (Chair LaPlaca)

b) Adopt an Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wages for Public Works in the Village of Hinsdale, Cook and DuPage Counties, Illinois (O2016-26) (First Reading – May 17, 2016)

c) Award extension of contract #1552 for fuel to Al Warren Oil Inc. at the rate of OPIS + $0.015 for gasoline and OPIS + $0.01 for diesel (First Reading – May 17, 2016)

d) Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Vacation of a Certain Portion of an Unimproved Alley Situated South of and Adjoining 220 S. Quincy Avenue in the Village of Hinsdale, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois at a Purchase Price of $24,000 (O2016-27)

e) Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Vacation of a Certain Portion of an Unimproved Alley Situated North of and Adjoining 224 S. Quincy Avenue in the Village of Hinsdale, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois at a Purchase Price of $25,000 (O2016-28)

President Cauley explained that the two alley vacations are examples of routine items that can appear on the consent agenda for approval, and as such do not require a first reading according to the approved meeting policy. Trustee LaPlaca moved to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented. Trustee Hughes seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Saigh

NAYS: None


ABSENT: Trustee Elder

Motion carried.


Environment & Public Services (Chair LaPlaca)

a) Approve a Resolution for the Woodlands Phase 3 Construction Contract Change Order Number 2 in the amount not to exceed $149,000 to John Neri Construction Company (R2016-09)

President Cauley introduced the item and remarked the Village has been fortunate there have been no significant cost overruns in the past, but the dirt here is not acceptable and requires specialized disposal at an additional cost. This cost is, in part, offset by the fact that the roadbed does not have to be built up because of the superior structural quality of the soil beneath the roadway. Staff has asked for a lump sum amount of $149,000 for change orders in order to facilitate the time table, however, the entire amount may not be spent. President Cauley noted that not building up the roadbed does not compromise the integrity of the project. Trustee LaPlaca noted that in a report she received today, there were no additional dirt problems. Further, the project itself was under budget, so the Village is still a little ahead.

Trustee LaPlaca moved to Approve a Resolution for the Woodlands Phase 3 Construction Contract Change Order Number 2 in the amount not to exceed $149,000 to John Neri Construction Company. Trustee Hughes seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Saigh

NAYS: None


ABSENT: Trustee Elder

Motion carried.

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Saigh)

b) Waive the first reading and approve a Complex Project Permit Term Exception for 219 E. First Street to allow for the construction of a new single family home beyond the standard 18-month time frame

President Cauley introduced the item and explained that staff has the ability to grant an extension of a building permit for up to 18 months, however, if a project will take longer, a Complex Project Permit Term Exception is required and must be approved by the Board.

Mr. Regis Kenna of Kenna Builders addressed the Board and explained the complexity of this project, because it includes an indoor pool in the basement. He noted that he has completed between 20-30 homes in Hinsdale, and this is the first project to go over 16 months. Director of Community Development/Building Inspector Robb McGinnis assured the Board that his department has an excellent working relationship with Kenna Builders, and he would expect work to be pursued diligently in under 24 months. Trustee Stifflear noted the burden on neighbors when there is a lengthy construction project, and asked the ordinance be changed to state why this will take so long. Trustee LaPlaca asked about the depth of the basement to accommodate the swimming pool, in light of concerns about stormwater problems. Mr. Kenna said stormwater soil tests don’t show any water; at 14’ feet there is no evidence of groundwater.

Trustee LaPlaca is also concerned about trucks and equipment on the new brick street. Mr. Kenna said he talked with Assistant Village Engineer Al Diaz about how to protect the street; if there is damage, they will be liable. Trustee LaPlaca asked that the ordinance include language to reference these precautions. Village Engineer Dan Deeter said our brick streets have lasted a long time, and there should be a standard weight restriction. The concern in this situation is with the substructure, and any resulting sagging, however maintenance and patching is easier by virtue of the nature of brick streets. He also commented that it would help not to have heavy vehicles on any street, however, trash trucks routinely travel the streets, and have 8,000 times more impact on the road than a car.

Trustee LaPlaca said precautions should be taken in accordance to staff direction; fixing a brick street is more expensive, and common sense measures should be taken to protect the street. Mr. McGinnis explained the request to waive a first reading is because the permit is ready to issue. He also stated the conditions as specified by the Board can be added to the letter of agreement before the permit is issued.

The Board agreed to pass this tonight, but also agreed that the same strictures should apply to all construction situations. Trustee LaPlaca also noted that Assistant Village Manager/Director of Public Safety Brad Bloom and Police Chief Kevin Simpson are looking into weight restrictions, and should have something in the next month or so. Trustee LaPlaca moved to waive the first reading and approve a Complex Project Permit Term Exception for 219 E. First Street to allow for the construction of a new single family home beyond the standard 18-month time frame, due to the increased time required for excavation and concrete work, and the contractor will take all necessary precautions based on staff direction for protection of the street in front of residence. Trustee Saigh seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Saigh

NAYS: None


ABSENT: Trustee Elder

Motion carried.


Proposed renovation and change of use at 722 N. York

President Cauley began discussion stating this matter has to do with the Brockman Building located at 722 N. York Road. Dr. Tony Kremer is proposing to move his veterinary clinic currently located at 218 W. Ogden Avenue, to this property which is located in the B-1 office district. This type of use is permitted in the B-3, not the B-1, and therefore a text amendment would be required. The question for the Board is whether or not they are amenable to veterinary service in the B-1 district across from Gateway Plaza.

Dr. Kremer addressed the Board stating he wants to build an upscale, world class facility and provide more services. He would also be able to return the current location back to residential. 

They plan to slightly reduce the size of the building to make room for more parking spaces. The architecture can be made appealing; the real question is whether the use in this location is acceptable. Mr. Jason Sanderson, President of RWE Management Co., stated this will be an indoor facility with fake grass, thereby eliminating noise and odor issues for the neighbors.

President Cauley asked for hard data on traffic, and more detailed drawings of what the facility will look like. Mr. Sanderson said he would provide a traffic study to staff. Mr. Mike Matthys, architect for the project, stated it is their intent to make the new building look good, and will adhere to the 30’ height limit. He said they will need parking and setback relief. They can provide 40 parking spaces, however 44 are required. Although the footprint of the building would be reduced, they would maintain the existing setbacks, however, these pre-date the existing code. Mr. McGinnis commented that the exact relief required is not confirmed yet, but every effort would be made to minimize the relief necessary. Discussion followed regarding the traffic study and greenspace. Mr. Matthys anticipates their plan will increase the existing greenspace.

Proposed subdivision of 444 E. Fourth Street

President Cauley introduced the matter stating that the resident would like to subdivide the property; a Zook house straddles the lot, and he would like to move it to one side. This property is in the R-1 district which requires 30,000’ square foot lots. If this lot is subdivided, it would result in one 33,398’ square foot lot and one 20,492’ square foot lot. The issue is the resulting one nonconforming lot. It was noted there are not many conforming lots in the R-1.

Mr. Matt Bousquette, owner of the property, addressed the Board. He explained that one of the options before him is to scrape the house; he would like to see it saved, but can’t guarantee a new owner would do so. He noted there are 625 lots in the R-1, and only 53 are conforming. He believes the intent of the Village ordinance is to maintain area character, but it may be having the reverse effect. Due to the high cost of lots, people are constructing significantly larger homes.

President Cauley stated that when he thought Mr. Bousquette was making the Zook his project, he was in favor, but if he wants to subdivide it prospectively, then the proposal is not as agreeable. If Mr. Bousquette will commit to move the house to the smaller lot, President Cauley said he would be interested. It was noted that this would have to go to the ZBA for a recommendation to the Village Board.

Trustee Saigh noted the self-created criteria would be difficult. Trustee Stifflear commented that although not codified, the Board has given special consideration in preservation situations. Mr.  Matt Klein, attorney, explained to the Board it would cost about $350,000 to move the house, but he believes there are people who are interested in historic properties.

Trustee Saigh noted this is an historic district, and he believes this Zook home, located where it is, would have a good life with an appropriate renovation. Mr. Bousquette stated he has only gotten interest from people who want to scrape it and build a larger home. Discussion followed, it was agreed that without the preservation component, the Board is not in favor of the subdivision.

Trustee LaPlaca pointed out if the Zook is sold to a private party, there is no guarantee the house will be maintained. The Board would do this with the best of intentions, but there is no guarantee.

Mr. Bousquette thanked the Board for their time and said he appreciated the recent Historic Preservation Commission program on tax abatement for historic properties. He noted that one  topic that came up at the meeting was whether the city would waive permit fees for preservation, thus providing economic incentive to preserve. President Cauley commented that this is a good thought. Mr. Bousquette asked what the proper forum is for discussion of the 30,000’ square foot lot size rule, in light of the fact that there are only about 50 houses in the area that meet this criteria. President Cauley said that would come from staff as a change to the zoning code, but he stated he does not want to change the code on a one-off basis.

Public Art Donation Policy, Parks & Recreation

Interim Manager of Parks & Recreation Heather Bereckis explained to the Board that last year the Park & Recreation Commission were approached by an individual who wanted to donate a bench/sculpture for installation at Katherine Legge Memorial Lodge (KLM). Staff has investigated donation policies from several communities around the country; the Commission has reviewed  the samples and has a recommendation for the Board. President Cauley noted the Board has final approval, and the policy provides for ongoing maintenance. The Trustees agreed it was a good policy; and Trustee Hughes commented it is good to provide criteria for approval. Trustee Saigh asked about a particular passage regarding monuments by ‘exception only’. Ms. Bereckis said she would get clarification for the Board from Park & Recreation Chairman Scott Banke. Mr. Bloom asked that this discussion be considered a first reading. It was noted this draft was vetted by the Village attorneys and received unanimous approval from the Park & Recreation Commission.


a) Community Development

b) Economic Development

c) Parks & Recreation

d) Public Services

The reports listed above were provided to the Board. There were no additional questions regarding the contents of the department and staff reports.


No reports.








Trustee LaPlaca stated that although she doesn’t think anything will happen until July, she wants the Board to be aware that a resident has approached the Village with a landscaping plan for the traffic island on Daleswood Lane. Staff is working with the resident to work out the details, and is checking with the Village attorney to see if a formal agreement is advisable. She noted there are no rain gardens there now, because there was no need for stormwater relief.

Trustee LaPlaca pointed out that she has noticed a lot of parking on County Line Road for Frisbee golf, and Trustee Hughes said the lacrosse program also creates a lot of parking. Police Chief Kevin Simpson said currently there are no parking restrictions in that area, but he will take a look at the situation and report back to the Board

Trustee Saigh commented that he stood in for President Cauley in the Memorial Day events. He said it was a terrific day and event. The ceremony is very nice, and a true example of small town Americana.

Trustee Byrnes remarked the Oak Street Bridge is very well-traveled at 5:00 p.m. and was happy to see a memo from Mr. Bloom addressing this problem.


There being no further business before the Board, President Cauley asked for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Hughes moved to adjourn the regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees of June 7, 2016. Trustee Byrnes seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Saigh

NAYS: None


ABSENT: Trustee Elder

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.

ATTEST: _________________________________________

Christine M. Bruton, Village Clerk



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