Members of the Hampton Township Planning Commission met Thursday, June 9.
Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Hampton Township Planning Commission:
The regular meeting of the Charter Township of Hampton Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Chairperson, Basket in the Boardroom of the Hampton Township Administrative Offices.
PRESENT: Brey, Klass, Helminiak, Basket, Dewyse ABSENT: Talaga, Mulders ALSO PRESENT: Eggers, Sheppard, Hebner, Hugo, Dewyse, Runde, Samyn, 8 people in the audience
Motion by Helminiak seconded by Klass that the minutes of the May 12, 2016, regular meeting be approved as printed and that the reading of the minutes be waived. Motion carried.
COMMUNICATIONS: There were no communications
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There were no unfinished business
Eddy Garcia, the construction foreman representing Meijer at 595 N. Pine Rd, appeared before the board for a Site Plan Review for Meijer Store to construct a drive-thru pharmacy
Discussion was held on the following: Planner reviewed his notes dated May 26, 2016. Submitted plans state that the signage is not changing, but other plans show a new pharmacy sign. The maximum sign surface area allowed has been reached. The developer needs to look at the drainage on the east half of the slab and increase the slope to avoid ponding water. It was also discovered that there may be a safety issue with the garden area exit doors being too close to the drive-thru and the stop bar for traffic exiting the drive through. Suggestions were made to move the garden center doors closer to the back of the store or move the drive through lane east 10-12 feet.
At this time the meeting was open to the public. No one addressed the board
Motion by Dewyse seconded by Brey to table the special use permit for Meijer until the architect can submit revised plans that address the drainage, signage, and safety concerns that were discussed.
AYES: Dewyse, Brey, Klass, Helminiak, Basket NAYES: None ABSENT: Talaga, Mulders Motion carried.
June 9, 2016 Planning Commission Page 2
Trevor Keys, from Bay Future, introduced Bob Dion and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Dion explained that they would like to operate a distillery and produce their own product on the property located at 951 N. Callahan, Rd. Their plans for the site include planting trees for production, having bees for pollination, and a full service retail sales inside. At this time this use is not allowed in the agricultural district. The planner was asked to check with other municipalities to see which zones they are that allow this type of use. The planner was asked to compose the wording to update the allowable uses in the agricultural zone for the zoning ordinance. Trevor Keys had contacted the Liquor Control Commission, and found that this type of business was allowed (in other areas), in the agricultural district.
Donna Samyn stated that other uses should be allowed in the agricultural district. Such as; an ice arena, “skyzone” trampoline center, banquet reception hall, and other recreational uses.
Motion by Dewyse seconded by Brey to have the planner contact other municipalities and see what uses are allowed in their agricultural districts and then prepare a list of new uses for the agricultural zone. Motion carried.
At this time the meeting was closed to the public.
Motion by Dewyse seconded by Helminiak that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted:
________________________ Mark Basket, Chairperson
Jodie Hebner, Recording Secretary