The City of Moline Committee of the Whole will meet at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20.
"Council members meet as the Committee-of-the-Whole on select Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers, unless otherwise posted. Please check the meeting calendar for meeting dates. The formal City Council meeting is held immediately following the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting."
Here is the meeting agenda as provided by the Moline Committee of the Whole:
City of Moline 619 16 Street, Moline – 2nd Floor Council Chambers Committee-of-the-Whole Agenda
6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Mayor’s Board Appointments Mayor’s appointment of Frank Ege to the Historic Preservation Commission to fill the expired term of Curt Roseman for a full three year term to expire April 30, 2019. Presentation 2016 Bond Sale Results (Kevin McCanna, Speer Financial) Questions on the Agenda Agenda Items
1. Chapter 14 Amendment (Andrea Peterson, Accounts Receivable Technician)
2. Community Rating Certification (Shawn Christ, Land Development Manager)
3. Hold Harmless Agreement (Kim Hankins, Chief of Police/Public Safety Director)
4. Other
5. Public Comment
1. An Ordinance amending Chapter 14, “FOOD AND FOOD HANDLERS,” of the Moline Code of Ordinances, Sec. 14-2203, “LICENSE FEES & PAYMENT,” by enacting one new subsection (d). (Andrea Peterson, Accounts Receivable Technician) Explanation: Staff would like to amend Chapter 14 “Food and Food Handlers” to be more in line with Chapter 4 “Alcoholic Beverages” in the Moline Code of Ordinances. This amendment would give the City the authority to collect all outstanding fines, fees, taxes, bills, or invoices due and owing the City before issuing/renewing a food license. Staff Recommendation: Approval Fiscal Impact: Collect outstanding fines, fees, taxes, bills, or invoices owed to the City Public Notice/Recording: N/A Goals Impacted: Financially Strong City
2. A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign and submit the 2016 Community Rating System Annual Recertification to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for floodplain management. (Shawn Christ, Land Development Manager) Explanation: Since 2010, the City of Moline has participated in the National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS), a voluntary program offered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), to encourage advanced floodplain management activities. As a class 8 community, the City’s participation earns property owners in flood hazard areas a 10% cost reduction on flood insurance premiums. To maintain participation, the Mayor must annually certify that the City continues to perform its stated activities. Additional documentation attached. Staff Recommendation: Approval Fiscal Impact: N/A Public Notice/Recording: N/A Goals Impacted: A Great Place to Live
3. A Resolution authorizing the Chief of Police to execute a Hold Harmless Agreement between the police department and Moline School District for use of the parking lot at Wharton Field House, 1800 20th Avenue, Moline, Illinois from October 12, 2016 through November 16, 2016 to conduct emergency vehicle operation training. (Kim Hankins, Chief of Police/Public Safety Director) Explanation: The police department will be conducting emergency vehicle operation training drills from October 12, 2016 through November 16, 2016. Moline School District has agreed to donate its parking lot at Wharton Field House for the training exercises, provided it is held harmless against any loss and liability that might occur as a result of the training. Police in-house staff will be administering the training exercises. Staff Recommendation: Approval Fiscal Impact: N/A Public Notice/Recording: N/A Goals Impacted: None Identified
OMB No. 1660-0022 Expires: December 31, 2016
Community City of Moline State IL CID 170591
County Rock Island County
CC-213 Recertification
Recertification Date: October 1, 2016
If there are any changes or corrections to the information below, please cross out the old item and write in the correction.
Chief Executive Officer CRS Coordinator
The Honorable J Scott Raes Shawn Christ
Mayor of Moline Land Development Manager
Address 619 16th Street 619 16th Street
Moline, Illinois 61265 Moline, Illinois 61265
Phone (309) 524-2001 (309) 524-2050
I hereby certify that the City of Moline is continuing to implement the activities on the attached pages as credited under the Community Rating System and described in our original application to the CRS and subsequent modifications.
I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, we are maintaining in force all flood insurance policies that have been required of us as a condition of federal financial assistance for insurable buildings owned by us and located in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) shown on our Flood Insurance Rate Map. I further understand that disaster assistance for any community-owned building located in the SFHA is reduced by the amount of National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) flood insurance coverage (structure and contents) that a community should be carrying on the building, regardless of whether the community is carrying a policy.
Signed ___________________________________________ (Chief Executive Officer)
The Honorable J Scott Raes, Mayor of Moline
Community Certifications CC-213-1 Edition: 2013
OMB No. 1660-0022 Expires: December 31, 2016
Community City of Moline State IL CID 170591
County Rock Island County
Your community has been verified as receiving CRS credit for the following activities. If your community is still implementing these activities the CRS coordinator is required to put his or her initials in the blank and attach the appropriate items. The numbers refer to the activity number which is found in the CRS Coordinator’s Manual. If the word “attached” is used you must provide documentation material for that activity. If no material has been acquired for that activity please explain why there is no material from the past year.
____ 310 We are maintaining Elevation Certificates on all new and substantially improved
buildings in our Special Flood Hazard Area.
____ 310 Attached is the permit list for new or substantially improved structures in the
SFHA that have been completed in the last year.
____ 310 Attached are the Elevation Certificates for new or substantially improved
structures in the SFHA that have been completed in the last year.
____ 310 We continue to make copies of Elevation Certificates on newer properties
available at our present office location. [____] Initial here if your office address has changed in the past year. Please provide new address with this form.
____ 320 We are providing basic flood information, additional FIRM information, problems
not shown on the FIRM, historical flood information, and natural floodplain functions to inquirers. [____] Initial here if the office address or the manner in which requests may be submitted has changed in the last year. Please provide the new office address or manner of submittal with this form.
____ 320 Attached is a copy of the letter to all Lenders, Real Estate and Insurance
Agents that publicized the credited elements of this service this year.
____ 320 Attached is a copy of one page of the log, a letter, or other record that we kept
on this service this year.
____ 320 We are continuing to keep our FIRM updated and maintain old copies of our
____ 330 Attached are copies of all outreach projects conducted this year. Please
reference the 330 OP Worksheet attached and mark each attachment.
____ 340 People looking to purchase floodprone property are being advised of the flood
hazard through our credited hazard disclosure measures.
Community Certifications CC-213-2 Edition: 2013
OMB No. 1660-0022 Expires: December 31, 2016
Community City of Moline State IL CID 170591
County Rock Island County
____ 350 Our public library continues to maintain flood protection materials.
____ 350 We continue to conduct an annual review and update of the information and
links in our flood protection website.
____ 360 We continue to provide flood protection advice to inquirers.
____ 360 Attached is a copy of one page of the log, up to three letters, or other records
that we kept on this service this year.
____ 360 We continue to provide on-site flood protection assistance to inquirers.
____ 360 Attached is a copy of one page of the log, up to three letters, or other records
that we kept on this service this year.
____ 360 Attached is a copy of the document that told others about providing on-site
flood protection advise this year. [____] Initial here if the information is included in your annual program for public information. Mark the attachment to Activity 330 to show where this service is publicized.
____ 410 We continue to use our additional regulatory flood data before a new
development can proceed in our floodplain.
____ 420 We continue to preserve our open space in the floodplain.
____ 430 We continue to enforce the following regulations in our floodplain: Development
limitations, Freeboard for new and substantial improvement construction, Foundation Protection, Cumulative Substantial Improvement, Lower Substantial Improvement, Protection of Critical Facilities and Local Drainage Protection [____] Initial here if you have amended your floodplain regulations. Attach a copy of the amendment.
____ 430 We continue to enforce our current building code. [____] Initial here if you have
amended your building code. Attach a copy of the amendment.
____ 430 We continue to employ those staff credited for attaining their CFM, and those
who have attended the credited training courses. [_____] Initial here if your staff has changed and attach a statement as to the staffing changes.
____ 440 We continue to use and update our flood data maintenance system on an
annual basis as needed.
Community Certifications CC-213-3 Edition: 2013
OMB No. 1660-0022 Expires: December 31, 2016
Community City of Moline State IL CID 170591
County Rock Island County
____ 440 We continue to maintain our system of Benchmarks. [_____] Initial here if any
Benchmarks were found to be missing or inaccurate. Attach a copy of the correct elevation or a description of the missing Benchmark.
____ 440 We continue to maintain our historical FIRMs and Flood Insurance Studies.
____ 450 We continue to enforce the stormwater management and development
provisions of our zoning, subdivision and building code ordinances for new developments in the watershed. [____] Initial here if you have amended your stormwater management regulations. Attach a copy of the amendment.
____ 450 We continue to enforce the provisions of our zoning, subdivision and building
codes as they pertain to erosion and sediment control and water quality.
____ 502 We currently have ____repetitive loss properties and send our notice to
____properties in the repetitive loss areas.
____ 502 Attached is a copy of this year's notice on property protection, flood insurance
and financial assistance that we sent to our repetitive loss areas.
NOTE: Please do not mail or ship packages that need a signature.
Additional Comments:
Community Certifications CC-213-4 Edition: 2013
OMB No. 1660-0022 Expires: December 31, 2016
Community City of Moline State IL CID 170591
County Rock Island County
CRS Program Data Table
A. In the
B. In a regulated floodplain SFHA
outside the SFHA
C. In the rest of the community
1. Last report’s number of buildings in the SFHA (bSF) (line 6, last report) 782 2. Number of new buildings constructed since last report + 3. Number of buildings removed/demolished since last report – 4. Number of buildings affected by map revisions since last report (+ or 5. Number )
of buildings affected by corporate limits changes (+ or –)
6. Current total number of buildings in the SFHA (bSF) (total lines 1–5)
7. Number of substantial improvement/damage projects since last report 8. Number of repetitive loss properties mitigated since last report 9. Number of LOMRs and map revisions (not LOMAs) since last report
10. Acreage of the SFHA (aSFHA) as of the last report (line 13, last report) 1,751 11. Acreage of area(s) affected by map revisions since last report (+ or – 12. )
Acreage of area(s) affected by corporate limits changes (+ or –) 13. Current acreage of the SFHA (aSFHA) (total lines 10?12)
14. Primary source for building data:
15. Primary source for area data:
16. Period covered: Current FIRM date
If available, the following data would be useful:
17. Number of new manufactured homes installed since last report
18. Number of other new 1–4 family buildings constructed since last report
19. Number of all other buildings constructed/installed since last report
(Please note the number of the line to which the comment refers.)
Community Certifications CC-213-5 Edition: 2013