The Hampton Township Board of Trustees met Sept. 28 to elect officers.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Charter Township of Hampton Downtown Development Authority was called to order at 1:30pm by Chairperson, Tacey in the Boardroom of the Hampton Township Administrative Offices.
PRESENT: Tacey, Boutell, Foret, Kienbaum, Johnson, Beyett, ABSENT: Ming, Stehle, Overholt ALSO PRESENT: Samyn, Kasper, Wisniewski, Hewitt, Wright, & Hebner
Motion by Foret Seconded by Kienbaum that the minutes of the August 25, 2016, meeting be approved and that the reading of the minutes be waived. Motion carried.
UNFINSHED BUSINESS: Kyle Fahrner, Chemical Bank, informed the treasure that the information given at the last meeting was incorrect and illegal. Therefore the board cannot apply for an unlimited tax obligation with a lower interest rate.
NEW BUSINESS: ASSessor discussed a 14 bed addition that Hampton Manor is proposing to add. They cannot add onto their existing application for tax exemption. They will have to get permission from the township Board of Trustees to apply to the state. The state ultimately has final approval, but the township can prove a loss of revenue as a hardship. The manager of Hampton Manor is still proceeding with the addition regardless of the tax exemption. With the added tax the DDA will not need the 2 mil
I? CreaSe.
Motion by Kienbaum Seconded by Boutell that the following warrants be approved for payment:
#995 DDA Fund $443.75
AYES: Kienbaum, Boutell, Foret, Tacey, Johnson, Beyett NAYS: NOne
ABSENT: Stehle, Ming, Overholt
Motion Carried.
Motion by Kienbaum seconded by Johnson to approve payment of the 2007 Series bond in the amount of $60,605.00 and the loan payment to the township in the amount of $39,900.00.
AYES: Kienbaum, Johnson, Boutel, Foret, Tacey, Beyett NAYS: None
ABSENT: Ming, Stehle, Overholt
Motion carried.
Motion by Foret Seconded by Johnson to approve the amendment to the Deficit Elimination Plan. Motion carried.
Motion by Boutell seconded by Foretto recommend to the township board the resolution to direct the Hampton Township Board of Trustees to refund the capital improvement bond series 2007.
AYES: Boutell, Foret, Tacey, Johnson, Beyett NAY'S: None ABSENT: Ming, Stehle, Overholt
ABSTAIN: Kienbaum Motion carried.
Motion by Kienbaum seconded by Boutell to recommend to the township board the DDA Amendment to the Development Plan. Motion carried.
Motion by Kienbaum seconded by Johnson to recommend to the township board the Tax increment Financing Plan. Motion carried.
Motion by Foret seconded by Boutell that ALTacey remains Chairperson. Motion carried.
Motion by Tacey seconded by Foret that the next township supervisor be Vice Chairperson. Motion carried.
Motion by Tacey seconded by Foret that Mel Beyett remains Secretary. Motion carried.
Motion by Boutell seconded by Johnson that Randy Kienbaum be Treasurer. Motion carried.
Supervisor Foret asked all the DDA members if they would like to renew their term on the board. All present members were in favor of staying on the board.
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: No one addressed the board.
Motion by Kienbaum Seconded by Johnson that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 2:10 pm,
Respectfully submitted:
Alan Tacey, Chairperson
Jodie Hebner, Recording Secretary