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Thursday, January 30, 2025

River Valley library board reviews website template

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The River Valley District Library Board of Trustees met Sept. 19 to review the website template.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

River Valley District Library

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

September 19, 2016

I. Call to Order by President Bob Simmons at 5:31pm. Those in attendance were Director Kim Riley, Trustees Linda Warren,

Butch Hugart, Barb Brandt, Becki Wells, Amy Creen, Dave Brooks, and staff members Tara McKay, Cathy Burt, and Teri Blake.

II. August 15, 2016 Minutes—were reviewed. First motion to approve was made by Barb. Motion adopted.

III. Financial Reports—both July and August reports were reviewed and filed for audit.

IV. Public Comments-N/A

V. Director’s Report -An appreciation breakfast to honor library volunteers was held on September 12th. Two author signing

events were held this month. Author Bob Windt visited the Science Club, helped children build rockets and was on hand to sign his

new book. Author G.L. Fisher was at the library to sign his new book, “Grace at the Gate” which was based on Port Byron. A

sewing class for 3rd and 6th graders will be offered in October. The annual IPLAR report was completed and approved by the

Illinois State Library. Work on the new website continues with good progress being made. The annual audit is underway and

should be completed by the end of September or early October. Two Facebook posts went viral last month. One reached 1,297

people with 18 shares and the other reached 7.090 people with 67 shares.

VI. Committee Reports

A. Community Meetings Liaisons—reports were shared from Zuma, Riverdale Schools, Port Byron, Coe,

Hampton and the Historical Society.

Old Business

VII. Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance 2016/17 – 04 – Roll call vote: Dave Aye, Butch Aye, Linda Aye, Barb Aye, Bob

Aye, Amy Aye, Becki Aye. Motion adopted.

VIII. Insurance – Final quotes were reviewed and discussed. First motion was made by Butch to accept Hansford-Schuneman

Agency’s quote with a recommendation to review coverage every year. Motion adopted.

IX. Webpage – Progress on the template was reviewed which is coming along very well. More content is being added and

staff will soon be trained to assist in this task.

New Business

X. Volunteer Services: Patron Survey – A draft programming attendee questionnaire was reviewed with suggestions made.

Becki Wells, Cathy Burt, and Heidi Iffland met to brainstorm programs and build volunteer numbers.

XI. Library Policies: Comp Time, Petty Cash and Credit Card – New and current policies were reviewed.

XII. Closed Session – Personnel and Legal – First motion was made by Barb to move to Closed Session. Roll Call vote: Dave

Aye, Butch Aye, Linda Aye, Barb Aye, Bob Aye, Amy Aye, Becki Aye. Moved to Closed Session at 6:47pm. Returned to Open

Session at 7:21pm. First motion was made by Barb to accept the Petty Cash Policy as presented. Motion adopted. First motion to

accept the Credit Card Policy as presented was made by Amy. Motion Adopted. Bob recommended that new Fair Labor Laws

effective December 1, 2016 be followed which will change current employee status and overtime practices. Bob will attend the

next staff meeting to answer any questions.

XIII. Other- Bob noted that next April’s election would have positions currently held by Butch, Dave, Bob and Becki would be up

for re-election. Petitions are now available for pick up at the library. Bob advised that he would not be running for re-election at that


Adjournment- First motion was made by Amy to adjourn the meeting. Motion adopted. Meeting adjourned at 7:29pm.