
Rock Island Today

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Rock Island City Council presents capital improvement plan

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The Rock Island City Council met Nov. 7 to present the capital improvement plan.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the council:

The Rock Island City Council includes the mayor and seven alderman, each from one of the city’s seven wards. Council meetings are held at 6:45 p.m. each Monday.


The Rock Island City Council met in Study Session at 5:30 pm in City Council Chambers at Rock Island City Hall. Present were Mayor Dennis E. Pauley presiding, and Aldermen Ivory D. Clark, Virgil J. Mayberry, Stephen L. Tollenaer, Kate Hotle and Charles O. Austin III. Also present were Interim City Manager Randy Tweet, Interim Public Works Director Larry Cook, Jeffrey Sorenson from Mead & Hunt, Finance Director Stephanie Masson, other City staff and City Attorney Dave Morrison. Alderman Joshua Schipp arrived at 5:33 pm. Alderman P.J. Foley was absent.


Interim Public Works Director Larry Cook advised that they had received news in June of 2015 that there would be a RFP from the Defense Logistics Agency for a potential utilities privatization for the Rock Island Arsenal. Mr. Cook explained that they began conversations with a couple of consultants (Mead & Hunt and Stanley Consultants) in which the initial goal was to determine the feasibility of going after the privatization contract for the Arsenal. Mr. Cook then introduced Mr. Jeffrey Sorenson from Mead & Hunt.

Mr. Sorenson advised that the Defense Logistics Agency is planning to privatize the utility systems on the Arsenal. Mr. Sorenson pointed out that this is in no way intended to offset the existing City contract to treat the wastewater; it is separate; it is to simply manage the infrastructure on the Arsenal.

Mr. Sorenson advised that the Defense Logistics Agency will go through a lengthy process to determine who has the best value offerings on this project and they will be very selective. Mr. Sorenson stated that there is a 300 page RFP that will come out between January and March of 2017. Mr. Sorenson indicated that through the process, a lengthy proposal will need to be submitted and the end result will be a 50 year contract with the Defense Logistics Agency. Mr. Sorenson indicated that the entire process will take about two or three years to get from today until the contract is awarded.

Mr. Sorenson stated that the City hired Mead & Hunt along with Stanley Consultants to do a five part study. Mr. Sorenson then discussed the five part study in detail, which included; inventory development, financial analysis, risk analysis, SWOT assessment and today’s presentation. Mr. Sorenson then explained the results of each task in the study they conducted.

In regards to the financial component, which included utility service charges, connection charges and transition charges, Mr. Sorenson stated that no money changes hands for the purchase; it is a net zero transition. In regards to the risk analysis, Mr. Sorenson discussed the financial, contractual, performance, environmental/regulatory and political components in terms of the severity and probability of high or low risk. It was noted that it will be a four or five month effort to put the proposal together with various components outlined in the analysis. Mr. Sorenson further discussed the study.

Council discussed Mr. Sorenson’s presentation.

Finance Director Stephanie Masson presented the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Budget for CY2017 to Council. Ms. Masson indicated that the total proposed Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) expenditures are $41.98 million dollars. It was noted that the plan reflects an increase over CY2016. Ms. Masson discussed the reasons for the increases. Ms. Masson noted that the plan includes the contribution or grants that reflect the portion of capital improvements that will be funded by other sources and the plan reflects the TIF’s redevelopment agreements. Ms. Masson added that the third reason for the increase is the continued expenditures in the Utilities area funded by low interest IEPA loans.

Ms. Masson stated that more than $12.5 million dollars of the proposed 2017 expenditures is directly associated with the replacement of the Water Treatment Filter Building and $8.8 million dollars or 22% in expenditures is driven by completion of the Long Term Control Plan. Ms. Masson noted that over $9.96 million dollars is dedicated to street and roadway improvements.

Ms. Masson advised that the largest funding source for CIP projects is loans, which is at 51% and accounts for more than $21 million dollars in funding. Ms. Masson commented that these are low interest Illinois EPA loans, which specifically support the design and construction of the Water Treatment Filter Building and to fund the final stages of the Long Term Control Plan. Ms. Masson advised that Gaming and Carryover account for another 15%, which support such uses as street maintenance, debt service and contributions to community organizations. Ms. Masson discussed other funding sources, which include bonds, user fees and TIF funds for TIF eligible projects.

Ms. Masson advised that over 80% of expenditures are spent on core City functions and 24% is allocated towards streets and street maintenance. Ms. Masson added that 54% is spent on utility projects and about 31% is the new Water Treatment Filter Building. Ms. Masson stated that the remainder is for contributions, principal and interest due on debt service, equipment maintenance purchases and an assortment of other miscellaneous items. Ms. Masson advised that wastewater projects include the final components of the Long Term Control Plan and include the separation of combined sewers and improvements to the Black Hawk Lift Station. Ms. Masson commented that there are no major projects scheduled for CY2017 in the stormwater fund.

Ms. Masson pointed out that 24% of CIP expenditures are for street improvements and maintenance. Ms. Masson stated that $8.9 million dollars of street projects are planned for CY 2017 and they are funded by bonds and State contributions. It was noted that street maintenance is partially funded with gaming revenues. Various street projects included in the CIP budget that Ms. Masson discussed included; 38th Street Resurfacing from 7th Avenue to Blackhawk Road; 18th Avenue Resurfacing from 17th Street to 45th Street; and Lincoln Court Reconstruction from 17th to 20th Street including the alleys. Ms. Masson commented that Gaming proceeds of $445,495.00 has been budgeted for contributions. Ms. Masson further discussed this item.

Ms. Masson also discussed other miscellaneous CIP projects, some of which included; support of the City’s technology and replacement of aging computer equipment throughout the City; support for the Library’s and the Fire Department’s building Infrastructure; improvements to certain Parks and Recreation facilities such as Hodge Park, Douglas Park and RIFAC; and the purchase and implementation of body worn cameras for the Police Department. Ms. Masson further discussed this item.

Next, Ms. Masson discussed Gaming and General Fund Carryover. Ms. Masson stated that the City has a year lag between when these funds become available and when staff budgets them for expenses. Ms. Masson advised that the total allocation for Gaming is $5,872,393.00, and this reflects Gaming revenues received in CY2015 and Carryover. Ms. Masson indicated that the General Fund Carryover available to allocate was $319,269.00 and is also from CY2015. It was noted that the total to allocate this year is $6,191,662.00. Ms. Masson commented that $3.4 million dollars or 55% is used for debt service, 9% is allocated to streets and 7% of the funds will be contributed to various organizations and events. Ms. Masson discussed the Miscellaneous category, which includes the General Fund Carryover, which has been allocated back to the General Fund and it also includes previously discussed projects.

Council discussed Ms. Masson’s presentation.


A motion made by Alderman Tollenaer and seconded by Alderman Clark to adjourn the meeting carried by the following Aye and No vote. Those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.

_______________________________ Aleisha L. Patchin, City Clerk

Rock Island City Council met in regular session at 6:45 pm in Council Chambers of Rock Island City Hall. Present were Mayor Dennis E. Pauley presiding, and Aldermen Ivory D. Clark, Virgil J. Mayberry, Stephen L. Tollenaer, Kate Hotle, Joshua Schipp and Charles O. Austin III. Also present were Interim City Manager Randy Tweet and City Attorney Dave Morrison. Alderman P.J. Foley was absent.

Introductory Proceedings

Mayor Pauley called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Alderman Hotle gave the Invocation.

Agenda Item #5 Minutes of the meeting of October 24, 2016.

A motion was made by Alderman Austin and seconded by Alderman Clark to approve the Minutes of the meeting of October 24, 2016 as printed. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #6 Update Rock Island by Mayor Pauley.

Sisterly Advice Tea (NormaLeah Ovarian Cancer Initiative) - Mayor Pauley stated that on Monday, November 14, 2016, the Main Library will host a tea session from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. One in every 75 women is diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer each year. Get advice, information and learn how to raise awareness. The event is free. Presented by the NormaLeah Ovarian Cancer Initiative.

Veteran’s Day - Mayor Pauley advised that the City of Rock Island facilities will be open on Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2016. Refuse, recycling and yard waste will be collected as normal.

How To Feed Your Winter Birds - Mayor Pauley stated that on Saturday, November 12, 2016 from 9:30 am to 11:00 am, naturalist Bob Motz will help you identify birds common to our winter feeders and show the types of foods that attract a variety of winter birds. Binoculars will be provided. The Mayor commented that the event will be held at Singing Bird Center. The event is free and for more information, please call (309) 788-9536.

Dance Me A Story: The Nutcracker - Mayor Pauley stated that on Monday, November 14, 2016, the Main Library will act out the story of The Nutcracker with a ballet dancer from Ballet Quad Cities. See how story and dance go together. The Mayor added that the event is for preschool and school age children. Event is from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

27th Annual Quad City Christmas Arts & Crafts - Mayor Pauley advised that on November 25th, 26th and 27th, the QCCA Expo Center will hold their annual Christmas Arts and Crafts Fair. The Mayor added that there will be 200 exhibitors showing off their hand crafted products.


Friday and Saturday, the fair will be open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm with Sunday being 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. New unwrapped toy gets free admission to the event with tickets being $5.00 a piece. For more information, please call (309) 647-0400.

Agenda Item #7 A Special Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit at 547 23rd Street.

Alderman Hotle moved and Alderman Schipp seconded to consider, suspend the rules and pass the ordinance. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #8 A Special Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit at 2317 6th Avenue.

It was moved by Alderman Hotle and seconded by Alderman Schipp to consider, suspend the rules and pass the ordinance. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #9 A Special Ordinance providing for the donation of City-owned property at 515 10th Street to Second Baptist Church.

Alderman Clark moved and Alderman Hotle seconded to consider, suspend the rules and pass the ordinance.

Discussion followed. Alderman Mayberry inquired as to whether or not it was proper that the City gives City-owned property to churches.

City Attorney Morrison advised that it would be on a case by case basis; it is not illegal. City Attorney Morrison and Council further discussed this subject.

Alderman Clark advised that the reason the City decided to give the property to Second Baptist Church is because they are the only ones using it and they are going to improve it. Alderman Clark further discussed this item.

Mayor Pauley advised that this is also contiguous with a piece of property they own that they are turning into a parking lot; this just extends the parking lot. Council further discussed this item.

After discussion, the motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #10 CLAIMS

It was moved by Alderman Austin and seconded by Alderman Clark to accept the following reports and authorize payments as recommended. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

a. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #3 and final in the amount of $117,124.79 to Valley Construction Company of Rock Island, IL for services provided for the 12th Street and 13th Street Reconstruction: 5th Avenue to 7th Avenue projects.

b. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #1 and final in the amount of $63,987.00 to Mechanical Jobbers Marketing Inc. of Lithonia, GA for services provided for the 2016 Manhole Lining Program project.

c. Report from the Public Works Department regarding payment #11 and final in the amount of $126,831.48 to Civil Constructors Inc. of East Moline, IL for services provided for the Farmall Storage Tank project.

Agenda Item #11 Claims for the weeks of October 21 through October 27 in the amount of $611,489.37 and October 28 through November 3 in the amount of $826,912.13 and payroll for the weeks of October 10 through October 23 in the amount of $1,428,395.48.

It was moved by Alderman Clark and seconded by Alderman Mayberry to allow the claims and payroll. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #12 Report from the Public Works Department regarding the early purchase of two carrier chains from Screening Systems International of Slaughter, LA in the amount of $12,496.00.

Alderman Hotle moved and Alderman Schipp seconded to approve the purchase as recommended. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #13 Report from the Public Works Department regarding the purchase of one submersible sewage pump from Electric Pump of Des Moines, IA in the amount of $98,500.00.

It was moved by Alderman Hotle and seconded by Alderman Schipp to approve the purchase as recommended. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being;

Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #14 Report from the Public Works Department regarding a State bid for the purchase of 3,200 tons of rock salt at $48.55 per ton from Compass Minerals America Inc. of Overland, KS in the amount of $155,360.00.

Alderman Hotle moved and Alderman Schipp seconded to approve participation in the state bid as recommended and authorize purchase. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #15 Report from the Police Department regarding bids for the lease of undercover vehicles, recommending the bid be awarded to Greater Quad City Auto Auction of Milan, IL in the total monthly amount of $400.00 per vehicle beginning January 1, 2017 through midnight on December 31, 2017.

It was moved by Alderman Austin and seconded by Alderman Hotle to award the bid as recommended and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract documents. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #16 Report from the Police Department regarding bids for uniforms and equipment, recommending the bids be awarded to Uniform Den Inc. of Moline, IL for uniform pants and shirts in the amount of $12,439.25, outerwear and accessories in the amount of $14,256.95, and leather goods and accessories in the amount of $10,654.00 and Ray O'Herron Company of Danville, IL for badges and bars in the amount of $4,250.50.

Alderman Schipp moved and Alderman Clark seconded to award the bids as recommended and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract documents. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #17 Report from the Community and Economic Development Department regarding an intergovernmental agreement between the Cities of Moline, Illinois, Rock Island, Illinois, and Davenport, Iowa and six Public Housing Authorities for the 2019-2024 Assessment of Fair Housing.

It was moved by Alderman Schipp and seconded by Alderman Hotle to approve the agreement as recommended and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract documents. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #18 Report from the Martin Luther King Center regarding a proposed lease agreement with Arrowhead Family and Youth Services for occupying space in the King Center for Fiscal Year 2016/2017.

Alderman Tollenaer moved and Alderman Mayberry seconded to approve the proposed lease agreement as recommended and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract documents.

Discussion followed. Alderman Austin inquired upon Martin Luther King Center Director Jerry Jones to explain this item.

Mr. Jones advised that Arrowhead Family and Youth Services will be occupying two office spaces at the Martin Luther King Center so that they can provide outreach counseling to clients that are referred to them for the services. Mr. Jones and Council further discussed this item.

After discussion, the motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #19 Report from the Public Works Department regarding an ordinance authorizing the City of Rock Island, IL to borrow funds from the Water Pollution Control Loan Program in an amount not to exceed the debt limit (aggregate principal amount) of $30,000,000.00 for the Water Treatment Plant Filter Building Replacement project.

It was moved by Alderman Schipp and seconded by Alderman Hotle to consider, suspend the rules and pass the ordinance. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #20 Report from the Community and Economic Development Department regarding the Millennia Housing Development projects as it relates to:

a. A Resolution approving and authorizing the execution of an agreement by and between the City of Rock Island and Kane, McKenna and Associates (KMA) regarding potential tax increment financing districts.

b. A Resolution expressing official intent regarding certain expenditures to be reimbursed from the special tax allocation fund for and/or from proceeds of an obligation issued, if any, in connection with a proposed tax increment financing district commonly described as the Century Woods redevelopment project area.

c. A Resolution expressing official intent regarding certain expenditures to be reimbursed from the special tax allocation fund for and/or from proceeds of an obligation issued, if any, in connection with a proposed tax increment financing district commonly described as the Heather Ridge redevelopment project area.

d. A Memorandum of Agreement requiring Millennia Housing Development, LTD to pay for professional consulting services.

Alderman Austin moved and Alderman Mayberry seconded to adopt the resolutions as recommended, approve the agreement, subject to minor attorney modifications, authorize the Mayor to execute the resolutions and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract documents.

Discussion followed. Alderman Schipp stated that it is an exciting thing for the City. Alderman Schipp commented that Millennia Housing has done some very large multi-million dollar projects around the country. Alderman Schipp advised that he researched this organization and could not find anything that says that they are not uniquely qualified to carry through these projects. Alderman Schipp further discussed this item.

Alderman Hotle stated that she supported this item.

Alderman Tollenaer stated that he was very concerned about what the estimated cost would be to the property tax payers in Rock Island at the end of 20 years. Alderman Tollenaer further discussed this subject.

Alderman Tollenaer moved to table the item until the new Community and Economic Development Director is on board. City Attorney Morrison stated that from a point of order, there is already a motion pending that has to be voted on.

Mayor Pauley commented that a motion to table should have been done prior to a motion being made.

Alderman Hotle advised that in regards to this project, there are two apartment units that are in need of a lot of improvement; there are citizens in the community that do need to be supported. Alderman Hotle stated that this is an opportunity to improve that housing for them. Alderman Hotle added that it would create TIFs only for those two properties. Alderman Hotle further discussed this item.

Finance Director Stephanie Masson stated that for these two properties, the assessed valuation will be frozen. Ms. Masson advised that as the properties are reassessed after the improvement is made by the purchaser, the taxes related to the increase in the assessment will go back into each of the two TIF districts to be distributed back to the developer in terms of however the redevelopment agreement ends up being crafted. Ms. Masson noted that creating a TIF district is a large process and there are many steps to go through and this is just the beginning of it. Ms. Masson further discussed this item.

After more Council discussion on this item, Alderman Clark stated that he would be abstaining from this item because he works for the school district.

The motion then carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, Alderman Tollenaer. Alderman Clark abstained.

Agenda Item #21 Report from the Community and Economic Development Department regarding the donation of property at 2711 18th Avenue from the Development Association of Rock Island (DARI) to the City, removal of City-owned property at 1527 36th Street from the HOME Program and donation of that City-owned property at 1527 36th Street to the Development Association of Rock Island.

It was moved by Alderman Austin and seconded by Alderman Hotle to approve the donations and removal of the property from the HOME program as recommended, authorize staff to work with legal counsel to draft the sale agreements, subject to minor attorney modifications, authorize the City Manager to execute the contract documents and refer to the City Attorney for the ordinances.

Discussion followed. Alderman Hotle inquired upon Economic Development Manager Bret Gardella as to whether there was another property that will replace the one that is being transferred out.

Mr. Gardella advised that staff will be preparing another list of lots to put into the HOME Program and it will come before Council in the first part of next year.

Alderman Clark stated that he would be abstaining from this item because he has done business with the organization.

After discussion, the motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none. Alderman Clark abstained.

Agenda Item #22 Report from the Community and Economic Development Department regarding an application from Lindsay Hocker to purchase City-owned property at 1923-1925 9th Avenue.

Alderman Hotle moved and Alderman Schipp seconded to approve selling the City-owned property as recommended, authorize staff to negotiate a sale price with the applicant and prepare a purchase agreement for approval. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.


Agenda Item #23 Report from the Community and Economic Development Department regarding an application from Duane Tschappat to purchase City-owned property at 1121 18th Avenue.

It was moved by Alderman Clark and seconded by Alderman Hotle to approve selling the City- owned property as recommended, authorize staff to negotiate a sale price with the applicant and prepare a purchase agreement for approval. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #24 Report from the Community and Economic Development Department regarding a request from Leticia Taliafero to apply for a Special Use Permit to raise farm crops (vegetables and fruit trees) on her property at 935 3rd Avenue in order to sell them on-site and off-site.

Alderman Clark moved and Alderman Mayberry seconded to allow for the application of the special use permit as recommended. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #25 Report from the Traffic Engineering Committee requesting that 20th Street between 1st and 2nd

Avenue become a one-way for southbound traffic.

It was moved by Alderman Hotle and seconded by Alderman Tollenaer to approve the request as recommended and refer to the City Attorney for an ordinance.

Discussion Followed. Alderman Austin stated that there are businesses on the other side of the street and inquired as to whether those businesses were notified and if they had any concerns.

Interim Public Works Director Larry Cook advised that to his knowledge, there were no concerns or issues. Mr. Cook added that he believed the businesses were made aware of the change, but would check and get back to Alderman Austin with the answer.

After discussion, the motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #26 Report from the Traffic Engineering Committee regarding a request from the Finance Department to remove the police parking space on the northwest side of 16th Street just south of 3rd Avenue and install a loading zone in its place that will be long enough to take the first two parking spaces.

Alderman Austin moved and Alderman Hotle seconded to approve the request as recommended and refer to the City Attorney for an ordinance.

Discussion followed. Alderman Tollenaer advised that the City needs to be nicer to the residents. Alderman Tollenaer added that there is a convenient care clinic and the City is taking away two parking spaces for the sick people that are coming to the clinic; it makes no sense; Alderman Tollenaer reiterated that the City needs to be nicer to the customers.

Interim Public Works Director Larry Cook stated that one of the reasons staff wanted to designate it as a loading and unloading zone is because every single day, there are UPS and FedEx trucks that park in the middle of 3rd Avenue blocking traffic. Mr. Cook added that at various times of the year, Public Works vehicles come to unload leaf bags for the Leaf Bag Program.

After discussion, the motion carried with five (5) Aldermen voting Aye and one (1) Alderman voting No.

Agenda Item #27 Report from the Mayor regarding appointments to the Illinois Quad City Civic Center Authority and Quad Cities Visitors and Convention Bureau.

It was moved by Alderman Hotle and seconded by Alderman Schipp to approve the appointments as recommended. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Stacey Happ was appointed to the Illinois Quad City Civic Center Authority for a three year term expiring in May of 2019.

Parks and Recreation Director John Gripp was appointed to the Quad Cities Visitors and Convention Bureau to fill a vacancy after former Parks Director Bill Nelson retired.

Agenda Item #28 Other Business.

Alderman Austin inquired upon Library Director Angela Campbell to say a few words about their upcoming event.

Ms. Campbell stated that Food for Thought will be held on Thursday, November 10th from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Ms. Campbell added that the cost is $40.00. Ms. Campbell indicated that there will be wine and beer tasting along with numerous food stations, live music and a silent auction. Ms. Campbell noted that one of the silent auction items will be a Wrigley Field rooftop experience to see the Chicago Cubs next October. Ms. Campbell further discussed this event.

Alderman Schipp discussed Item 19 as it related to the $30 million dollar loan for the Water Treatment Filter Building Replacement project.

Alderman Mayberry commended the Public Works Department employees in the refuse area and leaf bag pickup area for doing an excellent job.

Alderman Clark encouraged everyone to go out and vote.

Alderman Mayberry stated that Rock Island High School has an excellent football team and encouraged everyone to support the team this Saturday at 3:00 pm when they play Springfield.

Miguel Morga of Rock Island stepped forward. Mr. Morga discussed labor issues and distributed a document to Council that related to negotiations that have been taking place for over a year in regards to the Auto Parts Assistant position at Public Works. Mr. Morga also discussed the position as it related to whether or not that position was a negotiation topic. Mr. Morga further discussed this item.

Agenda Item #29 Executive Session on Personnel, Property Acquisition and Litigation.

A motion was made by Alderman Clark and seconded by Alderman Schipp at 7:39 pm to recess to Executive Session on matters of Personnel, Property Acquisition and Litigation. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none.

Agenda Item #30 Recess

Mayor Pauley reconvened the regular meeting at 7:42 pm. A motion was made by Alderman Schipp and seconded by Alderman Austin to recess to 5:30 pm, Monday, November 14, 2016. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote; those voting Aye being; Alderman Clark, Alderman Mayberry, Alderman Tollenaer, Alderman Hotle, Alderman Schipp and Alderman Austin; those voting No, none. The meeting was recessed at 7:43 pm.

_______________________________ Aleisha L. Patchin, City Clerk



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