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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Cordova Board of Trustees approves president appointment

Webp meeting 05

The village of Cordova Board of Trustees met Nov. 10 to approve the appointment of a new president.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:


The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees was called to order by Village President Tom Cauley in Memorial Hall of the Memorial Building on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 at 7:31 p.m., roll call was taken.

Present: President Tom Cauley and Trustees Christopher Elder, Neale Byrnes, Luke Stifflear, Gerald J. Hughes, Laura LaPlaca and Scott Banke

Absent: None

Also Present: Village Manager Kathleen A. Gargano, Assistant Village Manager/Finance Director Darrell Langlois, Assistant Village Manager/Director of Public Safety Brad Bloom, Police Chief Kevin Simpson, Fire Chief John Giannelli, Director of Community Development/Building Commissioner Robb McGinnis, Village Engineer Dan Deeter, Village Planner Chan Yu, Administration Manager Emily Wagner, Management Analyst Suzanne Ostrovsky and Village Clerk Christine Bruton


President Cauley led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Trustee Byrnes and Trustee Hughes suggested clarifications to the draft minutes; Trustee Elder moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 12, 2016, as amended. Trustee Byrnes seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Hughes, LaPlaca and Banke NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Trustee Stifflear ABSENT: None

Motion carried.




Patrol Officer Tom Lillie was promoted to Deputy Chief of Police. President Cauley administered the oath of office.

Patrol Officer Lou Hayes was promoted to Police Sergeant. President Cauley administered the oath of office.

Firefighter/Paramedic Don Newberry was promoted to Fire Department Lieutenant. President Cauley administered the oath of office.

President Cauley provided biographical information for each man and commented that all three are fine members of their respective departments; and in his opinion, Hinsdale has the best Fire and Police Departments in the western suburbs.


President Cauley made the following recommendation and asked for a motion to approve the appointment as described.

Parks & Recreation Commission

Mr. Chris Boruff to a three-year term through April 30, 2019

Trustee Hughes moved to approve the appointment as recommended by the Village President. Trustee Banke seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Banke NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None

Motion carried.


Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)

a) Approve a new rental fee structure for Katherine Legge Memorial Lodge (KLM) effective November 2017 Trustee Hughes introduced the item and reported that staff and the Parks & Recreation Commission have done a benchmark study of fees of similar venues in the western suburbs. They are recommending selectively increasing rates for weekends, and bundling formerly ala carte items. KLM rates are still a bit below the others, but competitive. Interim Manager of Parks & Recreation Heather Bereckis, explained that the Parks & Recreation Commission members felt there were too many ‘options’ and things like tents and use of the fireplace could be included in a base rate. She stated that comparable venues were chosen based on the size of the parties possible and whether the venue had a similar feel. President Cauley remarked it would be optimal to have a third party invest in KLM, and pay back the investment with a percentage of revenue. Trustee LaPlaca noted the Village was unable to find anyone to make this type of investment in the past. The Board agreed to move this item to the Consent Agenda of their next meeting.

Environment & Public Services (Chair LaPlaca)

b) Approve a Resolution for Maintenance of Streets and Highways by Municipalities under the Illinois Highway Code (2017 Resurfacing Project) Trustee LaPlaca introduced the item and explained that the design of the project has been approved; this item resolves to use Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds to pay for a portion of the project. Assistant Village Manager/Finance Director Darrell Langlois added there is between $1.2 and $1.3 million in the MFT account; this action will spend the balance. Trustee Hughes asked that this report or Manager’s Notes indicate whether the road is being resurfaced or reconstructed, the length of the segment, and the cost per foot or mile. The Board agreed to move this item to the Consent Agenda of their next meeting.

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear)

c) Approve a Referral to Plan Commission for Review and consideration of a Text Amendment to Section 7-305(E), as it relates to Child Daycare Services not limited only to ‘operation by or for a membership organization’ Trustee Stifflear introduced the item and explained that the IB institutional buildings district prohibits child daycare services by for-profit businesses. Mr. Charles Marlas, owner of Kensington Schools, addressed the Board and explained he is under contract with the Institute of Basic Life Principles (IBLP) for that property to construct a nursery school. President Cauley commented he thinks this is a great use of the property. Trustee Stifflear noted the school plans to build a code compliant building; Mr. Marlas confirmed that the existing buildings will be demolished and they will build from the ground up. Mr. Yu noted the new structure will have a 46.5’ setback, the requirement is 35’. Mr. Marlas stated he hopes to open late 2017. Trustee LaPlaca recommended a traffic study be provided for the Plan Commission; Mr. Marlas said they intend to do a traffic study and will use the company they have used in the past. They understand Ogden Avenue is a busy road, but also understand the traffic flow generated by their schools, and don’t believe it will conflict with rush hour traffic. He believes parking and an onsite drive aisle will be sufficient. The Board agreed to move this forward for a Second Reading at their next meeting.

d) Approve an Ordinance Approving Exterior Appearance Plans Related to

Telecommunications Equipment Upgrades – Verizon - 339 W. 57th Street** Trustee Stifflear introduced the item and explained this is a request for three more antennas on the high school water tower. He noted the applicant, by agreement, has the right to 12, there are currently 9 installed, and they plan to add 3 more. He believes the water tower is the optimal place for this type of equipment. Mr. Paul Williams, from Verizon Wireless, confirmed this request constitutes no change to the original lease agreement. Trustee Stifflear also noted the Plan Commission unanimously approved this request. The Board agreed to move this forward for a Second Reading at their next meeting.

e) Approve a Temporary Use Permit for an off-premise ground sign at 2 Salt Creek Lane

for the building at 8 Salt Creek Lane for a period of 60 days** Trustee Stifflear introduced the item which requests a temporary off-premise ground sign for the building at 8 Salt Creek Lane. The sign will be located at the corner of 2 Salt Creek and Ogden Avenue on the northwest side. Trustee Stifflear questioned whether or not 60 days is enough time, and is concerned that an approval of the Board for the temporary sign might be construed as a ‘pre-approval’ when the matter is heard by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Trustee Byrnes expressed concern that the sign only says ‘immediate care’. He would prefer it includes other information like ‘health care services’ and ‘no appointment necessary’. He also commented there is no arrow on the sign. President Cauley remarked that directional signage has some public benefit; and Trustee Stifflear would like to know what the plans are for the location of the permanent sign. Mr. Ken Fishbain, Vice President of Physician & Ambulatory Network Development, and Mr. Mark Hoffman, Director of Ambulatory Properties Management and Hospital Services at Elmhurst Hospital addressed the Board. Mr. Fishbain said they are health care folks and just want patients to be able to find them. He reported that since July 2016, when they arrived in Hinsdale, they have heard that patients are having trouble finding them. Mr. Hoffman commented that their intention is to install the permanent monument sign in the median at Salt Creek and Ogden. Trustee Byrnes recalled the previous request from the developer for a sign in the median. The Plan Commission took issue with the size of the proposed sign and that other businesses, such as the Robert Crown Center were not represented on the sign. Trustee Stifflear added the safety concerns because of the size of the originally proposed median sign. Mr. Hoffman stated the sign they are proposing has been modified to address the safety concerns. At the direction of the Board, the applicants agreed to provide the permanent sign application for the next Board meeting. Discussion followed regarding Zoning Board and Plan Commission approvals. Trustee Byrnes believes sign issues should go to the Plan Commission first, Director of Community Development Robb McGinnis confirmed that will happen with sign matters moving forward. Mr. Yu explained the issue before the ZBA will be offsite signage the number of ground signs allowed. President Cauley suggested the applicants think about the number of signs, and possibly remove one of existing signs. The Board agreed to move this forward for a Second Reading at their next meeting.

f) Approve a Approve a Referral to Plan Commission for Review and Consideration of a Text Amendment to Section 5-105(C) to allow Pet Hospitals, Boarding Kennels and Grooming Services with a Special Use Permit in the B-1 Community Business District (B-1)** Trustee Stifflear introduced the item stating this is a request to allow a pet hospital in the B- 1 Community Business District. The applicant wants to move the Hinsdale Animal Hospital located on Ogden Avenue, to York Road. The applicant has been before the Board before to discuss this proposal. Since that time, they have determined to build a brand new building rather than remodel the existing structure. Trustee Stifflear explained this project will require a text amendment, variations from the Zoning Board of Appeals, and site plan review from the Plan Commission. Zoning Board and Plan Commission applications will run concurrently. Mr. Mike Matthys, architect for the project, reviewed the changes from last time he presented to the Board. The most significant change is the decision to tear down the existing building and reconstruct. The square footage of the building was reduced from 6,500’ to 6,000’. They would like to install a monument sign, an outdoor play area, and have increased the number of parking spaces by five. They will ask the Zoning Board for relief on building height from 30’ to 37’ to accommodate an architectural feature. This would still be below the surrounding O-2 District limit of 40’. They propose to reduce the front yard setback from the required 25’ to 15’, which is the same as old building. They are reducing the footprint of the building, but the floor area ratio (FAR) will increase slightly. They will ask for front yard setback relief for parking. Currently there is on-street parking which will be eliminated, and moved to the rear of the building. The parkway will be planted. There is a 10’ landscape buffer requirement, but because the lot is oddly shaped, they would prefer to use this area for additional parking. The proposed architecture is traditional brick and stone, and will mimic area buildings. He described some of the other elements that will be used, including architectural lighting. He noted a traffic report has been submitted. President Cauley asked if there will be dog runs, to which Mr. Matthys replied there are none, but referenced the small grassed area at the rear of the building. Dr. Kremer explained to the Board this area is not a play area, but exists so the dogs can relieve themselves outside. He explained that indoor areas for this purpose are not appealing to dog owners. He finds that a grass ‘back yard’ area where dogs can be walked on a leash to relieve themselves is much more desirable. He noted all play areas are inside for day care, the fence around this outside area is for security purposes only. It was confirmed that there are commercial or office buildings on all sides of the proposed building. Discussion followed regarding building height, and further discussion of the fenced dog walking area; it was noted the maximum number of dogs that could be boarded at any one time would be approximately 85. The Board expressed strong concerns about the number of dogs that could be outside at a time; and asked that the building height be reduced. Trustee LaPlaca felt the proposed structure would be too massive, and too close to the street. Trustee Elder asked for a streetscape view of the building. Mr. Matthys said they can easily reduce the height. It was noted the parking lot will be lit according to code. The Board agreed to move this forward for a Second Reading at their next meeting.


Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)

a) Trustee Byrnes moved Approval and payment of the accounts payable for the period of December 13, 2016 through January 10, 2017 in the aggregate amount of $1,092,149.90 as set forth on the list provided by the Village Treasurer, of which a permanent copy is on file with the Village Clerk. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Banke NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None

Motion carried.

The following items were approved by omnibus vote:

Environment & Public Services (Chair LaPlaca) b) Award Bid #1619 for Memorial Building ADA Improvements to Czervik Construction in an amount not to exceed $122,500 (First Reading – December 12, 2016)

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear) c) Approve an Ordinance Designating a Historic Landmark – Single Family Home at 306 S. Garfield Avenue (O2017-01), and; Approve an Ordinance Designating a Historic Landmark – Coach House at 26 E. Third Street (O2017-02) (First Reading – December 12, 2016) Trustee Hughes moved to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Banke NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None

Motion carried.


Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear)

a) Approve an Ordinance Approving a Major Adjustment to an Exterior Appearance Plan at 22 E. First Street – Nabuki (O2017-03) (First Reading – December 12, 2016) Trustee Stifflear moved to Approve an Ordinance Approving a Major Adjustment to an Exterior Appearance Plan at 22 E. First Street – Nabuki. Trustee Byrnes seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Banke NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None

Motion carried.




a) Community Development

b) Parks & Recreation

The report(s) listed above were provided to the Board. There were no additional questions regarding the contents of the department and staff reports.


No reports.










There being no further business before the Board, President Cauley asked for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Elder moved to adjourn the regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees of January 10, 2017. Trustee Byrnes seconded the motion.

AYES: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Banke NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:57 p.m.

ATTEST: _________________________________________

Christine M. Bruton, Village Clerk


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