
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Cordova Board of Trustees presents piping costs

The village of Cordova Board of Trustees met Nov. 10 to present piping costs.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

Village of Cordova

Special Meeting

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Special Meeting was called to order by the Village President Dean Moyer at 7:12 P.M. Thursday, November 10, 2016 in the Village Hall Conference Room.

Roll Call: Trustees: Jim Hines, Alvin Barber, Shannon Craigmiles, Pat Fidlar, Bill Somers. Absent: John Haan. Also in attendance: Connie Eckermann, George Kerr, Tom Ray, Steve Haring, Bob VanHoorweghe, Aralan McCool, Annette Hutchcraft, Ken McCool, Delmar Moyer, Joyce Moyer and Officer Mendoza.

NANO-2: Dean Moyer presented cost for piping - $41,000; generator - $14,400; and docks - $20,000. MSA did not put together bid packets but has plans. Bob VanHoorweghe offered to discuss dock issues. MSA will draw up bid package with specifications for piping and docks to be put out for bids. Discussion on payment - water/sewer/TIF. Need to check with TIF attorney. Ken McCool said that Sanitary District could possibly contribute something to cost. Motion by James Hines to buy generator for a cost of up to $15,000, second-Shannon Craigmiles, 5 ayes roll call vote.

Crane: Crane set generator at Shamrock lift station. Bill was approximately $230. Motion-Jim Hines to pay up to $250 to pay crane bill for setting generator, second-Shannon Craigmiles. 5 aye roll call votes.

Parks: Motion-Bill Somers to keep skidsteer for another week at cost of $1100, second-Shannon Craigmiles. Discussion on payment. 5 aye roll call votes.

Motion to Adjourn: Shannon Craigmiles, second-Bill Somers. Meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.