
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 30, 2025

East Moline committee members discuss sewer construction budget

Webp budget 08

The city of East Moline Committee of the Whole met Nov. 7 to discuss the sewer construction budget.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:

The East Moline Committee of the Whole meets immediately after the regular city council meetings on the first and third Monday of each month.



ROLL CALL Mayor Thodos called the meeting to order and directed City Clerk Arletta D. Holmes to call the roll. The following Aldermen were present: Gary Almblade, Nancy Mulcahey, Ed Dejaynes, Humberto Aguilar, Robert Cheffer, Gary Westbrook, and Mayor John Thodos. Absent: Helen Heiland. 7:p.m.


ENTERPRISE ZONE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (Mr. Girdler, City Administrator) This agreement furthers the establishment of the new Quad City Enterprise Zone in cooperation with Moline, Rock Island, Silvis, Milan and the County. This is a necessary step in applying for certification by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

FINANCIAL: This is not a budgeted item.

RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Ordinance.

Mayor Thodos gave additional background information regarding this issue. He also explained how this would benefit the City and businesses in our area. After much discussion, questions, and comments; A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman DeJaynes, to concur with the recommendation for approval of the Resolution, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document, and forward to City Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Westbrook, Almblade, Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, and Cheffer. Motion carried.

ENTERPRISE ZONE ORDINANCE (Mr. Girdler, City Administrator) This ordinance affirms the establishment of the new Quad City Enterprise Zone in cooperation with Moline, Rock Island, Silvis, Milan and the County. This is a necessary step in applying for certification by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.

FINANCIAL: This is not a budgeted item.

RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Ordinance

A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman DeJaynes, to concur with the recommendation for approval of the Ordinance, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document, and forward to City Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Westbrook, Almblade, Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, and Cheffer. Motion carried.

11TH STREET, 12th STREET, 27TH AVENUE CT. – CONSULTANT DESIGN (Mr. Kammler, Director of Engineering) 11th Street and 12th Street are in need of substantial improvements to both underground utilities and the roadway itself between 20th and 21st Avenues. The water main in this area is old and has had numerous breaks, and there are also issues with the sewer facilities. The roadway surface is falling apart and sides are badly undermined. Addirionally, the utilities on 27th Avenue Ct. east of 7th Street are suffering from multiple breaks and deterioration as well. To address these infrastructure deficiencies, a utility and street improvement project has been programmed in the 2017 CIP. Improvements are scheduled to include replacement of water mains and services, replacement and/or lining of sanitary sewers, replacement/reconstruction of manholes, repairs and/or replacement to portions of storm drainage infrastructure, street patching, resurfacing, and related work. In the case of 11th and 12th Streets, concrete curbs are to be added to help prevent further undermining of the street edges in the future. Without sufficient in-house staff, the Engineering Department consistently requires consultant assistance for design and construction engineering services, and this project was budgeted accordingly in East Moline’s 2017 CIP. A contract proposal has been obtained from Shive-Hattery Engineering to perform the professional services required for the survey, design, and bid-letting phase of this project. This proposal is attached for review and consideration along with two maps to provide more information on the project locations. Final plans and a bid letting schedule will be brought before Council in the Spring for final presentation and approval.

FINANCIAL: This is a budgeted item.

Line Item# 2017 Budget Title: Water CIP Construction, Sewer CIP Construction Amount Budgeted: $80,000 (for Professional Services) Actual Cost: $49,500 (Survey and design) Funding Sources: Water Funds, Sewer Funds Departments: Engineering This is A CIP Project CIP Project Number: ENGR-17-01, ENGR – 17-02

RECOMMENDATION: Approve consultant contract for professional services as proposed.

A motion was made by Alderman Cheffer, seconded by Alderman Westbrook, to concur with the recommendation to approve consultant contract for professional engineering services as proposed.

A brief discussion was held regarding various aspects of this item, with regards to funding sources for this project, and having the highest rates in the Quad City area. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Westbrook, Almblade, Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, and Cheffer. Motion carried.


(Mr. Kammler, Director of Engineering) Downtown portions of 8th Street and 9th Street, between 15th – 17th Avenue, are in need of improvements to the uneven deteriorated roadway. In the case of 8th Street, partial curb and gutter replacement along with a resurfacing of the existing roadway should suffice, but 9th Street will require an in-depth reconstruction of the roadway section to properly repair. Funds for these improvements have been part of the CIP for a number of years and have finally come due in 2017, accordingly. As 9th Street fronts East Moline City Hall, staff has programmed a portion of the funds for minor aesthetic improvements such as box-outs of the old bricks in the street surface, sidewalk replacement and hard-scaping, and perhaps items such as a few benches or planters, budget permitting. The thought is to bring additional low-cost, low-maintenance aesthetic appeal to the block of city hall so that citizens and elected officials alike may take more pride in this important facility. The Engineering Department consistently requires consultant assistance for design and construction engineering services, and this project was budgeted accordingly in East Moline’s 2017 CIP. A contract proposal has been obtained from Shive-Hattery Engineering to perform the professional services erquired for the survey, design and bid-letting phase of this project. A professional “street-scape” plan is part of the proposed services. This proposal is attached for review and consideration along with a maps showing the project locations. Final plans and a bid letting schedule will be brought before Council in the Spring for final presentation and approval.

FINANCIAL: This is a budgeted item. Line Item: 2017 Budget Title: Non-Home Rule Construction Amount Budgeted: $60,000 (for Professional Services Actual Cost: $31,000 (Survey, Planning, Design)

Funding Sources: Departments: Non-Home Rule Sales Tax Fund Engineering - This item is in the CIP

CIP Project Number: ENGR – 1704, ENGR – 17-05

RECOMMENDATION: Approve consultant contract for professional engineering services as proposed.

A motion was made by Alderman Almblade, seconded by Alderman Mulcahey, to concur with the recommendation to approve the consultant contract for professional engineering services as proposed, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document and forward to Council for consideration.

A discussion was held regarding keeping the

2016 TAX LEVY (Ms. Petersen, Finance Director) Attached is a proposed tentative levy for the 2016 tax year. The proposed levy shows an 11.11% increase in the tax rate from the prior year levy. The majority of the increase is attributed to the large increase in required contributions to the Police and Fire Pensions. An email message from actuary for the pension funds explaining the reason for the jump in the required contributions has been provided. Also attached is a letter from the pension fund’s investment consultant explaining the investment returns for 2015. The levies for the other funds are consistent with the prior year’s levies. Since the levy shows as increase larger than 5%, a public hearing will need to be held. With this being the case, a tentative levy needs to be approved tonight so we have sufficient time for a public hearing and to file the adopted levy by December 27, 2016.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve setting the tentative levy at 2.4251 which represents an 11.11% increase.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: As a reminder, a tentative levy is just that, tentative. The Council may adopt a final levy that is lower but cannot adopt one that is higher than the tentative levy.

ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman Aguilar, to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, Heiland, Almblade, and Mulcahey. Motion carried 7:22p.m.