
Rock Island Today

Thursday, January 30, 2025

East Moline committee accepts chemical bids

Webp meetingroom05

The city of East Moline Committee of the Whole met Nov. 21 to accept chemical bids.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the committee:

The East Moline Committee of the Whole meets immediately after the regular city council meetings on the first and third Monday of each month.



ROLL CALL Mayor Thodos called the meeting to order and directed City Clerk Arletta D. Holmes to call the roll. The following Aldermen were present: Gary Almblade, Nancy Mulcahey, Ed Dejaynes, Humberto Aguilar, Robert Cheffer, Gary Westbrook, and Mayor John Thodos. Absent: Helen Heiland. 7:27p.m.


PSAP CONSOLIDATION (Mr. Girdler, City Administrator) This intergovernmental agreement provides for the cooperative effort of East Moline, Moline, Milan and Silvis to consolidate into one (1) PSAP. The consolidation and upgrading of 9-1-1 systems throughout Illinois.

FINANCIAL: This is not a budgeted item.

RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement.

A motion was made by Alderman Almblade, seconded by Alderman Westbrook, to concur with the recommendation to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement, and instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document and forward to the Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Almblade, Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, and Westbrook. Motion carried.

2017 WATER/ WASTEWATER CHEMICAL BIDS (Mr. Drake, WWWTP Director) Each year Bi-State Joint Purchasing Council solicits bids for water and wastewater treatment chemicals. East Moline, along with other communities in the Illinois Quad-Cities participates in this process guarantees our chemical prices and supplies for the next calendar year. Attached are the results of the prices received for East Moline’s chemicals starting 1 January 2017. As you can see some chemicals went up and some went down. Overall, the chemicals prices remaining fairly stable due to the amount of chemicals required in the treatment processes. The lowest responsive bidder is listing in bold for each of the chemicals on the attached sheet.

FINANCIAL: This is a budgeted item.

Line Item#: Varies Title: Varies Funding Sources: Water Revenues, Wastewater Revenues Departments: Water Treatment Plant, Wastewater Treatment Plant

RECOMMENDATION: on Purchase chemicals ffrom the lowest responsible bidder the attached sheet For the 2017 Callendar Year.

Alderman Almblade – the notes you have minus 22%, 10% and 18% is that relative to last year, or relative to this year. Mr. Drake that it is relative to last years. Almblade – that seems like hugh amounts of reductions on some of them. Is there any advantage to buying more in advance, if you think the cost will increase. Mr. Drake said the problem is storage, it’s limited.

A motion was made by Alderman Almblade, seconded by Alderman Westbrook, to concur with the recommendation to purchase chemicals from the lowest responsible bidder on the attached sheet for the 2017 Calendar year. Instruct the City Attorney to prepare the appropriate document and forward to the Council for consideration. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Almblade, Mulcahey, DeJaynes, Aguilar, Cheffer, and Westbrook. Motion carried.

BUDGET & TAX LEVY (Ms. Petersen, Finance Director) Dave Lambrecht and Tim Kammler will present their budgets. Continued discussion of the 2017 budget and 2016 tax levy will be held.

Mr. Girdler, City Administrator presented the 2017 Engineering Budget

• Engineering -General – No sufficient increases from last year, increase in health Insurance, no capital items for the General Fund.

• Non Home Rule Sales Taxes – Pavement Marking, 9th Street Reconstruction from (15th – 17th ), and 8th Street Curb Replacement from (15th – 17th ) Mayor Thodos – by cutting these items we are dealing with Motor Fuel Tax, and Enterprise money is this anything from the tax levy? Ms. Petersen replied no, this is Non Home Rule sales tax, it is an additional 1/2 % of 1% pecent. If someone recommends we cut this to try and save, Ms. Petersen replied that it would not help the General Fund.

Alderman Westbrook- asked Ms. Petersen for clearification as to what can Non-Home Rule Sales Taxes be used for. Ms. Petersen stated it is her understanding that Non- Home Rule Sales Tax can only be used for Roads, Street Improvements, and wages if it’s related to street work.

ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Alderman Westbrook, seconded by Alderman Aguilar, to adjourn the Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. Upon roll call the following voted in favor: Aguilar, Cheffer, Westbrook, Heiland, Almblade, and Mulcahey. Motion carried 9:09p.m.

Minutes taken and submitted

_________________________ Arletta D. Holmes, City Clerk