
Rock Island Today

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Coal Valley Board of Trustees approves audit report

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The village of Coal Valley Board of Trustees met Dec. 7 to approve the audit report.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

"The Board of Trustees, consisting of six (6) members, shall be elected to office for a four (4) year term, but at no time shall all members of the Board be elected at the same time. Three (3) members of the Board shall be elected at each biennial election, according to the method provided by statute. The Board shall be the legislative department of the Village government, and shall perform such duties and have such powers as may be delegated by statute to it."


1. Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Village Board was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Mayor Emil Maslanka.

2. Roll Call

Present: Dick Stone, Dale Keppy, Mike Bartels, Dave Timmons, Bruce Crowe. Absent: Kathy Cornish.

Establishment of a quorum.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Staff present at the meeting: Annette Ernst–Village Administrator, Penny Woods–Assistant Village Administrator & Director of Finance, Deanna Hulliger-Village Clerk and Jack Chick- Police Chief.

4. Reading and Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Dick Stone to approve the minutes of the Regular Board meeting held November 16, 2016, Mike Bartels offered a second to the motion, All ayes, motion carried.

5. Public Presentation/ Recognition and/or Public Comments

Coal Valley resident Kevin Stickell mentioned that the tennis court lights at the Municipal park are still coming on nightly. Police Chief Chick reported that the lights are on a timer and will probably be turned off for the winter at the end of December.

6. Reports from the President and Other Officers (on matters not otherwise appearing on the Agenda)

A. President– Mayor Maslanka reported that the Trustees and Employees have been given a copy of the revised Employee Handbook for review and comments. Mike Bartels has requested a copy of the “red line” document to compare with the revised copy. Mayor Maslanka has contacted the company that is working on the handbook and they will create the document requested and have it available soon.

Mayor Maslanka informed the Board there was a meeting with Oakwood Court. Oakwood has a failure with their well system right now. Their organization will video camera the well before making any decisions on how to proceed. Mayor Maslanka has expressed to Oakwood Court that we will work with them through this process.

Mayor Maslanka updated the Board letting them know the Water Project paperwork that the State requested has been taken care of and all comments have been satisfied. The only item still pending is a Sec. 106 request for a sign off from the Historical Preservation Agency. We have the State portion complete but because of Federal funding we still need the Federal portion. The representative working on the Federal documents will have them completed as soon as possible.

It is with regret that Mayor Maslanka is announcing the resignation of Stephen Mullen. Stephen has been a valuable asset to the Village of Coal Valley. The resignation was to take place December 16th but Stephen has agreed to work for us until the end of December. The Village will be placing an ad for the replacement of Mr. Mullen as a Water Superintendent with a class A or B license. This license is needed due to the support the Village performs for Arrowhead Ranch as part of an intergovernmental agreement with Arrowhead Ranch. Ms. Ernst and the Mayor will be talking with Stephen Mullen about staying with the Village as a part-time employee to sign off on the EPA reports for the tower at Arrowhead until a replacement with a class A or B license is hired. Anthony Fairchild has accepted the position of interim Water Superintendent. Discussion was held on Arrowhead Ranch, the water tower and the lease between the Village and Arrowhead Ranch.

B. Trustees –Dale Keppy spoke regarding the email he received on the Timber Ridge Water Association. Mayor Maslanka stated that all we have is a draft form. The Mayor would like to meet with the Trustees individually to discuss questions and concerns and then when the time is right conduct a public meeting. Dale Keppy mentioned that no more money should be spent on the Water Project until we know if it is moving forward. Mayor Maslanka is putting the Water Project presentation on the agenda for the next Board meeting and we will talk about all issues at that time.

Dick Stone asked if the Village has heard anything from Mr. Struck? Ms. Ernst responded we have heard nothing from Mr. Struck. Chief Chick stated that Mr. Struck has not responded to the Police inquiries regarding trespassing issues on the property. Discussion was held on the Jack and Jill property.

Mike Bartels inquired as to why Stephen Mullen was leaving? Mayor Maslanka responded that Stephen does not want to continue in this type of position. Stephen is looking for something with different responsibilities, no more call-ins, etc.Mike Bartels asked if the Village has tried to work with Stephen in hopes of keeping him on Board? Ms. Ernst stated that several scenarios were discussed with Stephen but none of the suggestions made a difference. Stephen is ready for a career change.

C. Staff – Ms. Ernst mentioned that she is continuing the Ordinance reviews and will bring more to the table in January.

Ms. Ernst reported on Garrison Road. 600 ft. of the road is really bad. Until the Village has the funding and is ready to re-pave the area Ryan has ordered some “rough road” signs and the signs will be placed in that area for now.

Ms. Ernst has asked Ms. Woods to put the Mid-America energy bills on a budget system and that has been done. So we will see how that works out for the Village.

Ms. Ernst also had Ms. Woods provide a General Revenue review for the first 7 months of our 20 month budget and that is included with tonight’s packet. Ms. Woods will review during her report tonight.

Ms. Ernst informed everyone that in the IML Review Book there are new laws and regulations for 2017. One change will be regulations on travel expenses. There is a new form that will need to be filled out when traveling for the Village.

Ms. Woods reviewed the General Revenue report with the Trustees. The State of Illinois is behind on their payments by a couple of months. Other than that things seem to be inline. The Board is concerned with the 43.20% of expenditures in the Administration line item and we are only 7 months into the 20 month budget year. Ms. Woods offered to get the Trustees a breakdown of the Administration costs for the 7 months. The Trustees said that would be helpful to have for review.

Ms. Ernst stated that Ryan’s Public Works report is included in tonight’s packet. The replacement pump for Well #2 has arrived. The Village is waiting for Larson Pump Co. to obtain a crane operator. Hopefully the installation of the new pump and pipe will happen this Friday or next Monday. The extra cost for the additional pipe is on the agenda tonight for approval.

Ms. Ernst informed the Board that the property at 118 W. 5th Street was set to go to MUNICES this Friday. The homeowners are attempting to do some work on the property so we have asked for a continuance and will not submit the home to MUNICES this week.

Ms. Ernst let the Trustees know that from 2010 to present time we have paid out $131,000.00 to Watson Excavating. Ms. Ernst asked Ryan Hamerlinck for an estimate if we were to purchase the equipment used by Watson and do in house how much would it be. A rough estimate of $250,000.00+ was given for the equipment. The Board discussed options from hiring a vendor, renting equipment and purchasing equipment.

Bruce Crowe hopes that the Village will work with the residents on code enforcements until Spring, when the cold weather breaks.

Bruce Crowe also wanted to point out that when we hire out excavating and other skilled jobs that these vendors have expertise in their field and can perform the task better and in a timely manner.

Police Chief Chick stated the Police Activity Report for November 2016 is included with tonight’s agenda packet. The department was fairly busy with activities.

Chief Chick explained a taser program that is available to the Village of Coal Valley. Coal Valley currently has two tasers and the support to maintain them will no longer be available January 1, 2017. Police Departments in Rock Island, Moline and Hampton are participating in a program to lease tasers with warranties for 5 years. They provide a full deployment of tasers (one for every officer). We would obtain 7 for our officers and 1 for the part-time officers in our department. Coal Valley would receive 50 cartridges per year as part of this program. The cost would be $1,100.00 per taser. Discussion was held. Chief Chick will provide comparisons at the next Board meeting.

Mike Bartels asked the Chief about break-ins in the area. Chief Chick responded there is a Coal Valley Moms facebook page and there was some inaccurate information posted on that site. One intruder call ended up being a cat in the closet and the other intruder call was an animal on the privacy fence.

7. Unfinished Business

A. 1st Reading Title I Village Governmental Organizations and Operations through Title II Village Depositories and Compensation Ordinance

Dale Keppy asked about Executive meetings and Special meetings, what is the difference. Ms. Ernst explained that a Special meeting can be called by the Mayor at any time on any day and can be either open or closed. It is called for an important issue that cannot wait until the next regular Board meeting to discuss. An Executive meeting/session is scheduled at a regular Board meeting and can be either open or closed as well. Dale Keppy also pointed out that in the Planning Commission Chapter in Section 6 the 11/2 miles should be changed to 1-1/2. Bruce Crowe also pointed out that in the Purchasing Procedures Division, Section 3 item b. should be 1,501 to 3,000 and item c should be 3,001 and more. Ms. Ernst will capture these changes and Title I and Title II will be placed on the next Board agenda for approval.

B. Approval of the Audit Report for Year Ended April 30, 2016

A motion was made by Bruce Crowe to approve the Audit Report for Year Ended April 30, 2016. A second was given by Mike Bartels. Ayes: Stone, Keppy, Bartels, Timmons, Crowe. Ayes 5, motion carried.

C. Review/discussion of revised Title III Business Regulations through Title IV Building Regulations Ordinance

Mayor Maslanka and Ms. Ernst asked the Trustees to bring any changes to them as next meeting they will be on the agenda for 1st reading. Discussion was held in the section on Auctions. Days of week and auction times were talked of. Ms. Ernst will replace language to state that auctions are allowed as long as it does not create a disturbance in the area.

8. New Business

A. Approval of repairs to Well #2 pump and pipe by Larson Pump Co. with cost not to exceed $30,000.00

A motion was made by Bruce Crowe to approve the additional repairs to Well #2 pump and pipe at a cost not to exceed $30,000.00 A second to the motion was given by Dick Stone. Ayes: Stone, Keppy, Bartels, Timmons, Crowe. Ayes 5, motion carried.

B. 1st Reading of Title V Fire Protection Regulations.Ordinance

Dick Stone made a motion to waive the 2nd reading and approve Title V Fire Protection Regulations Ordinance. Bruce Crowe gave a second to the motion. Ayes: Stone, Keppy, Bartels, Timmons, Crowe. Ayes 5, motion carried.

C. 1st Reading to adopt the Illinois Plumbing Code 2014 Edition

Mike Bartels made a motion to waive the 2nd reading and approve to adopt the Illinois Plumbing Code 2014 Edition. A second to the motion was given by Bruce Crowe. Ayes: Stone, Keppy, Bartels, Timmons, Crowe. Ayes 5, motion carried.

D. Payment of Bills.

The Trustees reviewed the bills. A question was brought up about the dollar amount of the Uniform Den bill. Chief Chick went through items purchased such as Sergeant badges, name tags changed from silver to gold, vest carriers, ID cases to keep their ID’s in. Clothing allowance was discussed. Chief Chick will get winter coats for Chris and Todd.

A motion was made by Dave Timmons to pay the bills presented for payment. A second to the motion was given by Mike Bartels. Roll Call- Ayes: Stone, Keppy, Bartels, Timmons, Crowe. Ayes 5, motion carried.

9. Adjournment

A motion was made by Dick Stone to adjourn tonight’s board meeting. A second was given by Dave Timmons. Ayes 5, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:21 P.M.