
Rock Island Today

Friday, January 24, 2025

Moline Public Library directors discuss non-resident fees

Meeting 09

The Moline Public Library Board of Directors met Jan. 12 to discuss non-resident fees.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

The board oversees all matters related to the public library.


Library Board of Directors

Thursday, 12 January 2017


PRESENT: Wayne Smith, Gary Koeller, Sue Blackall, Scott Bull, Diane Sommers, JoAnn Waldron,

Dee Runnels

ABSENT: Regina Nelson, Colleen Rafferty

STAFF: Bryon Lear, Sue Wheatley, Kelly Giovanine, Jennifer Christiansen, Lisa Powell Williams,

Christina Conklin, Deborah Shippy, Zach Berkley, Marta Timbrook

GUESTS: Mindy Al Sheika, Tom Waggoner, Ann Waggoner

I. Business Meeting Called to Order

President Smith called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. in the Platinum Room of the Moline

Public Library.

II. Roll Call, Sue Wheatley, Recorder

Roll call was taken with Smith, Koeller, Blackall, Bull, Sommers, Waldron and Runnels

present. Absent: Nelson and Rafferty

III. Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as presented.

IV. Approval of Minutes 8 December 2016 Regular Board Meeting

Koeller moved to approve the minutes from the 8 December 2016 regular Library Board

meeting previously distributed by e-mail/mail to each Trustee. The motion was seconded

and passed unanimously.

V. Correspondence


VI. Director’s Report (Lear)

 Lear introduced Mindy Al Sheika, Owner, Java Lab to introduce Tom and Ann

Waggoner. Al Sheika is in the process of selling her business to the Waggoner’s.

The Waggoner’s presented their plans for the cafe and the new name – Java Lab

Grind & Dine Cafe – Grind & Dine LLC. Current closing date is set for 29 January.

 The PC reservation system update is set for Thursday, 18 January and Friday, 19

January. Public computers will not be available either day to patrons. WIFI will be

available. This project is funded by the Technology Fund.

 The Library will begin taking passport photo’s on 1 February.

 The MPL mobile app is in the process of being put together. This is another project

funded by the Technology fund.

 The 2016 Annual Gift Giving letter has brought in approximately $17,000 with

birdies bringing in another $13,000.

 The LED project is on-going. All of the 4 foot bulbs have been installed and the can

lights will be installed after public works receives the shipment.

VII. Financial Reports

The Trustees reviewed the list of library bills as of 31 December 2016. The payment of the

individual bills, totaling $51,765.13 was approved and ratified upon the motion of Runnels.

The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

VIII. Committee Reports

A. Executive Committee (Smith, Koeller, Blackall)

No meeting.

B. Building and Grounds Committee (Bull, Koeller, Waldron)

No meeting.

C. Policy and Public Relations Committee (Runnels, Rafferty, Sommers)

No meeting.

D. Art Committee (Nelson, Rafferty, Runnels)

No meeting.

IX. Unfinished Business

A. Cafe Lease

The cafe lease has been tabled pending transfer of ownership of the cafe.

B. Other


X. New Business

A. Non-Resident Fee 2017 (motion to approve)

Bull moved to allow the Moline Public Library offer library cards to non-residents at a

set fee of $155 for the 2017 calendar year. The motion was seconded and approved


B. Informational Topic: eBook Collection Overview

Zach Berkley presented an overview of Overdrive, 360 and Hoopla.

C. Other


XI. Public Comment


XII. Executive Session

The adoption of the following was moved by Blackall, seconded and unanimously


RESOLVED that pursuant to the Open Meetings Act of Illinois the Board of

Directors of the Moline Public Library go into closed session at 1:19 p.m. for the

purpose of:

Collective Negotiating Matters [5 ILCS 120/2(C)(2)]

The Directors votes as follows:

Blackall Yes

Bull Yes

Sommers Yes

Waldron Yes

Runnels Yes

Koeller Yes

Smith Yes

\The Board of Directors of the Moline Public Library reopened the meeting after

the closed session at 1:27 p.m. upon the motion of Runnels, seconded and

unanimously approved.

The Directors votes as follows:

Blackall Yes

Bull Yes

Sommers Yes

Waldron Yes

Runnels Yes

Koeller Yes

Smith Yes

No action was taken.

XIII. Adjournment

There being no further business brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at

1:28 p.m.