
Rock Island Today

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Rapids City Village Board grants building permits


The Rapids City Village Board met Jan. 11 to grant building permits.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the board:

January 11, 2017

Village of Rapids City

Rock Island County, Illinois

This Regular Board meeting was called to order by President Rankin at 7:00p.m.

All present joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL: Present – Corson, Clark, Fowler, Mire, and Doty.

Absent – Schneider.

Also Present – President Rankin, Clerk Price, Clayton Lee, Chris Cooper & Steve

Haring-MSA, Missy Housenga, Glenda Gall, Terry Engle-HPD, Sarah Ford, and Ryan


A quorum was established.

CONSENT “Omnibus” Agenda: Corson motioned to approve 12-13-16 minutes, 1/9/17

Sewer Meeting Minutes, 12/16 Treasurer’s Report, 1/17 bills. Doty seconded. All

present voted yes. Motion carries.

PRESIDENT-Rankin: Rankin reported Officer Troy Unsenger gave $50 of his own

money to help a family at Christmas. Rankin would like to pay it back to this officer with

a gift card from the city for $50. Doty motioned for the village to pay for Missy

Housenga to attend a class at BlackHawk College for QuickBooks/Clark seconded. All

present voted yes. Motion carries.

POLICE REPORT - Chief Engle: Report as presented.

FIRE REPORT- Chief Carey: Report as presented.

ATTORNEY-Clayton Lee - : Lee stated that the deed for the Dolan property is

completed and will file it with the Rock Island Records Office. The village will then need

to fill out the PTAX to get the property tax exempt.

BUILDING & ZONING –Mire: 4 General permits and one Plumbing permit. MSA

presented a proposal for a scope of work to survey the cemetery and the Dolan properties.

Clark motioned to accept the proposal for the cemetery survey and staking and Dolan’s

property survey with the possibility of a savings adjustment of $500-600/Doty seconded.

Corson, Clark, Doty voted yes, Fowler, Mire voted no. Motion carries.

CEMETERY –Clark: Clark stated that MidAmerican Energy Company donated $500

towards the benches in the cemetery. Corson also noted that a representative from

MidAmerican contacted him and they are aware of the power outages on top of the hill.

MidAmerican has this on the agenda to fix.

ELECTIONS –Rankin: Paperwork for the consolidated election is in and has been sent

off to Rock Island County.

FINANCE -Corson: Corson approved to donate $100.00 to the Riverdale Education

Foundation to fund the scholarship program.

ORDINANCE & LICENSES –Corson: Fowler motioned to approve the Golf Cart

Ordinance as presented/Doty seconded. Corson, Fowler, Mire, Doty voted yes. Clark

voted no. Motion carries.

PARKS & RECREATION –Clark: No report.

PERSONNEL –Corson: The advertisement for the billing clerk position has been

posted in the newspaper. Corson set up a Personnel Committee Meeting for January 30,

2017 at 6:00p.m. to go over the resumes.

PLANNING –Mire: No report.

PUBLIC SAFETY - Doty: Rankin would like for MSA to look into the scope of work

to install a storm siren on top of the hill.

PUBLIC WORKS – Fowler: No report.

January 11, 2017(continued)

Village of Rapids City

Rock Island County, Illinois

SEWER –Schneider: Rankin recapped the Sewer Meeting that was held on January 9,

2017 which the bid opening was held for the sewer relocate project. The low bid was

McClintock Trucking and Excavating with a base bid of $68,597. However there was a

mathematical error because their bid should have been $68,972.00. This still was the

lowest bid. Clerk Price received an email from Michael Siciliano with IIIFFC. IIIFFC

monitors construction projects and contractors working on public works projects funded

by taxpayers. Cooper called McClintock and received several references to talk to

concerning their work. Among those references were the cities of Silvis, Moline, and

Andalusia and they all gave praise for their work. At this time Cooper with MSA

recommended that we use McClintock Trucking and Excavating to perform the work for

the sewer relocate project. Corson motioned that the village approve McClintock

Trucking and Excavating to perform the sewer locate project at a cost of $68,972.00/Mire

seconded. All present voted yes. Motion carries.

WASTE MANAGEMENT – Fowler: There were a couple of complaints with the

garbage service last month.

WATER –Schneider: Bump reported he will be digging up a water main on 17th Street


OLD BUSINESS: Mire asked if we were going to put fencing around the newly installed

generators. Bump felt it wasn’t needed at this time.


PUBLIC DISCUSSION: Sarah Ford request addresses for the candidates for the

upcoming election so she can send a questionnaire to them. MSA is offering at no cost a

session to discuss capital improvement projects. Rankin feels this is a thing for the new

board that will be placed.

With nothing further to be discussed Corson motioned /Doty seconded to adjourn and all

concurred, President Rankin adjourned this January 11, 2017-regular meeting at 7:53

