City of Silvis Personnel Committee met March 27.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Members Present: Bob Rockwell, Larry York
Member absent: Bob Cervantes
Also Present: Matt Carter, City Clerk Jim Nelson
Alderman Bob Rockwell called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm
First item on the agenda is to approve the hiring of part time summer hires. Alderman Rockwell noted that Mr. Grafton has requested 6 hires for the summer. There will be 2 from Street & Bridge, 2 from Parks and 2 from Water/Sewer. The committee was in agreement and recommended to put this item on the 5 April 2017 Committee of the Whole agenda.
Second item on the agenda is to discuss the possibilities for the health insurance renewal. Alderman Rockwell noted that United Healthcare had originally given us a 14.9% increase, but we are in negotiations with UHC and Blue Cross/Blue Shield to try to get that rate down. Alderman Rockwell noted that we had budgeted for a 5% increase. No action was taken
The last item has to do with the employee education allowance. Alderman Rockwell noted the education allowance is budgeted under officers. Alderman Rockwell wanted to set the parameters for using the education allowance. The education allowance will be allowed to pay tuition & lab fees up to $500 per semester. Alderman Rockwell noted that the allowance is not a negotiated benefit and can be discontinued at any time without recourse. All course studies must pertain to the duties you are assigned to at the city. Authorization must be given by the department head after that the personnel Committee. Employee must pay all upfront fees, transcript is required for reimbursement. Alderman Carter submitted a policy for the program (see attached). The committee recommended to move this item to the 5 April 2017 Committee of the Whole agenda.
There were no other items and the meeting adjourned at 5:48 pm.