
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Andalusia Village Board met February 20


Village of Andalusia Village Board met February 20.

Here is the minutes as provided by the board:

Call to Order

The Board of Trustees met in a public meeting on Monday February 20, 2017 at the Village Hall.

The meeting was called to order by President Curt Morrow at 7:00 pm. He led the pledge to the flag.

Roll Call

Present: President Morrow, Trustee Neece, Trustee Einfeldt, Trustee Woeber

Absent: Trustee Killian, Trustee Kolls, Trustee Stropes

Staff: Shelly Hoffman, Village Clerk; Vickie Powell, Village Treasurer; Justin Parchert, Public Works Director, Joe Dungan, Maintenance Department.

Trustee Woeber Made a Motion to Accept the Minutes from the February 6, 2017 Board Meeting. Seconded by Trustee Einfeldt. Voice Vote.

Aye: Trustee Einfeldt, Trustee Neece, Trustee Woeber

Nay: None

Motion Carried: 3-0 (3 Absent)

Trustee Neece Made a Motion to Approve the Bills for January 23, 2017 in the amount of $7,639.70 Seconded by Trustee Woeber.

Voice Vote.

Aye: Trustee Neece, Trustee Einfeldt, Trustee Woeber

Nay: None

Motion Carried: 3-0 (3 Absent)

General Fund                       $ 3,499.44

Police Dept Fund                 $    317.66

Village Park Fund                 $     87.75

Water Fund                          $ 1,645.31

Sewer Fund                         $ 1,989.54

Tif 01 1st St & 6th Ave        $      50.00

Tif 02 Liberty Park               $      50.00

Committee Reports:

Water and Sewer: Trustee Neece reported that 5 more meters were replaced since the last Board Meeting. It was also reported that the curb stop At Mr. Randall’s house has been figured out.

Streets and Alleys: There was some discussion regarding funding the road projects this year.

Trustee Woeber suggested leaving the Motor Fuel Tax funds where they are to allow the balance to grow for next year’s use. Instead, he suggested funding the seal coat projects from the General fund. The seal coat projects will amount to approximately $30,000 - $40,000.

Trustee Neece mentioned the issue of school buses going into Fancy Creek. He believes that any overweight vehicle (Vehicles over 20,000 pounds) be kept out until the problem is fixed.

This would include the garbage trucks and construction vehicles along with the school buses.

Finance and Audit: No Report

Building and Grounds: Trustee Woeber suggested, that if the Village decides to close the Police Substation as a cost saving measure, then the Village should consider renting it out or selling the building. Officer Rasso suggested that there would need to be some maintenance done if the Village decided to rent the space out. The discussion ended with the Board agreeing that revenue possibilities regarding the property should be explored.

Parks and Recreation: No Report

Tax Increment Finance: No report

Police: Clerk Hoffman reported that the Ordinance Violation case scheduled for February 16, 2017 ended with the Defendants failure to appear. As a result, a guilty verdict was entered and a fine of $100.00 plus court costs was issued.

Officer Rasso has been working with his supervisor to create an informational letter to the residents reminding them to lock their doors and secure valuables, now that the warmer weather is approaching.

Reports of Officers:

Village Clerk: Clerk Hoffman informed the Board that there will be a TIF meeting at the Village Hall on Thursday February 23, 2017 at 10:00Am.

Department of public works: Justin Parchert informed the Board that the price of rock will be going up in April, so he and his crew have been stock piling it.

Justin also informed the Board that he would like to have a jetting company give an estimate of the costs involved in jetting out the sewer lines around the Madison property. He will have that information at the Next Board Meeting.

Justin Parchert explained that the man hole project behind one of the Apartment buildings will be best completed if the Village hires Fuhr Excavation to do the work, as our equipment isn’t strong enough to lift the heavy concrete casting. The Board agreed.

Justin stated that the floats on the docks will need to be replaced soon. His crew has pulled the docks and are in the process of doing some repairs. One of the floats is in bad shape, however they have a spare, it’s not brand new, but it will get the job done until a new one can be purchased, possibly next year. Trustee Woeber told Justin that the docks need to be pulled out every year at the end of the season to avoid any further damage.

Mayor: Ryan and Associated will begin working on the water tower project soon.

Also, the Mayor informed the Board that the Contractor are working on emptying the Lagoon for the final cost for clay as well as a final cost for the Project itself.

New Business: Trustee Woeber was approached by a student from Andalusia

Elementary school. She is on the student council and has asked if the Village would consider putting water filters on the water fountains in the school. The Board asked for a letter detailing the request before they will take it into advisement.

Trustee Woeber moved to Adjourn the Meeting at 8:46 Pm.

Seconded by Trustee Einfeldt
