City of Silvis Park, Building, and Grounds Committee met May 22.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Attendance: Mayor Matt Carter, Tony Trulson, Larry York, Kathy Hall, Bob Rockwell, Caryn Unsicker, Rick Lohse, Todd Malmstrom, Jim Nelson, Jim Grafton
Location: City Hall 121 11th Street
Chairman Trulson called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm and noted a quorum was present. There are two agenda items for consideration.
The first topic of discussion was the need and placement of security cameras in City Hall. Chairman Trulson asked the Clerk Nelson explain the details. Clerk Nelson explained that he did not have coverage in the hall to the building inspector, the new Alderman area and a camera for the records room. The cameras are motion detection. The cost to provide and install the cameras is $1,125 from Global Wireless. Committee was in agreement to move forward with the recommendation and the item would be placed on the June 6" meeting.
The last topic was discussion on emergency repairs to the City hall air conditioner. The air handler motor seized up last week resulting in no AC for the main part of City Hall. The cost to locate, ship and install the motor was $1,999.50 and the work was performed by Bornhoeft. Alderman York would like us to get bids to get a permanent fix. Mayor Carter explained the bid process and noted that Bornhoeft would be willing design and bid the project. There was some discussion on if the system should be designed. Clerk Nelson informed the council of the emergency situation at the May 16" Council meeting. The motor has since been replaced and all systems are back in operation. It was the recommendation of the committee to move the request forward to the June 6" COW meeting.
There were no other agenda items and the meeting was adjourned at 5:43 pm.