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Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met May 2.

Webp meet

Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met May 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees was called to order by Village President Tom Cauley in Memorial Hall of the Memorial Building on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 7:30 p.m., roll call was taken.

Present: President Tom Cauley and Trustees Christopher Elder, Neale Byrnes, Luke Stifflear, Gerald J. Hughes, Laura LaPlaca and Scott Banke

Absent: None

Also Present: Village Manager Kathleen A. Gargano, Assistant Village Manager/Finance Director Darrell Langlois, Assistant Village Manager/Director of Public Safety Brad Bloom, Police Chief Kevin Simpson, Fire Chief John Giannelli, Director of Community Development/Building Commissioner Robb McGinnis, Director of Public Services George Peluso, Village Engineer Dan Deeter, Village Planner Chan Yu, Administration Manager Emily Wagner and Village Clerk Christine Bruton

Pledge of Allegiance:

President Cauley led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes:

Meeting of April 18, 2017

Trustee Hughes made corrections to the draft minutes. Trustee Elder moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 18, 2017, as amended. Trustee Byrnes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Hughes, and Banke

Nays: None

Abstain: Trustees Stifflear and LaPlaca

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Closed Session of April 18, 2017:

Trustee Elder moved to approve the closed session minutes of April 18, 2017, as presented. Trustee Banke seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Hughes, and Banke

Nays: None

Abstain: Trustees Stifflear and LaPlaca

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Citizens’ Petitions:


Proclamation – Building Safety Month:

President Cauley read the Building Safety Month proclamation.

Village President’s Report:

President Cauley announced that two of the Village Trustees are leaving tonight. He thanked Trustee Scott Banke for his service to the Board following the resignation of Trustee Bob Saigh. He also gave special thanks to Trustee Laura LaPlaca for her 20 years of service to the Village of Hinsdale. He acknowledged her tenure on the Plan Commission, the Village Board and the Environment and Public Services Committee. She was instrumental in the oversight of the Oak Street Bridge and the Woodlands drainage project. He stated she has earned the respect of all who have worked with her, and he thanked her for countless contributions, time and effort on behalf of the Village residents.

Board members added their thanks and appreciation, acknowledged her hard work and stated that she has been a great colleague.

Oath of Office by Village Clerk and Seating of Village Board Members:

Village Clerk Christine Bruton administered the Oath of Office to re-elected President Tom Cauley. President Cauley administered the Oath of Office to re-elected Trustees Neale Byrnes and Gerald J. Hughes and to newly elected Trustees Matthew Postuma and Michael Ripani.

Adjournment Sine Die:

Trustee Elder moved to adjourn the meeting of May 2, 2017, sine die. Trustee Byrnes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Byrnes, Stifflear, Hughes, LaPlaca and Banke

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Call to Order - Reconvene

Following the seating of the newly elected members of the Village Board, the regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees was reconvened by President Tom Cauley in Memorial Hall of the Memorial Building on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 7:49 p.m.

Present: President Tom Cauley, Trustees Christopher Elder, Michael Ripani, Luke Stifflear, Gerald J. Hughes, Matthew Posthuma and Neale Byrnes

Absent: None

Village President’s Report:

President Cauley explained that while campaigning for the recent election, he went door-to-door to talk to residents about the Village’s road and sewer program, which began in 2010. The program was designed as a 15-year program, so that improvements could be paid for largely out of current revenues, and to keep borrowing to a minimum. Much of the early work required extensive sewer work to comply with an IEPA mandate to separate our sewers. The response of most residents was to finish the work quicker and borrow the money. Therefore, the road and sewer program will be accelerated for the next four construction seasons, beginning this year. Roads that require engineering must be planned a year in advance, but all the repaving called for by the Master Infrastructure Plan (MIP) can be done this year. Staff is working on plans to complete all major road work in 2018, 2019, and 2020, which will require $5-6 million additional dollars. President Cauley thanked Director of Public Services George Peluso, Village Engineer Dan Deeter, Assistant Village Manager/Director of Finance Darrell Langlois and Village Manager Kathleen A. Gargano for their work on this proposal. He also thanked Trustees Byrnes and Hughes for their input. While there are still decisions to be made, the process must be started. There are items on tonight’s agenda relating to financing with bonds, but this is not a commitment until there is a public hearing on the matter in June.

President Cauley described the improvements made to date and the plan for 2017. He also outlined the accelerated program. In order to fund the accelerated plan, as well as the middle school parking deck, staff is proposing three separate $10 million dollar bond issues; dollars currently earmarked for MIP work will be supplemented by these bond funds. He reviewed the PowerPoint summary staff had prepared, and noted this information will be posted on the Village website, too. Mr. Peluso clarified that as late as this evening, some of the projected numbers have changed.

Discussion followed regarding factors used to choose the schedule of roads, such as economies of scale or whether a road is highly trafficked. The Board would also like to consider choice of materials; asphalt or concrete. Ms. Gargano added that regarding south Garfield, that street will be a truck traffic location during the middle school construction; therefore, it makes sense to address this road after the school is built. Trustee Byrnes added that, for the most part, those roads that are in poor condition will get done this year. President Cauley added the goal is to make the road last for 15 years. Trustee Hughes remarked there needs to be a thoughtful approach and discussion regarding materials used and where. Discussion followed regarding the benefits of concrete, but Mr. Peluso cautioned there are maintenance costs for concrete roads as well. Discussion followed regarding current conditions of highly trafficked roads. Trustee Ripani noted the $12 million interest cost of the bonds, but Mr. Langlois explained that figure was in present dollars and a non-discounted number that does not reflect offsets created by construction cost inflation. There was no objection from the Board regarding advancing this project.

First Readings - Introduction:

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)-

a) Approval of Blanket Purchase Orders for FY2017-18

President Cauley introduced the item and explained this is an item the Board approves annually to allow the staff to pay certain bills from routine suppliers without having to come to the Board for approval for each invoice.

The Board agreed to move this item to the consent agenda of their next meeting.

Environment & Public Services (Chair Byrnes)-

b) Award a Contract for Engineering Review Services to James J. Benes and Associates Inc. in an amount not to exceed $40,000

President Cauley introduced the item and explained this is a reimbursable amount. The Village has used Benes Inc. in the past, for overflow work that our staff cannot do. This agreement is periodically renewed. Trustee Ripani asked about the indemnity clause, which he believes should be deleted from the contract, and pointed out another area of inconsistency in the contract. President Cauley noted the contract provides for mutual indemnification. Ms. Gargano stated she has spoken with the Village Attorney, and explained this type of indemnity is common in municipal engineering contracts because, while Village employees doing this work would have torte immunity, the vendor would not. This creates significant risk for the vendor. She assured Trustee Ripani that staff will review and address the cited inconsistency in the contract, and report back to the Board. The Board agreed to move this forward for a second reading at their next meeting.

c) Approve a Resolution approving the 2017 Resurfacing Construction Observation Contract Change Order Number 1 in the Amount not to exceed $252,167 to HR Green Inc.

President Cauley introduced the item and stated this item is related to the proposed accelerated MIP work. It was noted that in the event the Village does not do additional work, any work done would remain on file until needed. Ms. Gargano asked the Board for permission to authorize HR Green to proceed in the next two weeks prior to final approval, because of the need to begin as quickly as possible. The Board had no issue with HR Green proceeding prior to final approval for the reasons stated. The Board agreed to move this item to the consent agenda of their next meeting.

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear)-

d) Approve a Referral to Plan Commission for Review and Consideration of a Major Adjustment to Exterior Appearance and Site Plan for a Hinsdale Middle School Parking Deck at 100 S. Garfield Avenue

Trustee Stifflear introduced the item and explained this is in regards to the new parking deck at the middle school. He provided background on the item, stating the Board had reviewed the application and recommended limited changes with the exception of truck backup safety devices at the loading area on the west side of the building.

Recently, the Zoning Board of Appeals approved four variation requests and recommended approval of two additional requests that they do not have the authority to approve. These two items; an increase in floor area ratio (FAR) and a reduction to the minimum landscape buffer, will come to the Board in June. Due to the materiality and scope of work, Village code dictates this matter be referred to the Plan Commission for their review. Trustee Byrnes added he would like the Plan Commission to look at the egress on Second Street. Fortunately there is not a lot of traffic, but he is concerned with the safety of the angled parking. He also suggested the handicapped spots on the south wall on the lower level be moved closer to the street. Trustee Elder stated he does not like the large enclosed staircase, and suggested it is bulky and adds to the cost of construction. Mr. McGinnis commented the building code requires the stairway be protected because of ice and snow. It was noted that the maintenance of radiant heat in the stairs would be expensive. Mr. Wiese, representing the middle school, added that radiant heat in pavement does not last forever, and they are required to comply with ADA regulations. Trustee Stifflear noted that when the trees mature on the north side of the structure, the stark look of the parking deck will be improved. Ms. Gargano noted there is another opening at grade level on the east side that exits onto the sidewalk. The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at their next meeting.

e) Approve a Temporary Use Permit for Office Trailers at RML Specialty Hospital, 5601 S. County Line Road

Trustee Stifflear introduced the item which is a request to convert existing office space into treatment space, and install temporary trailers that will house office staff during construction. These will be located on the east side of the property, abutting Hinsdale Meadows.

Mr. Ken Pawola, Chief Operating Officer of RML Specialty Hospital, addressed the Board. He explained the request is for the temporary installation of three double wide trailers for approximately 10-15 months. They hope to install the trailers in September or October of this year; the contractor anticipates completion in 12 months, but extra time may be necessary for the preparation and approval of the trailers. If possible, they will phase them out sooner. Mr. Pawola described the installation of the trailers in terms of fire detection equipment and fire suppression as indicated by our fire department. He also noted the trailers would not be visible to residents across County Line Road, and provided details regarding the purpose of this renovation and their intention to comply with all building codes.

Mr. Richard Willich, architect for the project, provided an illustration of the site plan, the interior office space of the trailers, and the location of the proposed trailers. He likened the visual impact of these trailers as similar to those currently installed at the middle school. Mr. Pawola said they are coming to the Village Board this far in advance because of planning; if this is not approved, they will need to make a Plan B. The Board had no issues with the renovation, and felt there would be no impact to residents in the area.

The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at their next meeting.

Consent Agenda:

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)-

a) Trustee Stifflear moved Approval and payment of the accounts payable for the period of April 19, 2017 through May 2, 2017, in the aggregate amount of $409,832.28 as set forth on the list provided by the Village Treasurer, of which a permanent copy is on file with the Village Clerk. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

President Cauley provided background on the following Consent Agenda items for benefit of the new Trustees.

b) Approve an Amendment to the Village Personnel Policy to Allow Employees to Use Up to 32 Hours of Accrued Sick Time to Care for Specified Family Members (First Reading – April 18, 2017)

Trustee Hughes moved to Approve an Amendment to the Village Personnel Policy to Allow Employees to Use Up to 32 Hours of Accrued Sick Time to Care for Specified Family Members. Trustee Byrnes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

c) Accept the Proposal from Sikich, LLP to Provide Auditing Services for Fiscal Years

Ending April 30, 2017, April 30, 2018 and April 30, 2019 (First Reading – April 18, 2017) Trustee Elder moved to Accept the Proposal from Sikich, LLP to Provide Auditing Services for Fiscal Years Ending April 30, 2017, April 30, 2018 and April 30, 2019. Trustee Hughes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Second Readings / Non-Consent Agenda – Adoption:

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)-

a) Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Issue of not to exceed $10,000,000 General Obligation Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source) for the purpose of paying the costs of certain public infrastructure projects in and for the Village

Trustee Hughes introduced the item and explained this is to comply with the statutory requirement to publish, but objections could be filed following publication. This item essentially ‘starts the clock’ for the MIP bond issue. Trustee Elder moved to Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Issue of not to exceed $10,000,000 General Obligation Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source) for the purpose of paying the costs of certain public infrastructure projects in and for the Village. Trustee Hughes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion Carried.

Discussion Items:

Chamber of Commerce request for in-kind services-

Ms. Jan Anderson, President of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Board to request in- kind services for Hinsdale community events. She remarked that the Farmer’s Market is 41 years old, the Fine Arts Fair is 44 years old, the Christmas Walk is 51 years old, and Uniquely Thursdays is 15 years old. She said this legacy would not exist without the help of the Village, and on behalf of residents and the Chamber she is requesting Village services. It was noted this is the same request that is made each year. The Board agreed to the request.

Update on proposed I-294 Tollway expansion-

President Cauley reported that last week the tollway authority met and approved the tollway expansion project. He commented there were a number of union representatives present and a handful of residents. He explained they are authorizing the project, but have not decided what the scope of the project will be. Mr. Bloom, Ms. Gargano and he met with tollway authority representatives yesterday and reiterated the concerns of the Village with respect to the location of the sound walls, increased noise, the Oasis revenue stream and the Veeck Park shoofly. He reported they informed the tollway the Village needs assurances about these items before any easements would be discussed. He also commented it is not clear to the Village there is a need to expand.

DAS Ordinance Text Amendment-

Village Manager Kathleen A. Gargano introduced the item which is in regards to small cell antennas usually attached to ComEd utility poles. The code currently states the Village Manager shall review these requests and can administratively approve these requests. Staff is recommending giving this authority to the Village Board. This will allow the Board to opine on aesthetics, and any other related concerns. The Board agreed, and this matter will be moved forward for customary review and approval.

Accelerated Roadway Resurfacing Program and Advancement of Master Infrastructure Plan (MIP)-

This matter was previously discussed under Presidents Comments.

Department and Staff Reports:

a) Treasurer’s Report

b) Economic Development

c) Parks & Recreation

d) Community Development e) Police

The report(s) listed above were provided to the Board. There were no additional questions regarding the contents of the department and staff reports.

Economic Development Commission – Update from Chairman:

Mr. John Karstrand, Chair of the Economic Development Commission (EDC), addressed the Board. He reminded the Board that EDC initiatives are funded by the Food and Beverage tax. Several years ago, the Board capped the budget, with the caveat that the EDC could ask for more money, if necessary. The road construction projects in town this summer will affect the local businesses. He described promotional initiatives they would like to undertake, which include valet parking service in town and an advertising campaign in the Hinsdalean. Unfortunately, they do not have the funds for everything, and they would like to request an additional sum of $6,000 from the Village Board. Ms. Gargano commented that the Village already intended to pick up the valet expenses for up to $7,000 during the CBD construction period from the general fund. Discussion followed regarding the period of time for the valet service; but most likely from July to August to coincide with the anticipated construction period. Mr. Karstrand thanked that Board for their help financing this project.

Reports from Advisory Boards and Commissions:

No reports.

Other Business:


New Business:


Citizens’ Petitions:


Trustee Comments:



There being no further business before the Board, President Cauley asked for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Elder moved to adjourn the regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees of May 2, 2017. Trustee Hughes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:11 p.m.




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