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Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Kewanee City Council met May 22

Meeting 02

City of Kewanee City Council met May 22.

Here is the minutes as provided by the council:

The City Council met in Council Chambers at 6:33 PM with the Mayor calling the meeting to order and the following answering to roll call:

Andy Koehler                  Council Member 

Deann Schweitzer          Council Member 

Mike Yaklich                   Council Member 

Steve Faber                    Council Member 

Steve Looney                  Mayor

Council Member Koehler made a motion at 6:33 PM to adjourn to executive session pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act to discuss personnel and Section 2(c)(2) to discuss collective bargaining. Council Member Yaklich seconded the motion. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

The executive session was adjourned at 6:58 PM on a motion made by Council Member Yaklich and seconded by Council Member Schweitzer. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed. The Council Meeting resumed at 7:01 PM with Mayor Looney announcing that Council was reconvening following a closed session pursuant to Section 2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act to discuss personnel and Section 2(c)(2) to discuss collective bargaining.

News media present was as follows:

Margie Washburn           Star Courier

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Mayor Looney asked for a moment of silence for our troops still fighting overseas.

Mayor Looney explained that the next items were placed on the consent agenda and were considered to be routine in nature to be passed as a whole with one vote of the Council. Mayor Looney requested that any member of the Council or the audience wishing to have an item removed from the consent agenda for individual consideration to make the request and the item would be removed and considered following the approval of the remaining consent items. The consent agenda included minutes from the May 8, 2017 Council Meeting and payroll for the pay period ending May 13, 2017 and police Clothing allowances in the amount of $258,086.03. The consent agenda was approved on a motion made by Council Member Yaklich

Bills submitted for approval totaling $438,192.60 were approved on a motion made by Council Member Yaklich and seconded by Council Member Koehler. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Public Hearing

Mayor Looney opened a public hearing on the Appropriations Ordinance for the municipal fiscal year from May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018 at 7:04 PM. City Manager Bradley explained the appropriation ordinance was a statutory requirement. The City would continue to use the previously passed budget and the procurement policy to guide spending. Mayor Looney asked if anyone from the Council or audience had any comments. There being no other comments, the public hearing was closed at 7:05 PM.

Citizen Participation

Mayor Looney asked if anyone wished to speak. There being no such requests Mayor Looney moved on to new business.

New Business

Kathy Albert from the Kewanee Economic Development Corporation presented her semi-annual update regarding their activities and meetings.

The minutes from the Zoning Board of Appeals from its meeting held on May 17 were accepted on a motion made by Council Member Schweitzer and seconded by Council Member Faber. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Ordinance #3882 granting a variance to Brian and Amanda Forrest for property located at 613 East Street South was approved on a motion made by Council Member Yaklich and seconded by Council Member Schweitzer. Brian Forrest was present and explained the project to the Council. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Resolution #5050 to authorize the use of the public alley and parking area in the 200 block of West Second Street by Hype Inc. d/b/a Cerno's Bar & Grill for a beer garden in conjunction with events known as Concerts in the Alley, Summer Series was approved on a motion made by Council Member Koehler and seconded by Council Member Schweitzer. Police Chief Dison confirmed that there had been no issues with security with prior events. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Resolution #5051 to authorize the use of the public alley and parking area in the 200 block of West Second Street by Hype Inc. d/b/a Cerno's Bar & Grill for a beer garden in conjunction with Hog Days, September 1, 2, & 3 was approved on a motion made by Council Member Koehler and seconded by Council Member Faber. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Ordinance #3883 amending Chapter 155 in regards to trailer definitions was approved on a motion made by Council Member Yaklich and seconded by Council Member Schweitzer. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Ordinance #3884 amending Section 111.19 Issuance of License when certain requirements are met on Chapter 111 Alcoholic Liquor to include required Basset program certification was approved on a motion made by Council Member Schweitzer and seconded by Council Member Faber. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Ordinance #3881 amending Chapter 150.017(k) of the City Code which establishes climatic and geographic design criteria was approved on a motion made by Council Member Schweitzer and seconded by Council Member Yaklich. Community Development Director Edwards explained that the ordinance was a making a change to the ice barrier needed for roofing jobs. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Ordinance #3882 appropriating funds for the municipal fiscal year from May 1, 2017 through April 30, 2018 was approved on a motion made by Council Member Yaklich and seconded by Council Member Faber. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Resolution #5052 authorizing the City Manager to execute a five year collective bargaining agreement with AFSCME Council 31, Local 764 was approved on a motion made by Council Member Faber and seconded by Council Member Schweitzer. Council Member Yaklich questioned the length of the agreement. City Manager Bradley explained that the term was mutually agreed upon, and would assist the city to align all of the agreements to be negotiated at one time. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Resolution #5053 for maintenance ostreets and highways by the City of Kewanee for Fiscal Year 20172018, under the Illinois Highway Code was approved on a motion made by Council Member Schweitzer and seconded by Council Member Koehler. Council Member Schweitzer questioned if we were behind in the street department. City Manager Bradley replied that the city was very behind in street maintenance. City Engineer Nobel stated that there is $8-10 million of work that needs to be done, while the city has around $500,000 to spend. City Manager Bradley also noted that the street crew also performs all of the sewer and storm sewer projects done by the City. City Engineer Nobel also noted that this work would be contracted. Public Works Operations Manager Johnson stated that the city is out filling potholes whenever they have the opportunity to do so. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Ordinance #3883 amending Sections 50.09 and 50.10 of Chapter 50 Public Works and Sections 92.06 Rates and Charges and 92.08 Placement of Headstones Permit Required of Chapter 92 Cemetery in regards to corresponding fees was tabled with the request for additional information from the comparables on a motion made by Council Member Yaklich and seconded by Council Member Schweitzer. Council Member Faber had made a motion to approve the Ordinance with a second from Council Member Yaklich, those motions were withdrawn after some discussion. The request to see the information from the comparables was to ensure the increase in fees would be enough to avoid another increase in the near future. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Resolution #5054 authorizing an agreement to provide janitorial services for Kewanee City Hall and the Amtrak Depot was approved on a motion made by Council Member Yaklich and seconded by Council Member Schweitzer. Council Member Yaklich noted that the same vendor would continue to do the work, and that they had done an okay job in the past. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

Resolution #5055 declaring certain Police Department items as excess due to pending officer retirements was approved on a motion made by Council Member Schweitzer and seconded by Council Member Faber. Council Members all thanked the chief and retiring officers for their service. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The motion passed.

City Clerk Edwards read a proclamation declaring May 21-27 as Emergency Medical Services Week.

Other Business

Council Member Koehler thanked Mike Berry for his coverage of the Council Meetings. He noted the pending retirement of Henry County Sheriff Jim Padilla. He also note the upcoming Memorial Day Services at the American Legion.

Council Member Yaklich noted the rescheduling of the City wide cleanup, due to the eminent threat of lightning. The new date would be June 3 from 8-2 and volunteers were still needed. He also noted that volunteers could park at the Medical Arts Center on Elliott Street.

Council Member Faber noted the cleanup happening around town, including a recent demolition on N Main Street.

Council Member Koehler questioned adding additional burn days. Fire Chief Shook noted that the burn days were amended the previous year to include June.

Council Member Schweitzer thanked and congratulated Chief Dison, Sergeant Clapper and Officer Underwood. She also thanked Sheriff Padilla, congratulated area graduates, and noted the upcoming Memorial Day service.

Mayor Looney thanked and wished good luck to the upcoming retiring officers. He also congratulated Mike Berry on his retirement and welcomed Margie Washburn.

Announcements City Clerk Edwards read the announcements thanking everyone for their understanding during recent construction and repair projects, most notably on 9 Street and Burlington Ave. Public Works would begin their summer hours on Monday, June 5. Summer hours were from 6am to 2:30 pm, so all trash or other items for collection should be at the curb prior to 6 am.

There being no further business, Council Member Yaklich moved to adjourn the meeting and Council Member Schweitzer seconded the motion. Roll call showed 5 ayes, no nays. The meeting adjourned at 8:03 PM.
