
Rock Island Today

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Village Of Carbon Cliff Village Board Trustees met May 2.

Meeting 11

Village Of Carbon Cliff Village Board Trustees met May 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Village President Bill Hintz called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Members President: Keith Curry, Robert Dreher, Alma Neels, and Larry Scott

Members Absent: Todd Cantrell, LeeVon Harris

Others Present: Chris Hicks, Argus / Dispatch report; Michael Johnson, Village Resident; Loren Rains, Village Engineer & Karen L. Hopkins, Village Clerk

Village President’s Agenda:

• Ordinance No. 2017-10, An Ordinance Authorizing The Disposal Of Personal Property Owned By The Village Of Carbon Cliff, Illinois” is referring to the sale of the 2000 GMC Crane Truck to Bridgeway Auto Salvage.

Meetings / Conferences:

• D.O.C.A.S. Gottwalt will be attending the Illinois Rural Water Association Spring Administrative Conference, May 18th & 19th, at the Four Points Sheraton in Fairview Heights, Illinois.

• D.O.C.A.S. Gottwalt will be attending the Illinois Municipal Treasurer’s Association – Annual Conference, June 25-27, at Holiday Inn Conference Center in Carbondale, Illinois.

Old Business items discussed:

• Update on Argillo Creek:

o Village Clerk Hopkins and Village Engineer Rains have both spoken with Bentley Tomlin, Project Engineer with Iowa Interstate Railroad about the easement clearing needed along the tracks where Argillo Creek is running North and the clearing of obstructions from the box culvert opening.

o Bentley Tomlin will work with Loren Rains, Village Engineer in the future to redo the culvert under the tracks.

o Clerk Hopkins, on April 13, 2017 emailed US Representative Cheri Bustos requesting help in funding the Argillo Creek Project.

• Jason T. Smith, PE, CFM Program Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, called Clerk Hopkins and followed up with an email on April 26, 2017. The most current letter request for assistance that the Corp of Engineers had on file for the Village of Carbon Cliff was dated 2011.

o D.O.C.A.S. Gottwalt has updated the letter and submitted to the Corp of Engineers requesting funds to help with Argillo Creek Project.

o Clerk Hopkins explained to Mr. Smith the problems with Argillo Creek overflowing during rains, that most all the Creek is owned by the residents on each side of the Creek, there is preliminary engineering done, study work, surveying, contacting of Iowa Interstate Railroad to help with clearing their easement, property and culvert.

o Mr. Smith stated he was proud of the Village for working toward the solution of this flood risk.

• Well #4 is back online, monthly bacteria test was absent of bacteria.

o Jack Kusek, McClure Engineering has updated Amy Zimmer at EPA.

o Maintenance are on a regular schedule of doing drawdowns to check the pumping capacity of all the wells. This information can be used for future studies and EPA inspections.

• Orchard Court Project complaints from residents about issues arising:

o Suck hole at 220 Orchard Court in front yard in line with culvert drainage, was part of the Orchard Court Project. Village Engineering Loren Rains inspected the area and found a suck hole that is currently three (3’) feet deep and continuing to pull or suck the dirt into the hole/void.

o Resident at 229 Orchard Court stated that her concrete driveway was cracked during the project. According to Google Earth and maps, the resident’s concrete driveway was already cracked and the old apron of the drive was gravel, with the project the driveway apron is now new concrete up to their concrete driveway. Clerk Hopkins will send a letter explaining to the Resident.

• Update severe weather siren on water tower: Racom has looked at the wiring and all the ground items, everything appears ok. Racom is now subcontracting to LMI to bring out a boom truck and inspect the actual siren on the water tower.

• Update on Aaron & Tina Dunn vs Village of Carbon Cliff – April 17, 2017 “Notice of filling w/cos filed by Counterclaim Plaintiff’s. Entry of Appearance filed by Counterclaim Plaintiff’s. Notice of filing w/cos filed by counterclaim plaintiff’s. The Village of Carbon Cliff’s First Amended answer to Plaintiff’s amended complaint and affirmative defenses; and counterclaims filed by all counterclaim plaintiffs filed.” Retainer Agreements dated April 14, 2017 – Ryan Bobb for property at 16828 10th Avenue; Jeremy Gustaf for property at 16904 10th Avenue; and John and Lora James for property at 16908 10th Avenue.

• Update on Bible Holiness Church and payment for Sewer and Water Connection.

o Letter / invoice dated March 2, 2017 was sent for the Water Tap On/Connection Fee of $5,000.00 and Sewer Tap On/Connection Fee of $4,500.00 fees are set by Village Code and Ordinances.

o Church members have been fighting the cost of the connection fees, had their attorney send letter about how the fees were arrived at, had their attorney send an FOI request, etc.

o Village Clerk checked with the plumber and the water service line has already been connected to the water main.

o J.U.L.I.E. locate came in for locations to install the sewer service line connection for Bible Holiness Church, with a dig start date of April 28, 2017.

o Village Attorney Kathleen Field Orr’s office (Andrew D. Costa, Attorney) issued an email to Attorney Balk, representing Bible Holiness Church to cease and desist any action to connect the sewer main until all applicable fees have been paid and his client has fully complied with all applicable Village Codes. If his client continues and connects the sewer main in violation of Village Codes, the Village will have no option but to pursue all lawful options to enforce compliance with the Village Code.

New Business items discussed:

• Discussed the condition and cost to repair chainsaw. Maintenance Operator Dan Clark took a chainsaw that would not start and die when unit heats up and won’t restart until it cools down to Anchor Lumber for an estimate on repairs. The estimate is $533.14 – low compression, piston and cylinder scored. New Stihl Farm Boss Model #MS271 was quoted at $340.00 (which gives the Village credit for the $20.00 labor fee of diagnosing the old chain saw and 10% discount for municipality.) It was decided the new chainsaw should be purchased and is part of the Consent Agenda.

Motion 1: Motion by Neels to establish Consent Agenda, as follows:

5. Village President’s Agenda:

a. Adopt Ordinance No. 2017-10, “An Ordinance Authorizing The Disposal Of Personal Property Owned By The Village Of Carbon Cliff, Illinois.”

9. Minutes / Reports/ Public Notices:

b. April 2, 2017; Illinois Commerce Commission, MidAmerican Energy Company – Petition for Reconciliation of Revenues Collected under Rider TS. Docket #17-0138. Notice is hereby given by the Administrative Law Judge that a Prehearing Conference in the above entitled matter will be held at the offices of the Commission, Springfield, Illinois, Leland Building, 527 East Capital Avenue on May 9, 2017, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. – placed on view for Public Comment.

11. New Business:

b. Authorize the purchase of a Stihl Farm Boss Model Number MS 271 chain saw from Anchor Lumber Co. Inc. Silvis, IL for a total price of $340.00. 12. Bills / Payroll/ Transfers & Voided Checks:

a. Approve Bills / Payroll / Transfers / Voided Checks:

Second by Curry. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Curry-yes; Dreher-yes; Neels-yes; Scott-yes 4-yes, 0-no, 2-absent

Motion 2: Motion by Scott to approve the Consent Agenda as established:

5. a. Village President’s Agenda

9. b. Minutes / Report / Public Notices

11. b. New Business

12. a. Bills / Payroll / Transfers & Voided Checks

Second by Dreher. Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Curry-yes; Dreher-yes; Neels-yes; Scott-yes

4-yes, 0-no, 2-absent

Motion 3: Motion by Curry to adjourn. Second by Neels.

Motion carried by the following roll call vote:

Curry-yes; Dreher-yes; Neels-yes; Scott-yes

4-yes, 0-no, 2-absent

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
