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Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met June 13.

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Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met June 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees was called to order by Village President Tom Cauley in Memorial Hall of the Memorial Building on Tuesday, June 13, 2017 at 7:31 p.m., roll call was taken.

Present: President Tom Cauley and Trustees Christopher Elder, Michael Ripani, Luke Stifflear, Matt Posthuma and Neale Byrnes

Absent: Trustee Gerald J. Hughes

Also Present: Village Manager Kathleen A. Gargano, Assistant Village Manager/Finance Director Darrell Langlois, Assistant Village Manager/Director of Public Safety Brad Bloom, Police Chief Kevin Simpson, Fire Chief John Giannelli, Director of Community Development/Building Commissioner Robb McGinnis, Director of Public Services George Peluso, Village Engineer Dan Deeter, Village Planner Chan Yu, Superintendent of Parks & Recreation Heather Bereckis, Administration Manager Emily Wagner, Management Analyst Jean Bueche and Village Clerk Christine Bruton

Pledge of Allegiance:

President Cauley led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes:

There being no changes or corrections to the draft minutes, Trustee Elder moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 2017, as presented. Trustee Ripani seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

Citizens’ Petitions:

Item taken out of order - Class C – Personal Services, new requests for liquor license

1) Nourished Table & Home, 111 S. Vine

Ms. Megan Roche, representing Nourished Table and owner Kathleen Napleton, addressed the Board. She explained the business currently does not sell liquor, but that many customers have asked for wine service with their cooking class. She said they would likely not serve beer, but wine only. She described the number of classes they offer and that the safety of their patrons is paramount. Wine service would be limited to no more than three glasses per class, there would be no BYOB, and bottles of wine would not be sold. They have acquired the required insurance, and have completed Bassett training for staff. She reiterated the food is the focus of the business.

2) Elysian Nail Spa, 24 W. Chicago Avenue

Ms. Teana Tran, representing Elysian Nail Spa, addressed the Board and noted they anticipate opening late this summer. Their intent is to elevate the nail experience by offering wine and beer for sale by the glass. She explained that salon services provided last between 30 and 90 minutes. She said she comes from a franchise that serves alcohol, and all staff will be Bassett trained.

President Cauley noted the existing Class C licenses, and commented these new businesses are in line with those. The Board had no objections to either request. President Cauley said these items will be on the agenda in July. Village Clerk Christine Bruton explained that the approval required by the Board is housekeeping matter that will increase the number of Class C licenses allowed.

Appointments to Boards & Commissions:

President Cauley recommended the following individuals for appointment as noted:

Board of Fire & Police Commissioners

Ms. Margaret Arens re-appointed to a 3-year term as Chair through April 30, 2020

Ms. Donna Flynn re-appointed to a 3-year term through April 30, 2020

Ms. Mary Herrmann re-appointed to a 3-year term through April 30, 2020

Trustee Elder moved to approve the appointments to boards and commissions, as recommended by the Village President. Trustee Byrnes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

Village President’s Report

a) Committee Appointments

President Cauley announced his Committee appointments for the new Board as follows:

Administration & Community Affairs (ACA)

Jerry Hughes, Chair, members Chris Elder, Matt Posthuma and Michael Ripani

Environment & Public Services (EPS)

Neale Byrnes, Chair, members Michael Ripani, Luke Stifflear and Jerry Hughes

Zoning & Public Safety (ZPS)

Luke Stifflear, Chair, members Chris Elder, Neale Byrnes and Matt Posthuma

Tree Board

Luke Stifflear, Chair, members Chris Elder, Neale Byrnes and Matt Posthuma

b) Police Chief Appointment

President Cauley announced the hiring of Brian King as the new Chief of Police. He said the Village is sorry to lose Chief Kevin Simpson who is retiring after 28 years with the Hinsdale Police Department. President Cauley described the hiring process, stating both internal and external candidates were considered. Mr. King comes from the Village of Wilmette, where he had 30 years of experience, most recently eight years as their Chief. He has an excellent resume, and has received numerous awards and recognitions. President Cauley believes he will be a good fit in Hinsdale, and is excited to have him aboard.

Trustee Byrnes moved to approve the appointment of Brian King as Chief of Police. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

President Cauley reported the homicide of Andrea Urban has been solved, and thanked the Police Department for their diligent work. He gave special thanks to Detective Tom Kreft, Detective Kevin Lacey, and Deputy Chief Eric Bernholdt. He also noted the many hours put in by Officer Frank Homolka. He said Channel 9 reported the successful arrest in this case is due to ‘meticulous police work’. President Cauley thanked the Police Department for their work on this case.

Public Hearings:

a) Public Hearing concerning the intent of the Board to issue not to exceed $10,000,000 General Obligation Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source) for the purpose of paying the costs of certain public infrastructure projects in and for the Village

President Cauley opened the public hearing regarding the Village’s intent to sell bonds to fund infrastructure improvements. The bonds will be sold on July 11th; an ordinance on this matter is on the agenda for approval this evening. President Cauley asked for comments from the public. There being none, and no written comments had been received, he asked for a motion to close the hearing.

Trustee Elder moved to close the Public Hearing concerning the intent of the Board to issue not to exceed $10,000,000 General Obligation Bonds (Sales Tax Alternate Revenue Source) for the purpose of paying the costs of certain public infrastructure projects in and for the Village. Trustee Byrnes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

Mr. Adam Waldo, Chair of the Finance Commission, addressed the Board. He commented on the history of the Master Infrastructure Plan (MIP) and asked for Board approval for the Finance Commission to study the funding mechanisms for Village infrastructure improvements. He believes the accelerated program will have an economic cost. President Cauley said he is happy to send this to the Finance Commission for review; however, the residents of Hinsdale have been clear that they feel the road work is moving along too slowly. There is a short construction season, and this Board has agreed to pave as much as possible this year.

b) Public Hearing concerning the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2017- 18

President Cauley opened the public hearing and explained this item is a matter of law. The amount appropriated is mostly consistent with the original budget. Additionally, there is a contingency line item in each department budget to insure legal spending authority in the event of unforeseen situations or emergencies. He noted library appropriations are also included.

President Cauley asked for comments from the public. There being none, and no written comments had been received, he asked for a motion to close the hearing.

Trustee Elder moved to close the Public Hearing concerning the Annual Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2017-18. Trustee Ripani seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

First Readings - Introduction:

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)-

a) Annual Appropriations Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2017-18

President Cauley introduced the item and explained this relates to the public hearing held this evening. The Board had no additional questions or comments.

The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at their next meeting.

b) Amendment of an Application Service Agreement between the Village of Hinsdale and Aptean, Inc.

President Cauley introduced the item and explained that Aptean, Inc. provides software services for Village accounting and financial functions. The Village is moving away from this service, but must continue to use it until the Village has migrated to the new service provider. This amendment allows for two one-year contracts.

Discussion followed regarding early termination and the length of time required to run two parallel systems. Village Manager Gargano stated staff will review the contract and be mindful of termination and renewal provisions.

The Board agreed to move this to the consent agenda of their next meeting.

Environment & Public Services (Chair Byrnes)-

c) Approve a resolution approving and accepting a plat of subdivision to consolidate the properties commonly known as 540 Dalewood Lane in the Village of Hinsdale, County of Cook, Illinois

Trustee Byrnes introduced the item and explained the property owner owns two parcels, their home is on one of the lots, the other is vacant. They would like to add on to the existing residence, but have to consolidate the properties for sufficient square footage to meet zoning requirements. They will have a legal conforming lot as a result.

Director of Community Development Robb McGinnis added that there has been no neighbor objection. President Cauley asked him to talk to the contiguous neighbors by the next meeting.

The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at their next meeting.

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear)-

d) Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 6-12-3 of the Village Code of Hinsdale to allow for the installation of stop signs for north and southbound traffic on Garfield Street at Walnut

Trustee Stifflear introduced the item which is a request for a four-way stop sign at Garfield Street and Walnut. This intersection is currently controlled by a two-way stop sign. The intersection has been identified by a material increase in crashes; there have been 15 crashes in the past five years; and a 50% increase in the last twelve months. Discussion followed regarding possible causes for the increase in accidents. Police Chief Kevin Simpson added this is a safety issue, and the intersection meets the requirements of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). He recommended a healthy balance between efficient movement of traffic and safety issues. The sign installation will include flashing beacons for 90 days to draw attention to the new sign.

The Board agreed to move this item to the consent agenda of their next meeting.

Ms. Gargano confirmed the Board’s permission to begin installation before the next meeting because of the safety issues.

The Board agreed to move this to the consent agenda of their next meeting.

e) Approve an Ordinance Amending Section 9-104 (“Off Street Parking”) of the Hinsdale Zoning Code as it Relates to Regulation of the Location of Secondary Access Drives to Commercial Properties

Trustee Stifflear introduced the item and provided background on the matter. In July 2016 the owners of 120 E. Ogden requested an access drive onto Fuller Road, which met with strong resistance from area residents. This ordinance will prohibit any such access drive in the future. The Plan Commission unanimously approved the item, but suggested clarification to the language of the ordinance with respect to single family dwellings.

The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at their next meeting.

f) Text Amendment to Section 5-105 to permit "Educational Services" as a Special Use in the B-2 and B-3 Districts

Trustee Stifflear introduced the item and explained that the only allowable education service in these districts is musical tutoring. This text amendment will capture other types of businesses; however, a public hearing will still be required to evaluate intensity of use. The Plan Commission unanimously recommended approval of this item.

The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at their next meeting.

g) Approve an Ordinance Approving Variations Relative to Construction of a New Commercial Building for Use as an Animal Hospital at 724 N. York Road, Hinsdale, Illinois – Anthony Kremer, D/B/A Hinsdale Animal Hospital – Case Number V-02-17

Trustee Stifflear introduced the item and reminded the Board of the process required for a new commercial building. The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) unanimously approved a recommendation for Village Board approval with respect to the applicants request for floor area ratio (FAR) relief from 40% to 35% and to waive the 10’ foot landscape buffer. The applicant will still require exterior appearance review. He noted that the footprint of the proposed building is smaller than the existing building, and had the previous owners not changed the zoning designation from O2 to B1 several years ago, the requested FAR would be compliant. He explained that eliminating the landscape buffer will allow for code compliant parking and two-way access to the lot.

Mr. Mike Mathys, architect on the project, addressed the Board regarding the issues discussed by the ZBA. Trustee Stifflear reminded the Board that they had directed the applicant to build a new building, and referenced the standards required for ZBA approval, and stated the unusual shape of the lot is the primary driver of this approval.

The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at their next meeting.

h) Approve an Ordinance Approving Variations Relative to Construction of a New Shared Parking Deck at Hinsdale Middle School at 100 S. Garfield Street, Hinsdale, Illinois – Community Consolidated School District #181/ Village of Hinsdale – Case Number V-03-17

For discussion purposes, Trustee Stifflear addressed this item and the following together. He explained the Village is a co-applicant with District 181 on these matters, and reminded the Board of the history and the process to date. The ZBA unanimously approved a recommendation to the Village Board to approve a request to increase FAR from 50% to 74% and a reduced landscape buffer from 10’ feet to 5’ feet. He noted that if the athletic field owned by school was not separated from the building by a street, the FAR variance would not be required.

With respect to the major adjustment to the site plan and exterior appearance plan for the parking deck, the Plan Commission reviewed these matters in May and recommended changes relating to landscaping, brickwork on the stairs, planter boxes, and relocation of ADA compliant parking spaces. Otherwise, they approved the item 6-0, with one abstention.

Mr. Brian Kronewitter, architect, and Mr. Paul Weise, civil engineer, addressed the Board regarding the variances recommended by the ZBA. It was reiterated that if the athletic field was contiguous property, the FAR relief would not be required. Mr. Weise explained the landscape buffer, planter boxes and plant material that would be used. They showed the Board revised renderings for the stairwell, and noted these changes increased the cost by approximately $25,000. The changes for handicapped parking to an area of easier access were confirmed.

Assistant Village Manager Brad Bloom confirmed that the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) will be solidified that will memorialize that the parking distribution has not changed, and that the school parking will be on the top level of the parking deck, and the Village on the bottom.

The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at their next meeting.

i) Approve an Ordinance Approving a Major Adjustment to a Site Plan and Exterior Appearance Plan to Add a Parking Deck for a New Middle School at 100 S. Garfield Street, Hinsdale, Illinois – Community Consolidated School District #181/ Village of Hinsdale

Discussion included in previous item.

The Board agreed to move this item forward for a second reading at their next meeting.

Consent Agenda:

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)-

a) Trustee Elder noted the revision to the warrant from Mr. Langlois and moved Approval and payment of the accounts payable for the period of May 17, 2017 through June 13, 2017, in the aggregate amount of $2,588,285.89 as set forth on the list provided by the Village Treasurer, of which a permanent copy is on file with the Village Clerk. Trustee Byrnes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

The following items were approved by omnibus vote:

b) Approve the Donation of a Memorial Bench and Tree to be installed at Melin Park (First Reading – May 16, 2017)

Environment & Public Services (Chair Byrnes)-

c) Adopt an Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wages for Public Works in the Village of Hinsdale, Cook and DuPage Counties, Illinois (First Reading – May 16, 2017)

d) To waive bids and award purchase of a replacement combination/backhoe to McCann utilizing Joint Purchasing Agreement pricing in an amount not to exceed $84,995***

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear)-

e) Approve a Resolution terminating the intergovernmental agreement between the Villages of Hinsdale, Clarendon Hills, Downers Grove, Westmont, and Willow Springs, the Tri State Fire Protection District, and DuPage Public Safety Communications (DUCOMM) for the Southeast DuPage County Communications and Radio Networks (First Reading – May 16, 2017)

f) Approve an Ordinance Authorizing the Sale by Auction or Disposal of Personal Property Owned by the Village of Hinsdale

g) Approve an Ordinance approving a Text Amendment to Title 7, Chapter 1, Article G, Section 5(D)(2) and (3) to process Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) consistently (First Reading – May 16, 2017)

Trustee Stifflear moved to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

Second Readings / Non-Consent Agenda – Adoption:

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)-

a) Waive the First Reading and Approve a Resolution Expressing the Intent of the Village to Reimburse Capital Expenditures from Proceeds of an Obligation

President Cauley introduced the item which relates to monies spent on infrastructure improvements to be reimbursed by the sale of bonds.

Trustee Elder moved to Waive the First Reading and Approve a Resolution Expressing the Intent of the Village to Reimburse Capital Expenditures from Proceeds of an Obligation. Trustee Ripani seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

b) Approve a Recreational License Agreement – Third Term Extension and Amendment with Hinsdale Paddle Tennis Association (HPTA) (First Reading – May 16, 2017)

President Cauley introduced the item stating this matter would have been on the Consent Agenda, but for changes in dates and contact information. Assistant Village Manager/Finance Director Darrell Langlois confirmed that the changes had been made as directed. Trustee Elder moved to Approve a Recreational License Agreement – Third Term Extension and Amendment with Hinsdale Paddle Tennis Association (HPTA). Trustee Stifflear seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

c) Approve an Ordinance Opting out of the Cook County Minimum Wage Ordinance

President Cauley introduced the item and explained that the Cook County Board of Commissioners passed tow ordinances affecting employers and employees throughout the County regarding paid sick leave and minimum hourly wages. The minimum wage item is a concern for the Village of Hinsdale, because it puts the local businesses in Cook County at a competitive disadvantage with those in DuPage County. The first reading is being waived because the Cook County ordinance goes into effect this month.

Trustee Elder moved to Approve an Ordinance Amending Title 3 of the Village Code of the Village of Hinsdale to Create a New Chapter Relative to Conflicts with Certain Home Rule County Ordinances (Cook County Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave Ordinances). Trustee Ripani seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

Environment & Public Services (Chair Byrnes)-

d) Approve a Resolution Authorizing Waiver of Construction Noise Hours Limitations Pursuant to Section 9-12-2 of the Village Code of the Village of Hinsdale – Central Business District Pavement Removal and Replacement

Trustee Byrnes introduced the item which is a request from ALamp for overnight removal of the asphalt pavements in the Central Business District (CBD) on July 5th, July 8th and July 10th, and also August 16th to August 19th. Director of Public Services George Peluso said neighbors will be notified of these hours following this meeting. Evening work will help to alleviate delays in commuter time and the shutting of downtown businesses. President Cauley noted most of this work is in non-residential areas and will not interrupt peoples sleep, but it will be monitored.

Trustee Elder moved to Approve a Resolution Authorizing Waiver of Construction Noise Hours Limitations Pursuant to Section 9-12-2 of the Village Code of the Village of Hinsdale – Central Business District Pavement Removal and Replacement. Trustee Posthuma seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

e) Waive the first reading and waive competitive bidding to award the contract for construction of the 2017 Resurfacing (Phase 2) Project to ALamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $5,504,275 (Discussion Item – May 2, 2017)

Trustee Byrnes introduced the item which relates to the accelerated road program, and noted this amount is slightly below the engineers estimate. President Cauley added the Village is confident this is a good price; it was noted that other bidders could not beat the price. Mr. Peluso noted that construction maps will on the Village website, and residents will be notified by mail and email.

Trustee Elder moved to Waive the first reading and waive competitive bidding to award the contract for construction of the 2017 Resurfacing (Phase 2) Project to ALamp Concrete Contractors, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $5,504,275. Trustee Ripani seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

f) Approve a Resolution approving the 2018 Reconstruction/Resurfacing (North) engineering design contract change order number 1 in the amount not to exceed $143,360 to GSG Consultants, Inc. (Discussion Item – May 2, 2017)

Trustee Byrnes explained that the contract was in place for the 2018 engineering work, but a change order is needed to accommodate the additional accelerated road work. The project has been divided into two projects containing both reconstruction and resurfacing operations grouped primarily by geography. The intent is to improve project management and lower contract costs. Trustee Elder moved to Approve a Resolution approving the 2018 Reconstruction/Resurfacing (North) engineering design contract change order number 1 in the amount not to exceed $143,360 to GSG Consultants, Inc. Trustee Ripani seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

g) Approve a Resolution approving the 2018 Reconstruction/Resurfacing (South) engineering design contract change order number 1 in the amount not to exceed $217,600 to GSG Consultants, Inc. (Discussion Item – May 2, 2017)

Trustee Byrnes explained this is the same as the item previously discussed, but the southern portion of the project.

Trustee Elder moved to Approve a Resolution approving the 2018 Reconstruction/Resurfacing (South) engineering design contract change order number 1 in the amount not to exceed $217,600 to GSG Consultants, Inc. Trustee Ripani seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

h) Approve an Addendum to the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the Village of Hinsdale and the Graue Mill Homeowners Association, Inc. for the Graue Mill Hazard Mitigation Project from $104,000 to $237,000 (Discussion Item – May 16, 2017)

Trustee Byrnes introduced the item explaining this is an additional $133,000 paid to Graue Mill for flood mitigation costs. The agreement has been executed by Graue Mill, with their promise they will not come back to the Village Board with a request for more funding assistance.

Trustee Elder moved to Approve an Addendum to the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the Village of Hinsdale and the Graue Mill Homeowners Association, Inc. for the Graue Mill Hazard Mitigation Project from $104,000 to $237,000. Trustee Ripani seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear)-

i) Approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that modifies the Intergovernmental Agreement with Community Consolidated School District #181 for Temporary parking conditions during Construction of the Hinsdale Middle School

Trustee Stifflear introduced the item which is a modification to the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with District 181 for temporary parking during construction of the new middle school. He explained that a shuttle service will be provided by the school, because although there will still be 129 spaces allocated to the Village, they are not contiguous. Ms. Gargano added there was a meeting this morning with the business community to review the plan, and although it is not ideal, there was no negative feedback. President Cauley is most concerned about the first two weeks and the possible effect on business in town. He pointed out that this Board wants to be good partners with District 181, but our constituency is different, and asked why the school can’t move the mobile classrooms more quickly. Mr. Kerry Leonard, representing District 181, described the nine week process, but added that every effort will be made to get it done as quickly as possible. It was noted that construction workers will park offsite and be shuttled, but the details are not yet finalized.

Trustee Stifflear wondered about allowing shoppers to park in residential areas; President Cauley added he is not convinced the shuttle will be effective. Discussion followed regarding the effectiveness of the shuttle. Trustee Byrnes suggested notice in the newspapers, the Village website and school media. Information could be in stores for patrons, as well.

Trustee Elder moved to Waive the First Reading and Approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that modifies the Intergovernmental Agreement with Community Consolidated School District #181 for Temporary parking conditions during Construction of the Hinsdale Middle School. Trustee Ripani seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

j) Approve an Agreement with Doherty & Associates to provide Owners Representative Services for project assistance for the construction of a parking deck at a cost not to exceed $21,900

Trustee Stifflear introduced the item which is the approval to hire an owners representative for assistance regarding the parking deck construction. Mr. Bloom described the request for qualifications (RFQ) process, and added that staff does not have the expertise to adequately oversee the project and represent the Village interests. Mr. John Doherty was interviewed and his references were contacted. He has a background in construction management. Mr. Doherty would not have authority to approve any material design or cost changes. He will put together the IGA, provide detailed design review, and review the bidding process. He will help insure the proper allocation of costs. Mr. Doherty’s fee is $150.00/ per hour not to exceed $21,000.

Ms. Gargano said the Board can treat this as a first read, but she would like Mr. Doherty to start to expedite the final IGA with the school, and put to rest any concerns about changes to the deck.

Trustee Elder moved to Waive the First Reading and Approve an Agreement with Doherty & Associates to provide Owners Representative Services for project assistance for the construction of a parking deck at a cost not to exceed $21,900. Trustee Ripani seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

Discussion Items:

a) Update on proposed I-294 Tollway expansion

President Cauley said he has no update at this time.

b) Construction update

Ms. Gargano stated she will provide the Board the power point presentation on this topic. She stated staff has established a Hinsdale outreach on the website that will be checked daily throughout the duration of the project. She described the extensive means by which the community will be informed and updated.

c) Class C – Personal Services, new requests for license

Item taken out of order during Citizens Requests

Department and Staff Reports:

a) Treasurer’s Report

b) Economic Development

c) Community Development

d) Parks & Recreation

The report(s) listed above were provided to the Board. There were no additional questions regarding the contents of the department and staff reports.

Ms. Gargano thanked Mr. Juan Marin from the Public Services department for the fine job he did setting the recognition plaque in a large stone boulder in the new Pocket Park.

Reports from Advisory Boards and Commissions:


Other Business:


New Business:


Citizens’ Petitions:


Trustee Comments:



There being no further business before the Board, President Cauley asked for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Elder moved to adjourn the regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees of June 13, 2017. Trustee Ripani seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Posthuma and Byrnes

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Hughes

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.




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