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Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met May 16.

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Village of Hinsdale Board of Trustees met May 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees was called to order by Village President Tom Cauley in Memorial Hall of the Memorial Building on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 7:32 p.m., roll call was taken.

Present: President Tom Cauley and Trustees Christopher Elder, Michael Ripani, Luke Stifflear, Gerald J. Hughes and Matt Posthuma

Absent: Trustee Neale Byrnes

Also Present: Village Manager Kathleen A. Gargano, Assistant Village Manager/Finance Director Darrell Langlois, Assistant Village Manager/Director of Public Safety Brad Bloom, Deputy Police Chief Eric Bernholdt, Assistant Fire Chief Tim McElroy, Director of Community Development/Building Commissioner Robb McGinnis, Director of Public Services George Peluso, Village Engineer Dan Deeter, Village Planner Chan Yu, Administration Manager Emily Wagner, Management Analyst Jean Bueche and Village Clerk Christine Bruton

Pledge of Allegiance:

President Cauley led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Minutes:

Trustee Hughes moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of May 2, 2017, as presented. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes and Posthuma

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Byrnes

Motion carried.

Citizens’ Petitions:


Appointments to Boards & Commissions:

President Cauley recommended the following individuals for appointment as noted:

Parks & Recreation-

Mr. Patrick Conboy re-appointed to a 3-year term through April 30, 2020

Ms. Heather Hester appointed to a 3-year term through April 30, 2020, to replace the expiring term of Ms. Susan Owens

Economic Development-

Mr. Michael Goebel re-appointed to a 3-year term through April 30, 2020

Mr. Christopher Schramko re-appointed to a 2-year term through April 30, 2019

Ms. Michael Kiyosaki appointed to a 3-year term through April 30, 2020, to fill a commission vacancy

Plan Commission-

Mr. Troy Unell re-appointed to a 3-year term through April 30, 2020

Ms. Gerald Jablonski appointed to a 3-year term through April 30, 2020, to replace the expiring term of Ms. Laurene McMahon

Trustee Elder moved to approve the appointments to boards and commissions, as recommended by the Village President. Trustee Hughes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes and Posthuma

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Byrnes

Motion carried.

Village President’s Report:

President Cauley spoke regarding the May 4th murder of long-time Hinsdale resident Ms. Andrea Urban. He assured residents that solving the murder and bringing the perpetrator to justice is the Hinsdale Police Departments top priority. He noted the other agencies that are helping with the investigation, and added that because it is an ongoing investigation, little information can be shared with the community.

First Readings – Introduction:

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)-

a) Approve the Donation of a Memorial Bench and Tree to be installed at Melin Park

Trustee Hughes introduced the item and mentioned the policy that was approved about a year ago to address these types of donations. The Parks & Recreation Commission has reviewed this particular request, and unanimously approved the donation. Village Manager Kathleen A. Gargano asked the Board for permission to have Interim Manager of Parks & Recreation Heather Bereckis proceed with the planting prior to final approval. There Board had no objection to this request. The Board agreed to move this item to the Consent Agenda of their next meeting.

b) Approve an Ordinance Amending Title 3 (“Business and License Regulations’) Chapter 3 (“Liquor Control”), Section 3-3-30 (“Signs and Advertisements”) of the Village Code of Hinsdale

Trustee Hughes explained that this item is intended to provide clarification regarding objects used for signage; he asked that this item be removed from consideration at this time, as there is no haste to approve. He recommended staff review the ordinances of other Villages for some model language, and that this Board take the matter up in the future with more information. The Board agreed.

c) Approve a Recreational License Agreement – Third Term Extension with Hinsdale Paddle Tennis Association (HPTA)

Trustee Hughes introduced the item stating since this is the third term extension, and is fairly routine, but the term will only be for six months. He also recommended that a couple of items in the document be corrected. By way of background, Trustee Hughes explained the original agreement did not address the current or developing needs of the paddle tennis program. When the Village entered into the agreement with HPTA ten years ago, we didn’t know what it took to run a successful paddle program. There are many more courts, more competition, membership struggles, and concerns regarding the fee structure. The Village wants to clarify what is the right offer to the community. There have been positive discussions with HPTA for clarity around upgrades and fees, and progress is being made. For these reasons, this is a six month extension. Staff will correct the current president notification information and actual dates of year round play included in the document.

Trustee Stifflear is concerned about the composition of the group, in terms of resident vs. non-residents. Trustee Hughes indicated the need for a rate differential for residents. The Board recommended Village representation on the HPTA Board.

The Board agreed to move this item forward for a Second Reading at their next meeting.

Environment & Public Services (Chair Byrnes)-

d) Adopt an Ordinance Establishing Prevailing Wages for Public Works in the Village of Hinsdale, Cook and DuPage Counties, Illinois

President Cauley introduced the item and explained that State law compels the Village to adopt this ordinance. He believes it costs residents extra money and is a bad idea, but it still must be passed.

The Board agreed to move this item forward to the Consent Agenda of their next meeting.

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear)-

e) Approve a Resolution terminating the intergovernmental agreement between the Villages of Hinsdale, Clarendon Hills, Downers Grove, Westmont, and Willow Springs, the Tri State Fire Protection District, and DuPage Public Safety Communications (DUCOMM) for the Southeast DuPage County Communications and Radio Networks

Trustee Stifflear introduced the item which pertains to the termination of a 2013 agreement for the sharing of a public safety network. All the participating fire departments have consolidated or moved their dispatch centers with DuComm or the Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC). Each fire chief has determined it is in their departments’ best interest to terminate the 2013 agreement, and transfer joint ownership rights and maintenance responsibilities. Currently, each member pays $3,000 annually for maintenance, which would no longer be necessary.

Assistant Chief Tim McElroy, explained the assets in place will be divided between dispatch centers; and the property of the Village of Hinsdale will remain as such. The Board agreed to move this item forward to the Consent Agenda of their next meeting.

f) Approve an Ordinance approving a Text Amendment to Title 7, Chapter 1, Article G, Section 5(D)(2) and (3) to process Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) consistently

Trustee Stifflear introduced this item which was a discussion at the last meeting of the Village Board, which pertains to the process by which wireless telecommunication carries apply for permits to install antenna systems in districts that are not residential or design review overlay districts. This ordinance will require all DAS antennas, regardless of district, will go before the Board for approval. Trustee Stifflear said he will ask staff to make improvements to this regulation with respect to aesthetics, but that is a longer term project. The Board agreed to move this item forward to the Consent Agenda of their next meeting.

Consent Agenda:

Accounts Payable

a) Trustee Elder moved Approval and payment of the accounts payable for the period of May 3, 2017 through May 16, 2017, in the aggregate amount of $1,408,588.17 as set forth on the list provided by the Village Treasurer, of which a permanent copy is on file with the Village Clerk. Trustee Hughes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes and Posthuma

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Byrnes

Motion carried.

The following items were approved by omnibus vote:

Administration & Community Affairs (Chair Hughes)-

b) Approval of Blanket Purchase Orders for FY2017-18 (First Reading – May 2, 2017)

Environment & Public Services (Chair Byrnes)-

c) Approve a Resolution approving the 2017 Resurfacing Construction Observation Contract Change Order Number 1 in an Amount not to exceed $252,167 to HR Green, Inc. (First Reading – May 2, 2017)

Trustee Hughes moved to approve the consent agenda, as presented. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes and Posthuma

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Byrnes

Motion carried.

Second Readings / Non-Consent Agenda – Adoption:

Environment & Public Services (Chair Byrnes)-

a) Award a Contract for Engineering Review Services to James J. Benes and Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $40,000 (First Reading – May 2, 2017)

Trustee Elder moved to Award a Contract for Engineering Review Services to James J. Benes and Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $40,000. Trustee Hughes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Stifflear, Hughes and Posthuma

Nays: Trustee Ripani

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Byrnes

Motion carried.

Zoning & Public Safety (Chair Stifflear)-

b) Approve a Referral to Plan Commission for Review and Consideration of a Major Adjustment to Exterior Appearance and Site Plan for a Hinsdale Middle School Parking Deck at 100 S. Garfield Avenue (First Reading – May 2, 2017)

Trustee Stifflear introduced the item stating the Village is a co-applicant for a new 319 space parking deck at the northeast corner of the middle school property. Four weeks ago the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) approved four variation requests and recommended two for Village Board approval. The recommendations, for an increase in floor area ratio (FAR) and landscape buffer relief, will come to the Board on June 13th. He added that if the major adjustment was in substantial conformance with the original site plan, the Board could approve tonight, however, given the materiality and scope of work, the code dictates the Board refer the matter to Plan Commission for their review. Previous concerns of the Board were the stairwell and handicap parking. Trustee Posthuma commented that with respect to his concerns regarding the parking, he has spoken with Mr. Bloom about a safer exit. Ms. Gargano added the Plan Commission discussed different color on the stairwell to mitigate the imposing look of it, and the illustration on paper could be making it look worse. There was also discussion about more open and light landscape trees, and possibly seasonal planters for ivy.

Trustee Elder moved to Approve a Referral to Plan Commission for Review and Consideration of a Major Adjustment to Exterior Appearance and Site Plan for a Hinsdale Middle School Parking Deck at 100 S. Garfield Avenue. Trustee Posthuma seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes and Posthuma

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Byrnes

Motion carried.

c) Approve a Temporary Use Permit for Office Trailers at RML Specialty Hospital, 5601 S. County Line Road (First Reading – May 2, 2017)

Trustee Stifflear introduced the item which is a request for temporary office space at RML Specialty Hospital. The property is located in the R2 single family residential district and is a legal nonconforming use. The dates specified in the application have been changed to September 2017 to December 31, 2018.

Trustee Elder moved to approve a temporary use permit for 3 double-wide trailers for office use at 5601 S. County Line Road from September 1, 2017, to December 31, 2018, subject to conditions to be set forth by the Building Commissioner. Trustee Hughes seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes and Posthuma

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Byrnes

Motion carried.

Discussion Items:

a) Update on proposed I-294 Tollway expansion

President Cauley said the Village continues to meet with professionals to move forward.

b) Request for Funding from the Graue Mill Homeowners Association (HOA)

President Cauley began discussion stating the project was budgeted at $3.4 million, but it is currently $1.1 million over budget. This was set up to be paid for by Federal, State and County money, with assistance from the Village of Hinsdale. In 2015, the homeowners asked for $104,000 from the Village, and agreed that if there was a financial shortfall, the Homeowners Association would be responsible for the remainder. Due to the large cost overrun, the Graue Mill HOA will pick up $350,000 of the cost, but have come back to the Village asking for an additional $158,000. President Cauley commented that if the Trustees are of the view to agree to the additional money, under no circumstances would any more monies be given. Mr. John Donaker, representing the HOA, assured the Board they will not come back for more money. The original budgeted figure was based on Christopher Burke Engineering, Ltd. cost prices from 2013, but the project didn’t start till 2015. President Cauley understands that the last phase estimates are solid prices. Mr. Donaker said bids will be in before the end of the month; there is another year of work to do. Discussion followed regarding the impact of the State budget impasse, and which parts of the project are completed or close to completion. It was noted that if budgeted numbers are less than anticipated, the savings will be realized by the Village and reduce the $158,000 contribution. It was also confirmed that the residents of Graue Mill have been completely informed of their additional financial commitment to this project. Mr. Donaker confirmed the homeowners association will borrow their $350,000 share, or have a special assessment. Ms. Gargano added the bids will be opened by the end of May, and the results will be available by the June 13th meeting. President Cauley wished Mr. Donaker good luck, and that he hopes the bids come in lower.

c) District 181 Construction Schedule Update

Dr. Don White, Superintendent of District 181, addressed the Board stating we are in the middle of a litigation impact schedule. Mr. Kerry Leonard from D181, explained the delays in the project, outlining the original schedule, and alternates, and noting which schedule used will depend on when authorization to begin is given. At this point, if something happens in the next couple of weeks, they will be back to the Board, but will continue looking at options. The Board was provided a schematic of short, mid and long-term delays that indicates the start of construction and the school opening. President Cauley suggested further discussion be deferred until something happens. Dr. White added the motion to reconsider was denied, and a notice of appeal may be filed only until June 1st. Ms. Gargano said staff wanted the Board to be apprised of the situation, and staff would not want any change to the Intergovernmental Agreement without deliberation of the Board.

Department and Staff Reports:

a) Public Services

b) Engineering

c) Fire

d) Police

The report(s) listed above were provided to the Board.

Trustee Hughes commented on two things in the Police Department report. With respect to weight restrictions on brick streets, Mr. Bloom clarified that changes were made by ordinance two months ago, which eliminated the actual weighing of trucks; weight enforcement is done by license plate types. Trustee Hughes also reported that he observed an officer ticketing construction traffic near Oak School during peak pick-up times. Congestion has improved since then, and he added that was a great, simple solution.

There were no additional questions regarding the contents of the department and staff reports.

Reports from Advisory Boards and Commissions:

No reports.

Other Business:


New Business:


Citizens’ Petitions:


Trustee Comments:



There being no further business before the Board, President Cauley asked for a motion to adjourn. Trustee Hughes moved to adjourn the regularly scheduled meeting of the Hinsdale Village Board of Trustees of May 16, 2017. Trustee Elder seconded the motion.

Ayes: Trustees Elder, Ripani, Stifflear, Hughes and Posthuma

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Trustee Byrnes

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.




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