City of Colona Council Public Safety Committee met June 19.
Here is the agenda provided by the Committee:
Roll Call
Present: Chief Bogart, Alderman Holman, Alderman Shady-Dahl, Alderman Tapscott. Also Present Laura LaMantia.
May stats were distributed:
472 Calls for service
Revenue Collected:
$575.00 City Ordinance fines
$405.00 Pet Tags/Animal Pick up Fees
$25.00 Misc. Fees
Old Business
Chief advised that Henry County has dropped the dispatch fee issue for the time being. Chief advised the county is exploring other options at this time.
New Business
Chief updated the committee on the coyote issue. Chief advised that Sgt. Swemline had spoken to the DNR biologist. The biologist advised if there continued to be a problem to contact him and he could look further into this. Chief advised since the last call on June 8th there have been no more reports.
Chief advised she would like to hire a part time animal shelter manager and that the cost for this has remained in the budget since the last manager left. The shelter manager would be responsible for keeping the shelter clean, checking on the shelter and feeding animals on the weekends and covering the CSO’s vacation time. The CSO has been responsible for weekend care until an alternative was found and she has stated that she does not want to continue caring for the shelter on her days off. The Chief advised The Mayor had suggested an hourly rate of $9.00 with 2 hours paid on weekends even if there are no animals present. After discussion it was suggested that we would likely draw more applicants if it was a salaried position, and we would be less likely to waste advertising. It was suggested that the wage be half the budgeted salary which would be $3200.00 per year, or $133.00 per pay period. Chief will work on the advertisement to post in the paper.
Chief advised she checked on the status of the administrative tow policy with the city attorney and was advised that finding an attorney to conduct the hearings is the hold up. The city attorney made some suggestions to check on.
Alderman Shady-Dahl made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Tapscott.
Meeting adjourned 4:45pm