
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Cambridge Committee of the Whole met September 9.

Village of Cambridge Committee of the Whole met September 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:

Call to Order: 9.00 am Meeting Adjourned 10:05am

а) Attendance Present

President Margie Martin X Absent & Excused

Member Dick Burns Χ Present

Member Jason Beam Χ Absent & Excused

Member Amanda Johnson Χ Present

Member Jason Gustafson Χ Present

Member Logan Hamilton Χ Present

Member Mike Wignall Χ Absent & Excused

Admin Dwaine Van Meenen Χ Present

Admin Assist Virginia Reed Χ Present

Village Clerk Paula Pool Χ Absent & Excused

Village Bill Cleaver Χ Absent & Excused

Attorney Audience Jay Snodgrass All Present

Rick Dobbels

Corey Hixson

Harold Cooper

I. Public Safety

a) ESDA Report:

Jay says there has not been much going on with the weather but ESDA has been asked to help with 5k run on September 16th for the Alpha run. ESDA will be attending a Search and rescue training course on 23rd at the Timber Campgrounds

b) Review Police Report for August 2017

Corey says that we are still having a lot of problem with people breaking into cars, homes businesses etc. He says that has not changed and call volume is still the same. Dick asks how many break-ins? Corey 10 to 15 and we are not getting all of them county is handling some.

c) Review 2017 Henry County Fair with Henry County Fair President

Rick Dobbels says that he thought everything went very well. Dick says it looks like there was misuse of an Identification Card on demo night. Corey it was the same girl as the year before. Dwaine says that there were three tickets for beer consumption. Corey say that there was one girl who had an armband in the beer garden she was 16 but she was the Designated Driver and had not been drinking. She was kicked out no major issues. Corey says that the fair staff did what they were supposed to while checking Identifications. Corey says that on Saturday night there was only one person serving alcohol and watching the gate and that is too much for one person to do. Corey says there was one fight in the demo area we broke it up and got them out. The biggest thing is staffing at the beer garden, but every year it improves. Dick asks if they were checking for alcohol going into the pits? Corey says in the past we have checked this year we really did not do anything like that. Rick says that we did not check cars but it is in the rules for the demo drivers and they are pretty good about following the rules. Corey says that the fair just needs more staffnext year. Rick says that they will work on getting additional staffnext year. Jason Gustafson asks how did the fair go overall? Rick says we may not do a concert next year to much is spent on the entertainment and they only made about half this year than we did before.

d) Review Request for 4 Way Stop Sign at Intersection of Ridge and Railroad Streets

Amanda asks Corey what his opinion is on that? Amanda says she really does not think there is a good place for a sign. Corey says it is so narrow through there and there is not a feasible place to put up a sign. Dwaine says we could put a sign up saying slow down children playing. Jason Gustafson says maybe we should do a speed study. Corey says he has not caught anyone speeding there. Dwaine says we would have to do a speed study in order to put up a stop sign. Amanda says maybe we should put a couple children playing signs there. Amanda asks where is the nearest speed limit sign? Corey says that he does not think there is one. Amanda says let's just order a couple children at play signs and see if that helps.

II Parks

a) Review current status on College Square Park Pavilion Project:

Dwaine says that we are moving this to Monday night because we are waiting for prints from CSI. Dwaine says that the donation letter will go out next week. Dwaine talks about the homeless night in the park that the school has. This is something they do every year.

III Buildings and Facilities

a) Review Surveillance camera needs for Village property:

Dwaine says that we have had issues with vandalism here at the office. Logan has had this company do surveillance for him in his home. They came to the office and we looked everything over Dwaine says. Dwaine goes over map of where the cameras would be Amanda asks how long does it record? 24/7 div says. They are anti vandalism so they cannot be broken. Amanda says that this is a lot of money and would rather have the cameras up at the park also. Logan says that this particular company's service is wonderful. Amanda maybe we should get some new quotes from other companies as well and cut down the number of cameras. There are a lot of cameras on this map for just the office Amanda states. Dwaine says that he will contact some other companies and get more quotes and ideas.

IV. Refuse

a) No Items for Discussion.

V. Cemetery

a) No Items for Discussion
