
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Geneseo Council met September 12.

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City of Geneseo Council met September 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

The City Council of the City of Geneseo met in a City Council meeting on Tuesday September 12, 2017 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Kathy Carroll-Duda called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Aldermen Jason Robinson, Kent Anderson, Bob Wachtel, Martin Rothschild, Paula Simosky, Sue Garlick and Brenda Johnson were present. James Roodhouse was absent. Others in attendance included, Administrator Lisa Kotter, City Clerk Loree K Phlypo, City Attorney Derke Price, Director of Electrical Operations Lewis Opsal, IT Manager Garrett Griswold, HR Generalist Brandon Maeglin, Inspector Rick Mills, Chief Piotrowski, Terry Boyer from Donahue Engineering, Andy Thurman form Park District, Mike Duda, Stan Redell Two Brothers and Matt Pivot from Republic Services.

There was a quorum.

City Engineering Report:

Morgan Mays from Missman reported that the First Street project is complete. The majority of the Water Main Extension is complete and the Route 82 Turn Lane is progressing with asphalt work next week. Work is progressing with the Well 31 well house.

Chamber of Commerce Report:

Rhonda from the Chamber reported Trains, Planes and Automobiles Fly In was the largest they have ever had with 68 planes. They had 4 canal cruises with 70 people and there were 365 registered cars on display with 25 club cars. There were over 2100 people with the majority from other areas. Great cooperation from the City and everyone else involved. The next event is the State Street Market and this year there will be over 40 vendors. So far, this year they have over 40 entries in the parade for Christmas.

Employee Service Recognition:

Public Works – Tom Wurslin 10 years

Police Department – Jamison Weisser 15 years

Electric Department – Rick Preston 15 years

Electric Department – Sherry Mugrage 30 years

Public Works – Brian Ludwig 30 years

Mayor Carroll-Duda read a brief history on each employee’s service time and thanked them for their service.

James Roodhouse arrived at 6:15 pm.

Retirement – Tony Tracy is retiring with 19 years of service with the Police Department as a Telecommunicator.

Public Comment:


Consent Agenda:

a. City Council Minutes 08/08/17

b. Committee of the Whole Minutes 08/26/17

c. Special City Council Minutes 08/26/17

d. Special City Council Minutes 08/28/17


CC 8/8/17 Add Mayor to design firm interviews, change “too” to “to”, Park Design and 3D work is $18,000, should read “commit to this project”

R-17-10 plan should be plant

COW 8/22/17 It Intern Presentation “mad” should be “made”

Motion by Johnson, second by Robinson to approve Consent Agenda with changes noted.

Voice Vote. All Ayes.

Motion Carried.

Consideration to approve the request recommended by the Plan Commission from the Park District for a Multiple Message Sign

Administrator Kotter reported that a letter was sent to all residents within the immediate area of the sign. Andy Thurman reported that the sign will only be on the hours that the Park District is open and off from 11:00 pm to 5:00 am. A picture of the corrected signage has been handed out. Building lights will be left on due to employees leaving late and arriving early.

Motion by Rothschild, second by Wachtel to grant permission to the Geneseo Park District to install a multiple message sign at the Community Center, 541 East North Street.

Voice Vote. All Ayes

Motion Carried

Consideration to approve the land sale of 206 N. Stewart Street to Two Brothers in the amount of $95,800 and adopt Ordinance O-17-23 An Ordinance Amending the Zoning for 206 N. Stewart Street to B4 and Amending the Official Zoning Map.

Administrator Kotter reported that this property was declared surplus and the City received 2 bids with Two Brothers being the higher bid at $95,800. The Plan Commission held a Public Hearing and it was unanimously recommended to the City Council for approval. As City owned property it was tax exempt, but being privately owned it would become subject to taxes. Stan Redell owner of Two Brothers was in attendance to answer any questions that may arise.

No Discussion

Motion by Johnson, second by Garlick to approve the sale of the property at 206 North Stewart Street to Two Brothers Tree Service Inc in the amount of $95,800 and to adopt Ordinance O-17-23 An Ordinance Amending the Zoning for 206 North Stewart Street to B4 and Amending the Official Zoning Map.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: 8 Simosky,Roodhouse,Rothschild,Robinson,Wachtel,Garlick,Johnson,Anderson

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0

Motion Carried

Consideration to accept the Wastewater Capital Projects Donahue Report and hiring for UV Disinfection Project – Donahue Engineering Presentation

Terry Boyer from Donahue Engineering presented an outline on the current Wastewater Treatment Plant and what the report covers and what sections are most susceptible to needing replacement. This was to get approval for the UV Disinfection Project which is mandated by the EPA and the City has 36 months to complete it. The Dewatering Project engineering could be completed at the same time so that it would be shovel ready and the City would have an idea on the cost so that budgeting can be started. The Dewatering has become a priority due to limited places to spread our sludge, currently storing at capacity and the sludge truck is old and in bad repair. The choices are to continue with the current system with the cost of a new truck at $75,000 and finding a farmer to take the sludge or transition over to the Dewatering System which creates a cube after the water is taken out that is safe to throw in a dumpster and take to a land fill.

Motion by Rothschild, second by Anderson to approve the hiring of Donahue to complete the UV Disinfection engineering project based on an order from the Illinois EPA in the amount of $89,800 and to complete the Dewatering equipment and process engineering work in the amount of $54,900.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: 8 Simosky,Roodhouse,Rothschild,Robinson,Wachtel,Garlick,Johnson,Anderson

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0

Motion Carried

Consideration to approve a contract extension and prices from Republic Services for Solid Waste and Recycling Contract for 2018-2022

Administrator Kotter reported that our Republic Garbage Contract is expiring at the end of the year. We are the only community that allows unlimited yard waste. It is estimated that only 30% of the residents use the yard waste and the heaviest part of that is grass clippings. Pricing options include garbage and yard waste priced separate, residents would then have a choice to subscribe to yard waste on an annual basis or use the Kraft bags or not have the yard waste pick up at all.

Motion by Simosky, second by Wachtel to extend the solid waste, recycling and yard waste contract with Republic Services for 5 years and with the selection of the option to an annual subscription for yard waste and to direct the City Administrator to complete all necessary paperwork and to negotiate a lower monthly rate.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: 8 Simosky,Roodhouse,Rothschild,Robinson,Wachtel,Garlick,Johnson,Anderson

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 0

Motion Carried

James Roodhouse left the meeting at 8:25pm.

Consideration to approve the City Vision, Mission and Critical Success Factors.

Mike Duda facilitated a workshop for Elected Officials and Staff to put together a City Vision, Mission and Critical Success Factors. Mike presented slides representing the information gathered from Elected Officials and staff and what the next steps are for staff members.

Motion by Rothschild, second by Robinson to approve the 2017 City Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Critical Success Factors as presented.

Voice Vote. All Ayes.

Motion Carried

Consideration to adopt Ordinance O-17-24 An Ordinance Approving a Preliminary Plat of Condominiums and variances for Construction Group LTD.

Administrator Kotter reported that this is to approve the Plat as the development agreement is not ready.

Motion by Wachtel, second by Garlick to adopt Ordinance O-17-24 An Ordinance Approving the Preliminary Plat of Condominiums and Variances, including continuing the application process for water and sewer installation with the I-EPA and to direct staff to negotiate the final terms of the development agreement which shall be brought back to the Council for the Construction Group LTD property on Ease 1600 Street.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: 7 Simosky,Rothschild,Robinson,Wachtel,Garlick,Johnson,Anderson

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 1 Roodhouse

Motion Carried

Consideration to approve a full time Henry County Economic Development Director and Intergovernmental Agreement

Administrator Kotter reported that there are 8 communities involved with a 3-year commitment at $1 per capita. City Administrator to approve all final language.

Motion by Simosky, second by Wachtel to approve entering into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Henry County to provide three years of funding for the County Economic Development position and to authorize the City Administrator to approve all final language in the Agreement.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: 7 Simosky,Rothschild,Robinson,Wachtel,Garlick,Johnson,Anderson

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 1 Roodhouse

Motion Carried

Consideration to adopt Ordinance O-17-22 An Ordinance Restricting Parking around School Facilities

City Administrator reported that specific times when parking isn’t allowed were added to the Ordinance. The Police Department feels that it should be a smooth transition with some spaces already have prohibited parking.

Motion by Rothschild, second by Robinson to adopt Ordinance O-17-22 An Ordinance Restricting Parking around School Facilities.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: 7 Simosky,Rothschild,Robinson,Wachtel,Garlick,Johnson,Anderson

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 1 Roodhouse

Motion Carried

Consideration to approve Resolution R-17-12 A Resolution Regarding the Intergovernmental Cooperation Contract with Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association

City Administrator reported that most of the City’s insurance is through IMLRMA and they require this document to be on file with them.

Motion by Garlick, second by Rothschild to approve Resolution R-17-12 A Resolution Regarding the Intergovernmental Cooperation Contract with Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association for the 2018 Insurance Renewal.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: 7 Simosky,Rothschild,Robinson,Wachtel,Garlick,Johnson,Anderson

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 1 Roodhouse

Motion Carried

Payment of City and Utility Bills

Additional Bills were handed out.

Motion by Wachtel, second by Simosky to approve the bills as presented.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: 7 Simosky,Rothschild,Robinson,Wachtel,Garlick,Johnson,Anderson

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 1 Roodhouse

Motion Carried

Public Comment


Executive Session

RE: Review of Executive Session Minutes

Motion by Robinson, second by Johnson to enter into executive session under 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) Discussion of Minutes of meeting lawfully closed under this act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by section 2.06 at 9:09 pm.

Return to Open Meeting

Motion by Wachtel, second by Robinson to enter open session at 9:12pm.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: 7 Simosky,Rothschild,Robinson,Wachtel,Garlick,Johnson,Anderson

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 1 Roodhouse

Motion Carried

Actions After Executive Session

Consideration to approve Resolution R-17-11 A Resolution Regarding the Release of Executive Session Minutes.

Motion by Wachtel, second by Johnson to approve R-17-11 A resolution Regarding the Release of Executive Session Minutes with corrected list.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes: 7 Simosky,Rothschild,Robinson,Wachtel,Garlick,Johnson,Anderson

Nays: 0

Abstain: 0

Absent: 1 Roodhouse

Motion Carried

Motion by Wachtel, second by Rothschild to adjourn the meeting at 9:18 pm.

Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent.

Motion Carried.
