
Rock Island Today

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Geneseo Plan Commission met August 21.

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City of Geneseo Plan Commission met August 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:

Call to order /roll call/Quorum check:

Meeting called to order by Co-Chair Larry Meyer at 6:00 p.m. Members answering roll call: B.Barnhart, and Smith. Kennett was absent. Also in attendance was City Administrator Kotter, Building Inspector Mills, Park District Rep Paula Verbeck, Channel Seed Reps James Melton and Joe Woulf.

Pledge of allegiance

Public Comment- Audience requests are limited to 3 minutes per subject. If additional time would be needed, please contact City Hall to be placed on the Agenda prior to the meeting.


Consent Agenda:

1) Approval of agenda

2) Approval of Minutes from 5/22/17

Motion by Smith, second by B. Barnhart to approve both items on the consent agenda.

Voice Vote. 3 Ayes. 2 Absent.

Motion Carried.

Motion by B. Barnhart, second by Smith to open the Public Hearing at 6:01 PM to discuss the following case:

1. Case #17-008 a request for a Development Permit in the Highway Corridor Overlay District.

Voice Vote. 3 Ayes 0 Nays. 2 Absent.

Motion Carried.

1.Case #17-008 Requestor reported that this permit will allow Channel Seed to have a location in Geneseo to serve its customers. It is currently located in Rock Falls Sterling area. They purchased half of the Alexander Lumber lot and will erect an 80x120 feet building and will enter through the South side of Alexander Lumber lot. An LED sign will be facing East and will comply with all the requirements of the City sign ordinance as well as all building regulations and will have an asphalt dust free driveway.

Motion by B. Barnhart, second by Smith to close the Public Hearing at 6:06 PM.

Voice Vote. 3 Ayes. 2 Absent.

Motion Carried.

New Business –

Consideration to recommend to City Council the approval of Case #17-008 – A request for a Development Permit in the Highway Corridor Overlay District.

Motion by Smith, second by B. Barnhart to recommend to City Council the approval of Case

#17-008 Channel Seed Company request for a Development Permit in the Highway Corridor

Overlay District.

Voice Vote. 3 Ayes. 2 Absent.

Motion Carried.

Consideration to recommend to City Council the approval of Case #17-009 – A request by the Geneseo Park District to install a digital sign.

All digital signs must come before the Plan Commission. Paula Verbeck from the Park District reported that the actual LED part will be 28’ which is under the limit of 30’. It will be on the parking lot light timer and be dark sky compliant. Inspector Mills reported that most have an auto-dimmer.

Motion by B. Barnhart, second by Smith to recommend to City Council to approve Case #17- 009 a request by the Genesoe Park District to install a digital sign.

Voice Vote. 3 Ayes. 0 Nays. 2 Absent.

Motion Carried.

Old Business –


Board Education and Discussion -


General Comments -



Motion by Smith, second by B. Barnhart to adjourn the meeting at 6:12 p.m.

3Ayes. 0 Nays. 2 Absent.

Motion Carried
